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Paralize Fizzling Recall

sm0ke Wrote:That's not what I meant, I'm sure Taran's plan is to recreate IN but [SIZE="3"]some [/SIZE] minor few adjustments won't hurt to keep everyone happy and have a good big strong playerbase :p

I agree 100% with that.

<3 Smoke, dude you actally CAN do that;p
Anyways, as it's been said , voted YES to fizzle recall and so on. Yes you should be able to get out away, so try invis pots + recall scroll. You drunk the pot already? Do the invis scroll( or spell) + recall combo instead. No mana even to cast the recall alone? Well, good luck staying alive another time I guess.

Tho as I said, if the INers want it so the recall stays the way it is, it's all good , I'm sure we can live with that. I was speaking of INers tho, not of some floating wannabe ivedonethatall pro's

Gang Wrote:<3 Smoke, dude you actally CAN do that;p
Anyways, as it's been said , voted YES to fizzle recall and so on. Yes you should be able to get out away, so try invis pots + recall scroll. You drunk the pot already? Do the invis scroll( or spell) + recall combo instead. No mana even to cast the recall alone? Well, good luck staying alive another time I guess.

Tho as I said, if the INers want it so the recall stays the way it is, it's all good , I'm sure we can live with that. I was speaking of INers tho, not of some floating wannabe ivedonethatall pro's

I am an INer and I approve of this threads goal with recall/fizzles.

Dude anyone who doesn't agree with this change isn't thinking straight... There is absolutely no reason why paralyzing someone shouldn't fizzle recall... That is blasphemy IMO and I've been hoping this BUG gets changed for..... a very long time.
I have no idea why you guys think if para should fizzle recall, it should fizzle all spells.... Recall has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS been a spell that gets fizzled by EVERY harmful spell no matter what.
This idea doesn't "help" gankers it solves a PROBLEM with the current system.
I have played ~7 shards, never once have I seen recall over power ANY harmful spell... EVER!

edit: landing parafields, walls, and firefields on someone's tile whether they are invis or visible should ALWAYS fizzle recall. ALWAYS.
edit: recall is your get out of deep shit free card, there's no reason why it should be so easy to get out of a bad situation.
And I speak from the perspective of someone who kills/dies a lot, so keep that in mind...

' Wrote:Oh and btw.. Paralyze isnt technically a harmful spell.. It deals no dmg.

Well it puts a negative effect on the player, does it not? Weaken Clumsy Feeblemind and Curse all fizzle recall, yet they do no damage. Are you saying that these spells should not fizzle recall either? If A=B and B=C then A=C man...

[I skipped over a lot of the talk because it was the same thing over and over again]

Para fizzling recall will only stop you from recalling if you do not have a invis pot.
Which means more or less you can still get away most if not all of the time with just a invis pot and recall scroll which cost's what ? 1k not bad to be 99% of the time safe.
Really the only players that do this are the better pvper's or Vet's. I personally have not seen the avrg player do this.

I don't care if this changes because to me it really doesn't change much. Here is my tip ALWAYS ALWAYS always be on alert while you PvM, set up a macro to auto hit invis pot use recall scroll and click the rune for you. That way when a red or blue name pops up Boom your gone they didn't even really see you.

This will only affect players when in combat not in every day questing, hunting ect...

Ok.. Do it up.. Your right im wrong

P.S Taran.. I hope I didnt rub you the wrong way with that comment. Meant no harm, Just a feeling I was getting. You say Im wrong, So sorry didnt mean to sound like I was assuming stuff

sm0ke Wrote:It's nothing personal and I hope you didn't get offended or will be offended in my future posts, but you're saying it's easy to gank but you haven't even tried or encountered the escape artists on this shard. When you assume that the ganking on this shard is easy you're going to get comments like that from me because you haven't tried it and your making these asumptions Young players have no idea what there talking about imo, I don't care how many shards you've played in the past this one is a different one. Believe me I'm not afraid to lose items.
Not at all man, I guess you could call it a friendly debate. It's not really something you need to try to do to understand though, I get the paralyze issue didn't realize at first other harmful spells fizzled recall. Guess I'm confused because I thought there was no spell fizzling (refer to Max's poll). My only concern is that it may become too easy for murderers to gank people which could cause a lack of interest to new players. Just want to see what's best for the shard honestly because it is a lot of fun and it's only like my 3rd day playing. Also want everyone's voices to be heard and acknowledged not just prior IN players because.. well that's a little biased and unfair to the entire community that weren't IN players, whom probably make up a large chunk of the active playerbase now. Trying to find a good home for my UO addiction hoping this will be it.. or I'll have to go back to the crack. :/

Gang Wrote:Tho as I said, if the INers want it so the recall stays the way it is, it's all good , I'm sure we can live with that. I was speaking of INers tho, not of some floating wannabe ivedonethatall pro's
I don't know what impression you got but not really claiming to be an "ivedonethatall" pro.. whatever that is. Sorry if the group of us make you uncomfortable, I would have thought new players would be welcomed to a growing shard, not shunned away for being different. *Gasp*

It makes no sense just recall is fizzle-able, Make all spells Fizzle-able. Makes for much better PVP, IMO its already easy enough for gankers the way the pvp is now its basically whoever strikes first then SPAM SPAM SPAM.

latency909 Wrote:It makes no sense just recall is fizzle-able, Make all spells Fizzle-able. Makes for much better PVP, IMO its already easy enough for gankers the way the pvp is now its basically whoever strikes first then SPAM SPAM SPAM.

Ganking is not easy at all especially with trees LoSing you for some reason, and spam spam spam what?

Spam lightning or Flame Strike, There are currently no fight mechanics except los.

you're funny latency Tongue
ever wonder why you die?
it's because you don't know the fight mechanics, not because there aren't any.
real world ganking is harder than you think given that you can just invis/recall away guaranteed survival...

Ummm. ok? Please Explain

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