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Status Page(suggestion for removal)

Without status page there will be less PvP, people will get bored and end up leaving. With this small shard population soon PvP will not happen at all. Purpose of status page has always been to facilitate PvP. I'd understand removing it if the world was well populated, but it's not. Without status page, chances of bumping into someone if you just go out there and try to find people are slim. Online count isn't a measurement of shards success. It's the count of active players that interact with each other that matters.

Cana Wrote:Without status page there will be less PvP, people will get bored and end up leaving. With this small shard population soon PvP will not happen at all. Purpose of status page has always been to facilitate PvP. I'd understand removing it if the world was well populated, but it's not. Without status page, chances of bumping into someone if you just go out there and try to find people are slim. Online count isn't a measurement of shards success. It's the count of active players that interact with each other that matters.

I can concede to this however when everyone is complaining that the pvp is unfulfilling regardless of fidning a fight or not in the end I think the fight needs more tweaking rather than having a homing beacon strapped to everyone's back, i'm sure pvm'ers don't appreciate having it. If this is the case, allow people to opt out of being tracked and let the pvpers have it

iwasn't talking about PvP balance. My point was that PvP on IN isn't that active and removing dungeon from status will make it even less. I don't even understand why PvMers are whining? You can farm 100k in 60-90mins and 100k here its a full set of Oceanic+Random Vanq+Pots+Scrolls. You can farm a top gear+supplies in 1 hour and you still complaining that people are ganking you. nonsense. Moreover, you have more chances to escape than i have to kill you. You don't even need an invis potion, all you need is a wall and a recall scroll with 1.7cast time. This is a carebear.

On stable servers with history and big online like Abyss people are afraid to solo farm in dungeons, if they want to farm in dungeon they need to group up first and always one man is tracking all the time because the last thing that you will see before your screen will turn grey its a guy with soulreaper raping your ass.

And thanks, Habibi, i appreciate this.

por corp wis Wrote:iwasn't talking about PvP balance. My point was that PvP on IN isn't that active and removing dungeon from status will make it even less. I don't even understand why PvMers are whining? You can farm 100k in 60-90mins and 100k here its a full set of Oceanic+Random Vanq+Pots+Scrolls. You can farm a top gear+supplies in 1 hour and you still complaining that people are ganking you. nonsense. Moreover, you have more chances to escape than i have to kill you. You don't even need an invis potion, all you need is a wall and a recall scroll with 1.7cast time. This is a carebear.

On stable servers with history and big online like Abyss people are afraid to solo farm in dungeons, if they want to farm in dungeon they need to group up first and always one man is tracking all the time because the last thing that you will see before your screen will turn grey its a guy with soulreaper raping your ass.

And thanks, Habibi, i appreciate this.

How did you original statement which is: "This the part of UO. And it was always more fun to win a fight 2vs4/5/3/6. But for now, i don't even see a reason why i have to risk and fight when my chances are 25-33% with a shitty reward. Loot in PvP is pathetic. Weapons are useless. no one care to wear a good armor. Scrolls and pots? By ganking farmers we at least can loot gold."

Have anything to do with showing the status and location of all players? Your RP is to defend dragons no? so for you in this case would it not behoove you to simply stay where dragons are and await people to come and hunt them? you don't need to actively look for people. I'm not a pvmer just so you know I very rarely hunt because the status page is a death sentence.

You complain about carebear still but the fact remains is that removing the locations will make it harder, the status page only carebears towards gankers, and again if there is a problem with people being able to escape from a fight that is a pvp issue and not a status page problem, I agree with the pvp points but the status page as it is is an eye in the sky where no one can counter it or hide from or opt out of it, if it's a pvp tool allow people to opt out of it rather than have a constant target on their back.

Fulmanar Wrote:How did you original statement which is: "This the part of UO. And it was always more fun to win a fight 2vs4/5/3/6. But for now, i don't even see a reason why i have to risk and fight when my chances are 25-33% with a shitty reward. Loot in PvP is pathetic. Weapons are useless. no one care to wear a good armor. Scrolls and pots? By ganking farmers we at least can loot gold."

Have anything to do with showing the status and location of all players? Your RP is to defend dragons no? so for you in this case would it not behoove you to simply stay where dragons are and await people to come and hunt them? you don't need to actively look for people. I'm not a pvmer just so you know I very rarely hunt because the status page is a death sentence.

You complain about carebear still but the fact remains is that removing the locations will make it harder, the status page only carebears towards gankers, and again if there is a problem with people being able to escape from a fight that is a pvp issue and not a status page problem, I agree with the pvp points but the status page as it is is an eye in the sky where no one can counter it or hide from or opt out of it, if it's a pvp tool allow people to opt out of it rather than have a constant target on their back.

I told you he wasn't whining and was telling you that people are afraid here and don't carry items which you can't force yet you seem to think he was talking about the pvp was bad and are so hard headed you didn't wanna listen.

not to mention here RP is pretty much a joke, eclipse came up to me told he has a silver dye skin for almost over a year and he says "fuc.k "shit" etc and nothing is even done. RP was followed much more strictly at IN-X than here atm..

I never said he was whining, nor did I state that people aren't afraid here, I agree with you on those points but it still shows no relevance to the status page, if the status page goes these problems won't magically be fixed, that is a pvp issue which is rather complicated, why would anyone carry anything worthwhile while hunting when anyone can find them within 5 minutes? why would anyone travel outside of guards and go anywhere when they can be located by anyone who clicks on a weblink?

I still don't see the relevance to the two arguments, i'm stating we should remove the status page so that not everyone is being magically homed in upon, corp and you are stating that you cannot force people to wear good items and there's no reward and people are fearful...I agree but what does one have to do with the other? In fact I think it's safe to say once you remove the locations people will start to hunt more since their locations are not being broadcasted to literally every single person on the server at all times.

The way things are being done here right now is not sustainable, you're running out of people to kill because they're killed too often and they get frustrated and fearful so they just stop entirely, who wouldn't? You have auto supplied tourneys, reg stones and other fancies it is too easy this I all agree with but it still has nothing to do with the status page, having the status page certainly isn't making these issues better now is it?

Fulmanar Wrote:I never said he was whining, nor did I state that people aren't afraid here, I agree with you on those points but it still shows no relevance to the status page, if the status page goes these problems won't magically be fixed, that is a pvp issue which is rather complicated, why would anyone carry anything worthwhile while hunting when anyone can find them within 5 minutes? why would anyone travel outside of guards and go anywhere when they can be located by anyone who clicks on a weblink?

I still don't see the relevance to the two arguments, i'm stating we should remove the status page so that not everyone is being magically homed in upon, corp and you are stating that you cannot force people to wear good items and there's no reward and people are fearful...I agree but what does one have to do with the other? In fact I think it's safe to say once you remove the locations people will start to hunt more since their locations are not being broadcasted to literally every single person on the server at all times.

The way things are being done here right now is not sustainable, you're running out of people to kill because they're killed too often and they get frustrated and fearful so they just stop entirely, who wouldn't? You have auto supplied tourneys, reg stones and other fancies it is too easy this I all agree with but it still has nothing to do with the status page, having the status page certainly isn't making these issues better now is it?

im answering what you said.. you said it was a pvp problem not a status page problem, he doesn't want to see the status page gone plain and simple nor do i or many other people for that matter. Your the one who put the words in his mouth that it's a pvp issue if people can get away, you know how many posts i've made regarding invis pots and recall scrolls? the amount of people crying to keep them because their afraid to die. It's a shard problem not a pvp problem

But now it's a shard problem? I remember PVP being part of the shard. And yet everyone who has said anything here has yet to demonstrate that these issues that have been said(ease of killing people, loot, fear etc) is a status page problem, it's not that has to do with individuals fighting each other and enjoying it or in this case not, that's player versus player or PVP it's not a status page problem.

I'm sure you don't want to see it gone, it would be harder to gank people and locate them I know this, you know this but it doesn't make anything that corp por or you have argued for better, you want meaningful fights with rewards and for people to stop being so cheap, the status page doesn't make this better it has nothing to do with any of that, it has to do with player mentality and I perfectly agree to it, it's a terrible situation but again is has nothing to do with this problem

this is so wrong. it's seems like i'm arguing with braindead person. I will explain it once again.
Fulmanar Wrote:How did you original statement which is: "This the part of UO. And it was always more fun to win a fight 2vs4/5/3/6. But for now, i don't even see a reason why i have to risk and fight when my chances are 25-33% with a shitty reward. Loot in PvP is pathetic. Weapons are useless. no one care to wear a good armor. Scrolls and pots? By ganking farmers we at least can loot gold."
Have anything to do with showing the status and location of all players?
Hunting people in dungeon is a Player versus Player too. And my point was that atm PvPing in dungeon is way more rewarding. Hope this is clear. Next. The server activity is pretty low, say the least of it. Status helps players to find action and make server more alive. If staff will remove "dungeon" from status there will be less ganks and less action. If you think that ganking people is an easy job - you will be surprised. It doesn't show coordinates it only shows that someone has been in dungeon for last 5 minutes. And it doesn't have anything common with the PvP itself. Is it clear now?

Fulmanar Wrote:Your RP is to defend dragons no? so for you in this case would it not behoove you to simply stay where dragons are and await people to come and hunt them?
I've already explained that and i'm not the only pvm ganker here so please leave my RP alone.

Fulmanar Wrote:I'm not a pvmer just so you know I very rarely hunt because the status page is a death sentence.
And this is the main problem here. You know shit and you still opening your mouth. Sorry, I forgot my manners. The whole server balance is made for weak players, players who don't want to PvP. Every single good player will tell you that if you want to escape you will escape 9/10 times. Its only a death sentence if you are casting from icons on your screen.

First thing i look for in a server that im thinking of joining is a Current up to date somewhat Status Page...
Any website with out a status page just looks unprofessional.
As for the Location part of it, its so damn Vague how can anyone even use that to pk anyways lol, not to mention the 2 minute or so delay it takes before it updates.
I vote Against removing the status page.

Fulmanar Wrote:I can concede to this however when everyone is complaining that the pvp is unfulfilling regardless of fidning a fight or not in the end I think the fight needs more tweaking rather than having a homing beacon strapped to everyone's back, i'm sure pvm'ers don't appreciate having it. If this is the case, allow people to opt out of being tracked and let the pvpers have it
Not everyone is giving the unfulfilling PvP excuse and certainly not me. My only point is that I see PvP dying out and major part of active people leaving because of it. If you have a better suggestion than "homing beacon" I'm all ears. Thing that you suggested earlier, opting out of showing your location, doesn't work either. There is already such a mechanic in place I just forget the in-game command for it. UO was always a game where you had to be smart about covering your tracks if you wanted to not get caught off guard. You can easily hunt and avoid being showed on the status page. I'd even argue that only people getting caught because of status page are either stupid or unaware of it's existence. Promote being smart about covering your tracks, not giving an opt out button for PvP because someone was careless. They should pay the consequences of it, not the person hunting them down for being stupid.

por corp wis Wrote:The server activity is pretty low, say the least of it. Status helps players to find action and make server more alive. If staff will remove "dungeon" from status there will be less ganks and less action.
This is the real point you should argue against.

Is "homing beacon" the ideal solution? Probably not. So instead, I challenge anyone being against having dungeon info displayed on status page to make a better solution for it instead of just removing a feature that facilitates PvP. We don't need to be up in arms against each other, we just need to find a common solution that works for everyone. To be honest, I thought this dungeon info being displayed on status page would work because if you want to hunt and never be found, you can. If you know how, you can just circumvent the whole problem and still hunt in a dungeon. Only thing you need to do is be observant.

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