12-02-2007, 11:00 PM
More craftable weapons would make the economy better. Ones that people actually use. The only craftable that i'm seeing is an elven bow, which is to be nerfed.
Bring back things that are moderately difficult to make and are moderately expensive to buy but are still worth it in pvp.
The Cho Ku Nu would be nice to have again if it was a little buffed up.
I'm not sure about HF or SoV, i think they were too powerful but maybe an alternative?
Also, armor needs to play a bigger part in pvp and hunting. Right now it doesn't make a difference.
Bring back things that are moderately difficult to make and are moderately expensive to buy but are still worth it in pvp.
The Cho Ku Nu would be nice to have again if it was a little buffed up.
I'm not sure about HF or SoV, i think they were too powerful but maybe an alternative?
Also, armor needs to play a bigger part in pvp and hunting. Right now it doesn't make a difference.