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No Swearing ingame

Habibi Jones Wrote:The classic Brazlian internet laugh, nice. Like I said I don't agree with the change either, but you guys have nit picked and *****ed literally from the day you guys joined (about a week ago?) until now. The way you guys write and post shit is blatantly rude and disrespectful to not only the players but the staff as well, considering the work that they have all put in to make this shit possible. Also, don't forget about the players here who GIVE YOU a reason to play; beyond killing people. A lot of us have actually done a fair amount to make this shard come to life. Honestly to any reasonable person you guys sound plain foolish. Yeah this is a game, we are responding to each other on an internet forum, but we are all pretty lucky to be having this conversation right now. I know you can't understand that concept and I also know that you definitely can't understand the fact that you guys should be the last people to come on these forums and act a FOOL! You wouldn't even have a ****ing forum to post on or a naked char to gank people with if you didn't have a SOLID shard to play on. Now that you've found one, you come here ***** and act foolish because that's the way you guys acted when you played this game at age 13.

Stop Swearing and Show Some Respect Private Snowball.

sm0ke Wrote:We weren't the only ones who posted that this was a pretty pointless addition but it's okay you can direct yet another bunch of words at our "crew"

Thanks for the good laugh


You have the worst persecution complex i've ever seen, scarecrow was literally cussing out habibi over irc and ingame for about 20 minutes straight being a rude jackass. You associate with these people, it means what they do and say is reflected upon you, you're a group these are the consequences of what being a group means, you have a horrid reputation of being big crybaby manchildren idiots because well, most of your "group" acts like it.

If you do not wanted to be rolled in with these people(to which is seems to me there is a big dis-service with as you actually seem somewhat reasonable) then stop associating with them.


Fulmanar Wrote:You have the worst persecution complex i've ever seen, scarecrow was literally cussing out habibi over irc and ingame for about 20 minutes straight being a rude jackass. You associate with these people, it means what they do and say is reflected upon you, you're a group these are the consequences of what being a group means, you have a horrid reputation of being big crybaby manchildren idiots because well, most of your "group" acts like it.

If you do not wanted to be rolled in with these people(to which is seems to me there is a big dis-service with as you actually seem somewhat reasonable) then stop associating with them.

Not going to argue it's pointless you're just being stereotypical and judge mental towards us all before you even get to know us. You ever heard that saying never judge a book by it's cover?

Fulmanar Wrote:You have the worst persecution complex i've ever seen, scarecrow was literally cussing out habibi over irc and ingame for about 20 minutes straight being a rude jackass. You associate with these people, it means what they do and say is reflected upon you, you're a group these are the consequences of what being a group means, you have a horrid reputation of being big crybaby manchildren idiots because well, most of your "group" acts like it.

If you do not wanted to be rolled in with these people(to which is seems to me there is a big dis-service with as you actually seem somewhat reasonable) then stop associating with them.

I really don't appreciate your post being directed at me. If you'll kindly read the order of the posts .. I gave my opinion on a matter that I felt I had an opinion on. Then Private Snowball decides to blast me and my "crew" just because he feels superior because of his post count. Like I said in a previous post .. I will respect if I get respect. Silverwolf gave an opinion and I aggree with it. There were others that ARE NOT in Prototype that also agree. There are the same 3 people that post in all of our posts saying that we are priviledge to be here and blah blah .. LOOK - Taran and the staff did a great job and I appreciate the shard .. This Forum topic shouldn't have even BEEN an argurement .. We're trying to be active on the Forums and help the shard grow but you just keep at it .. read the posts and see who started the trashing first.

Also, about novus, that's pretty funny because smoke i believe it might have been you. I don't really remember because it was years ago. Might have been GaryB Reflex Joker one of those baddies. I was new to the server from the abyss, the other snowballs finally dragged me in, and i had my first duel and i didn't know what to expect coming from such a different gameplay style. I know Muska in real life, he taunted me into joining by giving me every needed pvp skill gm. He was invis watching and on AIM he said hey man be careful, that kid is pretty good you're gonna lose. We both got decent hits, but he got a better one and we both went for the fs dump. I sipped an invis pot right before his fs went off and mine hit him for the win (ofc the kid raged real hardlike), and Muska changed my name from TonyPeaches to TonyPeachinvis. I probably did die a lot because I didn't take that server seriously, considering we had so much bullshit stuff including 2 castles with bridges across them huge fences off areas... I got all my skills gm from the start. Obviously that shard didn't last long... I played that server for the better part of 3 months before it went down, so that's probably why you thought I was "some noob", especially since my name got changed at some point to Private Snowball.

Edit: Could give a **** about post count... I don't feel any sense of authority or any more "special" than you do, although you do seem pretty god damn special man. I'm not denying your ability to post your opinion, am I? I'm simply stating my opinion that ever single time you express YOUR opinion, you just sound like farts. :/

sm0ke Wrote:Not going to argue it's pointless you're just being stereotypical and judge mental towards us all before you even get to know us. You ever heard that saying never judge a book by it's cover?

You clearly do not know the meaning of stereotype.

I am judging you and your friends by the actions you perform and the words you say: a choice quote(s).

"Silverwolf: (Public) whats anything about pvp have to do with Habibi being a drama queen"
"ScareCrow: (Public) Paulie, is Habibni your BF?"

You and your friends act like idiotic man children.

I do not need to judge you by your "cover" it's not even the right analogy, you act out and say the most idiotic foolishness and complain to get your way.

fulmsor is raging ;[[


Hmm, I'm not a big fan of the filter either. :/ Kindof funny to have cocks in your paperdoll but you can't say ****. Tongue

I think it would be better to have people turn on their profanity filters instead of stopping them from saying things. Or what would be really awesome is if we could filter certain words and have them turn into other words. like F*** could turn into snuggle.

Snuggle you.
I don't give a snuggle.
What the snuggle?

Eru Wrote:Kindof funny to have cocks in your paperdoll but you can't say ****.

Was thinking the same thing. Plus theres pink pus sys all over the shard =F like one in grogs den! before i keel it!

Oooh another idea. Maybe the filter could be added as a property to playermobile. Like if someone is warned for excessive swearing, it could be added with a cooldown.

ObscenityTimer = 1.00:00:00 (1 day of obscenity filter)

That way it doesn't affect general conversation, but if someone is consistently abusing it, we can filter that without squelching them.

Eru Wrote:Hmm, I'm not a big fan of the filter either. :/ Kindof funny to have cocks in your paperdoll but you can't say ****. Tongue

I think it would be better to have people turn on their profanity filters instead of stopping them from saying things. Or what would be really awesome is if we could filter certain words and have them turn into other words. like F*** could turn into snuggle.

Snuggle you.
I don't give a snuggle.
What the snuggle?

You're a funny truckin guy Eru

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