08-13-2007, 05:18 PM
- Changed hue on staff members "titles"
- Changed some messages for keys
- Changed ore weight to 7, ingot weight to 1 and gold weight to 0
- Added charges for recall runes.
- Removed the logout handler, you no longer get teleported out when you log back in. Some lockdown fixes.
- Removed the lock/release command and changed a few things.
- Keys are now used to lock stuff down in your house.
- Changed hue on mana pots and shrink pots to match Sphere
- Added capital letter to Dread Lords
- Being inside a house no longer changes your Notoriety.
- All containers, besides bank boxes, now have 255 as max item(if nothing else is set). They will also display items differently: "ContainerNameHere (ItemCount items)", "bag (20 items)". Containers will also display the amount of items that are in them, not the total amount if items including all sub containers.
- Guards no longer come if you are karma grey and you do no longer view yourself as "red" when being karma grey.
- Fixed so that doors that are locked, and have keyvalue 0, wont be unlocked with blank keys.
- You can no longer loot a body that has not been opened.
- Added a message when you have no money when buying something.
- Skill gain algo should be working properly now, also cleaned up the var names. Only thing left to do is tweak the gain factors values.
- started character skill transfers
- Added a backpack sound to all the craft items
- Added a message when create a potion. "You put the completed potion into your backpack"
- Removed the "(Blessed)" message and removed a method that was not being used.Removed the "(Blessed)" tag over blessed items. Also optimized the core for x86 platform, checked "Optimize code" and removed Define DEBUG and TRACE constant. Should preform better now, but I'm not entirely sure how the code optimization is done.
- Removed (xx items) from the spellbook name.
- Fixed so you can cast certain spells out of LOS(so far its only paralyze field).
- Improved the code to catch targeting problems (casting non rune spells on runes and casting rune spells on other targets)
- Removed some useless LOS checks in SphereCastCallback.
- When rename a house key it will be like sphere. Key To: "Description".
- Changed house and ships gold keys to cooper keys and they are also lootable now.
- Transferred the rest of the dynamic items from IN:R to IN:X
- Created script to transfer all items from XUO into gold.