12-02-2007, 11:17 PM
Taran Wrote:So I guess you could do a better job Diabolical?
It's not like you're making the situation better with your posts. You should try to stay positive and be helpful instead.
I knew people would disagree a lot when I signed up for staff, but I can only take so much crap.
I used to be positive on this forum, but after all of my post to help better the shard were ignored and flamed, all I can be is negative and truthful.
It's kinda hard when I said like 2 weeks ago what was going to happen is happening and I tried to give some insight on how to change it and I got flamed, it's really hard to be positive.
I'll try once more, but then screw it.
What is the purpose of no afk resource gathering? It's not the people with the resources changing the economy. It's the people paying for the resources. And where do they get their money?
Blacksmithing - Nice armor that no one wears out of town, oh and they do decorate their house with it.
Carpentry - House Decoration once again, glad I played how many godly amount of hours to legity get that wood.
And Fishing - Are you serious? What else is the skill good for, I think you only get 1gp per fish steak, oh man!
The way I see it is this. 90% of resource gathering is unguarded, and really easy to kill them people.
I think people forget that this is a game! 600k for a rare random dye tub.... How many hours of legitly playing would that be for a damn color? All that does is encourage the trammies. I mean seriously it's a dye tub! It won't win you any fight, only thing it might win you in beauty pageant on top of Britain bank. Do I think they should be free? No. But do I think I should have to play for like 60 hours to get one, no. I play this in my free time, I work a lot. I have to macro stupid useless shit a lot of the time because I don't got time to do anything better. So for the people who actually have a life other than UO get totally screwed.
Do I know the complete solution as of now? No I don't. All I see is a bunch of rules forcing mostly the new players of the shard to have it even more difficult while the players who played on buggy sphere versions of this shard get it hand fed. On INR or XUO was resource macroing illegal? I dunno about either of them shards really.
All I'm saying is it's not fair to transfer skills stones and statics and then tell people they can't resource gather.