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personally i dont like these ideas, i think it was better the way we had it in XUO, that way, u can sell a tub if u dont like the color and so on... wtf is this? u get stuck with a tub for the rest of ur life? omg...well not ur WHOLE life.. just ur IN:X life :p
- regards, Fable
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Cantin Wrote:Tis maybe because those color should be rare
an when ye be gettin a mount or somethin
with those colors ye know it be special
makin all color fer all, will make them plain at som point
and there be like 200 colors tha prick from
what ya be ? greedy or somethin ?
Dude... You're not a pirate...
rofl amin a pirate xdd i dont like people playin on my phone xddd and i think that there should be no rule that admins will get speacil colors but mainly i dont care as long as i can get deathrock :o
IN:X is a PvP/RP shard...
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hahaha silverwolf, you kill me.. i was thinking the exact same thing.
Anyways about the dye tub issue. There was never a time on IN:R where the colors that are "staff colors" got released to the public in any manner. They weren't given at tourneys, no robes for example were dyed for winning a tourney ect. To keep something rare, and to keep something completely closed off so no one can use is a completely different thing.
And yes in regards to keeping them forever, on old novus opiate, we had an opportunity to trade our dye tubs ect. which was quite awesome. On IN:R and i suppose its getting carried on, is that its stuck in your bank on the character forever.
If GMs are gonna give items with that color away in major events ect. then fine, but it was never done on IN:R, that is why i brought up the issue.
Hates opinion on everything! i totally agree on.. I like the way Hate thinks, even working with him on Old Novus opiate, i always liked the way he ran things and found solutions to problems.
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Dyes I think are fine. Rare stuff should remain rare all fine. I dont' think dye tubs should be locked in banks though. The reason I thought this was done was because fire fields would burn dye tubs. I don't see why you can't easily fix that on IN:X. I also miss being able to dye my hair and allow friends to dye their hair my color.
As far as mounts go, the issue with IN:R wasn't that there weren't rare mounts it was that there weren't tamers with good enough skill to tame them AND they were uber rare to find. I had a sexy blue desert ostard and I'd tamed a couple blackrock frenzied ostards. I also found a yellow ostard that everyone always asked me where I got. I just didn't really look too much outside of T2A because I didn't have the time. On IN:X anyone will be able to tame a spawn they come upon as long as they have the time. This is very bad if worked with the spawning scheme on IN:R in my opinion. It basically means that nobody needs tamers because if you come upon a mount you want you'll tame it yourself. Tamers don't have set spawns they can tame to sell, they have to constantly look for spawns. Perhaps this is how it is desired, but I miss the IN1 spawns.
I gotta get to class, more later.
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Scorp, shard will consist of mostly IN1 spawns with some addition from XUO.
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LiquiD Wrote:Hates opinion on everything! i totally agree on.. I like the way Hate thinks, even working with him on Old Novus opiate, i always liked the way he ran things and found solutions to problems.
Vote for Hate 
Haha, vote for Hate!

Glad you like the way I think!
Skorpion Wrote:Dyes I think are fine. Rare stuff should remain rare all fine. I dont' think dye tubs should be locked in banks though. The reason I thought this was done was because fire fields would burn dye tubs. I don't see why you can't easily fix that on IN:X.
We've fixed so firefields can't burn dye tubs at XUO, and since we're using XUOs scripts (but even better, upgraded) at IN:X, that means you won't be able to burn dye tubs with firefields, or at least as long as the INers doesn't "want" you to be able to burn them.
I think we've discussed the dyetub issue and I believe we came to the conclussion that we'll have both buyable rare dyetubs from vendors (the XUO way, with some of the rare colors, really expensive to buy though), and some rare dye tubs (with different colors) that you can only get by GMing tailoring (the IN way to get them).
And when it comes to the dyetubs being locked to the bank issue, I believe we discussed having it so that you can share it with guildmates, but nobody else, not really locked to bank but "character/guild-locked". I do not remember to 100% if we agree'd on this or if it was just up for discussion though, but I think we decided to have it that way. In case we didn't decide it's always good to hear your opinion on the matter anyways :]
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Dyetubs that you get from GMing tailoring can be any color you choose besides the reserved colors. Dyetubs that you can purchase, like on XUO, are random colors (you do not get to choose) and again, the reserved colors are not available.
Maka and I discussed the locked down dyetub thing and we are considering having the dyetubs with an attribute that makes the tub only usable by the owner.
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maka Wrote:We are actually NOT using XUOs scripts. I've remade this from scratch on RunUO 2.0. When I wanted to do something fast or couldnt remember how to do it right away, I checked the XUO scripts and made it better
Yeah what I ment was that we're creating IN:X with the same "style" scriptwise as XUO was. However you remake everything and make it better, and that's just a bonus! :] And I guess also adding some IN futures of course :]
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I don't think everyone's guildmates are their only friends. The community is larger than that and not limited by guilds. I think dye tubs are something that everyone enjoys greatly and it just saddens me that they are being limited in so many ways. Please note that I'm not complaining at all, what has been done so far for IN:X sounds amazing and I'm excited to play and try it out. I just wish we were more free to do with our tub as we wished.
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