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Suggestion on Signs for new players

Also another small note, I noticed that the "Shard Info" section in the Player Guide in game has some out of date links or no longer work. The Forums link works but the rest is currently not working

[Image: 404errork.jpg]

[Image: restricted2.jpg]

Not sure if it is something that is discontinued or if it needs updating, Just thought id display it here.

When I started, I was hitting on the training dummy near to the healer in Brit, Shade appeared before me and told me there's a better place to train combats. *poof* he disappeared. That's it.. I don't remember how I discover the Merc camp and definitely didn't know free weapons and bandies were available in the basket. Regardless, I think Neutrals and Order hanging out at the bank could maybe initiate a conversation or offer some help with unfamiliar new characters since nice murderers aren't allowed in there :\

QiQi Wrote:I think Neutrals and Order hanging out at the bank could maybe initiate a conversation or offer some help with unfamiliar new characters since nice murderers aren't allowed in there :\

WoW!! I didn't realize there was such a thing as "nice murderer's"??

Big Grin

QiQi needs babies for sustenance... He's as nice as they come.

Ah, that's all set up in the script. I'll take a look at it and see if I can find the misplaced URLs. I don't know how to code, but I'm pretty sure I can replace the old URLs with the right ones. Shade scripted that back before we did the change to vBulletin and I've done some changes to the way Joomla displays page URLs since then, along with renaming some pages with crappy titles.

-added to tracker-

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