12-06-2007, 03:18 AM
Elcid Wrote:Its rude, and its harasment. How do you know how someone else feels about it.
Just dont do it.
Oh noes! Something new! A person harassing another person online! First, I quoted myself in response to his THREAT on me. It's not like I go around telling people they're going to die of cancer. He verbally attacked me, actually he verbally teared up, then he verbally attacked me, and that was my response. If you read what I said in that post, I even said it was a response.
It shouldn't matter what anyone says about anything, who gives a shit about what anyone says about them? When I go to work, I'm not like "OH MAN ELCID BLOCKED MY THREAD I R MAD!!!?!?!" You know why? Because it doesn't really matter. Only thing that pisses me off is, it's not just my post that are being closed and deleted. It's a bunch, and it's insane. Let people talk flame or whatever, this isn't Nazi Germany... Or is it?