01-03-2008, 12:35 AM
Rioht Wrote:Im pretty sure if u jus go ahead and read the signs. like (There are many exits dont page a gm.) and (ghost's can do things humans cant (aka walk through the wall to the gate out.....) hope that helps ya. otherwise theres always the trusty my character is stuck option. 2 minutes and ur in a town, and can recall back grab ur shit.
oh i know.. ive seen the signs.. and used them.. the thing is i was so far in the dungeon that i coudlnt find a way out to go rez.. and i used my stuck option 2 times which is only allowed with in a certain time frame... i dont have a problem with readin signs thats how a got as far as i did.. the thing is that once u get so far u cant get back to an ankh or rez spot to rez u have to teleport out.. and in my case the stuck option wasnt workin for me b/c i used it 2 times already