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Tired of not being heared by staff

Well camaron, you know the fact is. Hirosima and kandorin dont realy care about the server or the players, they onley care about their little perfect world that shoulnd change cause there idea about the game will change. i bet taran likes pvm better two then pvp. and rather deis the server then give the players what they want. cause i saw the server dei once. and now it will dei twice and they still dont want to change. its to bad everyone had to run in such a dissapointment. false promisis to attract people.

Kandorin Wrote:Then why are we still talking about staff, if Taran said hes looking into it.

MadMan Wrote:And I just now remembered.. I think Taran already mentioned hes working on getting more staff.. so this back and forth argument is also meaningless.

again... did you read the post just above yours?

your replies truly are incredible. Its like a PvMers version of smokes replies.

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

Camaran, I have some questions for you. What do you think needs to be done to get more people to play here?

Do you want skillgain made easier? Yes or no?

If you want skillgain made easier do you want ALL SKILLS to be made easier, or ONLY THE PVP SKILLS like healing, magery, etc?

Do you think we need changes to hunting? Yes or no?

If you think we need changes to hunting what kind of changes do you suggest?

[SIZE="5"]To people complaining about staff...[/SIZE]

You say you don't have unlimited time to train skills because you have a life and shouldn't be expected to play 100 hours to train one or two skills. If you don't see the double standard you're creating then you're a fracking idiot.

Next time you want to criticize staff members, consider what time zone you live in, what time zone they live in, and what their job is for IN:X. You'll realize half the staff don't live in the same time zone as you and are like 5-6 hours away, or that the staff are there to script, or to watch over other staff, or to watch over roleplayers.

As I have said in another post, people only remember the negative things. Nobody notices a staff when they are there, only when they aren't there. And that's the worst part about all this because you make the staff feel unappreciated. Like silver said, he wouldn't want to staff here because you get in so much shit from players and get no thanks.

Eighty Swords Wrote:Camaran, I have some questions for you. What do you think needs to be done to get more people to play here?

Do you want skillgain made easier? Yes or no?

If you want skillgain made easier do you want ALL SKILLS to be made easier, or ONLY THE PVP SKILLS like healing, magery, etc?

Do you think we need changes to hunting? Yes or no?

If you think we need changes to hunting what kind of changes do you suggest?

[SIZE="5"]To people complaining about staff...[/SIZE]

You say you don't have unlimited time to train skills because you have a life and shouldn't be expected to play 100 hours to train one or two skills. If you don't see the double standard you're creating then you're a fracking idiot.

Next time you want to criticize staff members, consider what time zone you live in, what time zone they live in, and what their job is for IN:X. You'll realize half the staff don't live in the same time zone as you and are like 5-6 hours away, or that the staff are there to script, or to watch over other staff, or to watch over roleplayers.

As I have said in another post, people only remember the negative things. Nobody notices a staff when they are there, only when they aren't there. And that's the worst part about all this because you make the staff feel unappreciated. Like silver said, he wouldn't want to staff here because you get in so much shit from players and get no thanks.

honestly why do you always suck up to the staff members and say how time consuming it is, you think us players don't consume time playing here? stop licking their *******s clean and just shut up with your experience, you're experience obviously wasn't too good if you were let go.

We need staff and everybody knows it just stop making exuses and holding it off. Not to mention taran said he was going to make a rule that when staff was inactive for more than 2 weeks he would fire them and replace them, i've seen it happen and promoe and raigain that we now have I think it's time for another 2 to get let go for not logging on.

To be honest the only recent GMs that have been online were ragain promoe muto and tiesto and tiesto hosts like once every week but at least he does host

One post about staff inactivity is fine, two might be acceptable, three is annoying and four is really ****ing depressing. Taran has said that he will look into it, and since staff presence hasn't doubled just yet, you guys use your constructive minds to make the server a better place. You'll burn Taran out and then there REALLY will be no saving us.

The client count dropping a little bit with the recent crashes and mishaps we have had is not a strange thing. The client count always goes down after a short time when the hype is going down. You also have a portion of the player base that decides this server is not for them. Lastly you have, as I'm sure, a lot of people that leaves the server after seeing our forums.

Anyways, I'm not going into how silly and contra-productive this is, but I suspect that you will feel it harder soon enough. To many posts like this (I want to clarify that I'm not complaining about the quality of the post, but the quantity)

Jeeez I wish I was sober now...!! looks like there's hell alot of stupid comments to reply on...

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

+1 for Phobia being staff!

[Image: sigpic28_6.gif][Image: Aeo_2010]

How in the **** is this shard pvm/RP based? Are you ****ing kidding me?

What RP tournaments do we have?! What pvm tournaments do we have?!

You can go gank at any time, the server is YOUR STYLE of pvp. Quit *****ing, omfg.

Hilbert Wrote:Well camaron, you know the fact is. Hirosima and kandorin dont realy care about the server or the players, they onley care about their little perfect world that shoulnd change cause there idea about the game will change. i bet taran likes pvm better two then pvp. and rather deis the server then give the players what they want. cause i saw the server dei once. and now it will dei twice and they still dont want to change. its to bad everyone had to run in such a dissapointment. false promisis to attract people.

define "give the players what they want"... that's pretty vague.

Kitiara Wrote:Why dont you let people gather resources afk As in the start. So skillgain is keeps been hard. But all the people can get resources.

Skill gain keeps been hard so no one is damaged.

Hiroshima I increased practically many skills when they were harder than now, i spent many hours pvming when it was harder than now, before you joined.

And i didnt "cry" about they made things easier.

Stop complaining and crying and try to make constructive post. Staff has put a lot of effort here so they should also been thanked instead of all the time "flaming" them.

Yea. Let's let people log onto 5 accounts and lumberjack, mine, fish, craft, and hunt simultaneously so they can get lots of money to be able to make anything at a moment's notice with a week of making their account!


Let's ****ing do that! YEAA!!!!


-What do you think needs to be done to get more people to play here?

I think the people who plays need to dont stay afk and try to get the server up. I think more staff should be hired in all timezones (not talking about 20 stafmembers) and do more events. Also make skillgain easier and increse a little the loot of the monsters

-Do you want skillgain made easier? Yes or no?


-If you want skillgain made easier do you want ALL SKILLS to be made easier, or ONLY THE PVP SKILLS like healing, magery, etc?
All skills but crafts should be harder than pvp skills

Do you think we need changes to hunting? Yes or no?

If you think we need changes to hunting what kind of changes do you suggest?
Increase the loot (more money and maybe some more jewelery)


Oh... and if anyone wants to see in my mortals bank account im happy to show you.
I've been here since day 1 and theres 1.4mil in gold, a few mounts a shit load of crappy ingots and i have a Small Wizards Tower for a house... Wink

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