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Ima leeter pvper than you/I drink better beer than you

odiums fav past time: 1) ignoring me Sad 2) repeating people


GM Pande

For accounts it is easy: just merging the 2 account files together.
But this means that there won't be any characters.

Since I doubt that IN:R and XUO had the same serialization data and order for playermobile properties, I can't just merge them together.
The solution is to export the common data that is needed into a text or xml file and read that back in on the new shard. This requires extensive testing, or things will mess up badly. If everyone would just start from scratch, it would be far easier. Wink

The next big thing is to implement a nice gump when you first login, so you can choose your starting skills. Probably i will make a not nice looking but effective one. First you choose which shard you did play on and then you decide what kind of skills you want to choose. So you can decide of you want to start as XUO or IN:R player - choose wisely. Tongue

The next next things are the many bug reports we got - some are easy to fix, some are already done. Since almost nobody cared so much to actually test the economy and report back any possible imbalances/exploits that will have to be done by us (us is the staff) before Beta 3 is up. That will probably prolong the time before next beta by at least two weeks as this is the most important part.

If I should name a date for Beta 3 - I would say end of may. Smile

First off I never said Irc accounts were anything like ultima player accounts. Re-read nasir you illiterate devoloper you. What I was getting at is I understand the headache. Secondly everything is being way more complicated than what it has to be. You guys are trying to do this all the "legit" way. When first off every bug was abused by every xuo player to gain those skills when in fact half of imagine nation is probably confused by the word bug. Transfering skills is fine. Transferring Items is pointless there needs to be something to work towards. Besides no matter how you do the account files someones feelings are going to get hurt and someone is going to get away with something for free. So all this time and effort is NEEDLESS to say POINTLESS. Just get the shit up and running thats what the players want. As for me I honestly don't care how long it takes. But all I know is I'm sure a lot of dev teams have created a game in the amount of time its taken you guys to program a runuo server. Just some food for thought guys. Hope you dont choke on it nasir :}

How many dedicated people play this server? How many people really just wanna fight in duel pits? and how many people care if there stuff is replaced when they can just go out and get it again, or could just do something else if they were'nt hand fed everything by one of the gms. Me, I'm a little of all of the above. Plus ive been friends with Nox and toke for about 5 years, at least! Fucking U.O. The only game I couldnt hate and love more. Same with the prick fucking players like myself :p

Deee Da Deeee

1) I'll give you something to choke on. :3some:
2) I agree with you on several of your points in your latest post, but it is too late in the game to change what we've already promised.

Soth is right. IN:R and XUO playermobiles are vastly differenty so merging them will not be a simple task. Point is: We're doing what we said we would. Just take comfort in the fact that we're through the hardest parts.

Yankovic - "... Oh Nasir, sorry, you are teh greatest. I'm a fool, you were right all the time. please forgive me. ..." (possibly out of context)

Horsedung Wrote:Just get the shit up and running thats what the players want.

If you want a shitty shard, play somewhere else.

Alright, now listen, if you take the biological wind factor and multiply it by the chemistrical triangular report factor, you get all the accounts used during the XUO / Imagine Nation times. But once you divide the final product by the climptomiac formulas used in mathematical procedures, the quotient is the answer needed.

Now, first of all, my name is... is... is... is... iiissss...
none of your business! You dig?
If you laughed, I have accomplished my unique goal in life.

horsedung you sure seem to have a lot to say when you aren't helping.

i dont know who you were on xuo, or if you even played for that matter horsedung, but players on xuo didnt get their skills or stuff through bugs, we probably had less bugs then most shards out there because the xuo players actually care about their shard and put in quality test time. PLUS maka worked on it for a long time before anyone knew he was going to take it upon himself to host it. from the move to this last xuo from the previous one, lots of the scripts could be copied over from the previous version and the players only kept their skills in the move.

but now we we are merging two shards so just in copying over the accounts and factoring in the conversion rate for items and skills makes it double, maybe even triple the work. and everything has to be rewritten for runuo 2.0 so thats even more work.

oh, and since you don't care about items or skill transfers why dont you give coldrake your account name and we'll make sure not to transfer your stuff.

i think you can see that more then 1 staff member is losing their patience with you horsedung so i think you should stop where you are.

who the fuck talks about bioligoical wind factor is what i was wondering then saw the messed up name that went with it Big Grin and it all made sence. haha i thought you were only doing 1 post afraz and never coming back ever again Big Grin i guess this means ill see you in game Big Grin

GM Pande

I agree.

PsychoIcon Wrote:The only game I couldnt hate and love more. Same with the prick fucking players like myself :p

Big Grin

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Well you are dead wrong about bug abusing. Seeing how xuo was always run on sphere servers there were no way to stop the majority of bugs and if there was it was never done. I.E all combats, magery and more. As far as who I was on xuo i was the following: Flawless,Fame,Fortune,Hacker,Skitzo,Chinklomat,Horsedung,Reflex,Psychotic, all my characters were in guild [un4given] All im saying is its something to think about I played the beta server as Flawless. I idled the irc network for past month as Reflex. I'm around :} Yes you are right I've made little contribution to the dev. But I haven't been asked to be involved neither. However the player base of beta 2 sucked ass. "Yes I know it's beta" On average xuo had at least a player base of 100 and at one point around 250 and as for in1 i've heard their player base at one time was around 300. I'm just suggesting maybe it would be greatly benefit the server if the server was up and running. Instead of pussy footing around. To everyone who has dev. the server I understand it takes time and patience. I'm not saying you guys are bums I'm just saying the server needs to be put up before you guys dont have a player base. Odium <3

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