05-31-2007, 06:43 AM
Cole Wrote:I was on staff when the decision was considered and made for INR to merge with XUO and suffice to say there is a lot of planning and thought that goes into things behind the scenes. It has taken a long time because:
Maka got tangled up in unforeseen real life issues, which always take precedence over UO.
Devs pledge a commitment to work and then flake out, leaving progress limited.
...I hope you don't feel like i'm talking down to you, but these things have been mentioned in a number of other threads, and in general i just find it quite degrading and disrespectful for people to generally accuse the administration of doing a bad job, as if they could have done better.
"as if they could have done better" true Cole! so very true! "
CRY HAVOC!!! and let slip the DOGS OF WAR!!