Poll: Which Shield Appearance do you Like? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Leaf Shield
Bronze Tear Shield
Cavalry Shield
Jeweled Shield
Knight's Shield
No Change (Metal Round Shield)
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What ItemID Should Neutral Shields Have

The IN servers allways give players to good stuff and rp items to use... Thats why we choose this shard since 1996... Good RPing, colorfull and cool stuff and make everything in the game.. Noone saw this in other shards... IN never build up PvPing (cause in pvp shards dont use total mana pots or useing scrolls without hp lose we saw it INX)... Ok fighting is good for enjoy but its not everything for IN, ppl want to full of fight, they just change game or shard.. Maybe WOW or Diablo shards give it...


Lol. PvP is the only aspect of UO as far as I'm concerned.

Ahahhaa.. i know cause you are in rp guild (Pirate) and still your guild havent got any rp item cause of "0" rp... Ask old players they tell you how Pirate is, how they act their rp, ect... Try something other else maybe wow, conan, lotronline, diablo... They are base on fight... No need rp, stuff, ect...


Habibi Jones Wrote:Lol. PvP is the only aspect of UO as far as I'm concerned.

Soo... Why you interested shield of type, color, quild select, stuff ect... You dont need to write something like this type of topics...


Only because it just doesn't seem right that neutral guilds should get to choose from all these fancy shields when in reality they are LUCKY to have a shield at all. That's why I'm posting.

its not like shield matter in pvp anyway Tongue just give chaos and order a different flamestrike color each.
then we can tell whos winning and losing.

I went ahead and switched them over to Knights shield since it seems to be overwhelmingly popular.

Love the shield Big Grin

JointCh1L Wrote:Love the shield Big Grin

love it also!

Yeah it looks really nice.
Alex, shields are a very important part of pvp you should try using them, very helpful.

Habibi Jones Wrote:Only because it just doesn't seem right that neutral guilds should get to choose from all these fancy shields when in reality they are LUCKY to have a shield at all. That's why I'm posting.

Trust me i allways prefer chaos shield and my guild will be chaos... But i like this shard because of player can use good stuff.. Its just a shield who cares... In my opinion player can make these shields and order/chaos shields can be able to equip everyone like IN1... You can see who is order who is cahos and attack them... Also if players like pvp they can walk around grey like you.. Soo ever sec. wil be action...


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