12-03-2007, 03:31 AM
kitehimuro Wrote:Perhaps make afk resource gathering in guarded areas illegal, just like it was on all the past IN servers. Those risking to gather outside guards and go afk risk getting massacred.
Actually all afk macroing should be illegal in guarded areas, that's basically skillgain handed out for "free" in a safe area. If that's the case why not make macroing available in the Pits, wouldn't that be more or less the same? ( Ok, not, since that's safezone, but since we don't have warring guilds yet it IS the same for now: no-one can kill you while you are macroing )
Agreed, I think this would be best to only have macroing in unguarded areas. If there was no gump why not just give everyone GMed crafting skills, it would be the same thing but without wasting the time.