12-21-2007, 10:13 AM
Look, i know I'm probably one of the biggest A**holes on this shard but, even im trying my best to behave, why don't you all just give the staff some time and appreciation.. yelling is getting us nowhere. Who cares why Galen has a staff or not, no one cares if you speak in the voice of god, no one cares about you little kids fighting with eachother over the internet, post something constructive and useful, im getting fed up reading the same BS everyday, always *PVP SUX, SKILL GAIN TO HARD, TARANS A SLACKER, OMG I QUIT, I LOSE 20K* NOBODY GIVES A S***! OK? NO ONE! If you want to cry... walk into the corner of your room, mansion, shack, shoebox, watever you live in and cry by yourself, this isn't a consultant webpage, its an IN:X Forum. Shard's only in the Beta and already your acting like fools. Show some respect to the staff.
Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje