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Low Skill Players

First off, you can make daggers with any ingot, so locking skill at 34.9 was a silly idea. Good job investigating that Wink. Second, there's this guy named Rabbi Samild who loves to help players out. He reminds those players of IN old that you could never multiclient and asks them what the heck they're thinking assuming you can do it now. He then move on to mention that not only can you start with 90 mining and be able to mine up a storm, but you can get boosted blacksmithing and do it in MANY fewer ingots that it took Rabbi Samild (250k IRON by the way).

Listen, I was able to GM EVERY SKILL with razor within the first 4 months the server was up. 90% of the skillgain was afk. You weren't even allowed to MACRO let alone use EUO on IN1. You got JAILED for leaving your character to macro longer than 2 hrs, if you were lucky. Otherwise, they'd load you up with all your resources and .kill your ass (**** you JT, KM, AED -- dickheads Big Grin). If you were lucky enough to GM all your skills, the great lords of our time would assume that you must be your neighbor (for whom they hate) and ban your ass (4300 skill pts and 2nd or 3rd most gold on server) for having a "similar IP" to your neighbor (no shit eh?).

So don't tell me about hard. This place is cake if you have half a brain. There are ways to make 1 mil gold in under 2 weeks with a newb char and bit of effort.

Also, don't ever let me catch you speaking in 3rd person again. It's uncool.


Rabbi Samild Wrote:First off, you can make daggers with any ingot, so locking skill at 34.9 was a silly idea. Good job investigating that Wink

Actually, I don't think locking it was a silly idea at all... sure, at 90, you can "mine up a storm" as you put it, but you can't smith most of the ingots you're mining until you reach the appropriate skill in smithing. so the time spent repeatedly mining and banking ores useless to you at that stage in development, is better spent mining up iron you can use to raise your smith.

That's my take on it, anyway.

Also, the reason I chose blacksmithing as an example, is because along with perhaps carpentry and bowcraft, it's one of the few skills that happens to turn a decent profit at non gm level, assuming you don't plan to adventure at first. I tried inscription, and the completed scrolls don't cover HALF the cost required to buy the ingredients, unless you sell them to players, which isn't a guaranteed purchase when you need it. Same thing with Alchemy. With mining skill, a starting character can always sell the ingots to vendors for a profit, and a fletcher can make bows that sell.

Most skills cost more to raise, than they return. So there's the reason for choosing mining / blacksmithy.

Also, while WE are all well aware of how great the times we had on the old IN server in the old days, your standard newbie tends to have no idea how great this server really could be with a little participation, or the good times about to be had, so he tries to smith for a few hours, sees the slow rates, and runs off to find another shard.

It's unfortunate, but it does seem to be a fact. Cry

[COLOR="White"][SIZE="1"]"I LOVE famous people. They're so much better than the real thing." Big Grin
"Now my grand-daddy, he rode with the likes of TOM HORN, killing scum like you for a living. We've always been devil slayers."[/SIZE]


It's true that you need to hunt for a few days or GM a miner to really get set up, but while most skills don't return huge sums of money, if you're clever enough to come up with the right macros/combinations for skills you will actually make money as you macro. For instance, I made almost 200k profit from tailoring per time. It's not hard to get enough cloth to GM, especially with a low player count. And once you have one craft GMs, it snowballs. You always have enough money to pay for the next skill based on the last.

Listen, I started from 100 skill on my first day and was 4 mil and 4800 skill richer a few months later.

If you don't want to be a rockstar, don't play like one. Some people took over a year to GM all their skills by doing it slowly and methodically (see Theo). Others transfered in with some skill and GMed everything, while making money (see Galdor).

As John Lennon once said, "it's easy if you try, Dick."

There are already too many GM smiths now, there is NO way to make good money from it. It's too easy for people to dump their 500k ingots into a vendor in the form of cheap, EXCEPTIONAL armor Wink. The way to make money here is hunting, and you can do that without anyone bugging you.

Rabbi Samild Wrote:First off, you can make daggers with any ingot, so locking skill at 34.9 was a silly idea. Good job investigating that Wink. Second, there's this guy named Rabbi Samild who loves to help players out. He reminds those players of IN old that you could never multiclient and asks them what the heck they're thinking assuming you can do it now. He then move on to mention that not only can you start with 90 mining and be able to mine up a storm, but you can get boosted blacksmithing and do it in MANY fewer ingots that it took Rabbi Samild (250k IRON by the way).

Listen, I was able to GM EVERY SKILL with razor within the first 4 months the server was up. 90% of the skillgain was afk. You weren't even allowed to MACRO let alone use EUO on IN1. You got JAILED for leaving your character to macro longer than 2 hrs, if you were lucky. Otherwise, they'd load you up with all your resources and .kill your ass (**** you JT, KM, AED -- dickheads Big Grin). If you were lucky enough to GM all your skills, the great lords of our time would assume that you must be your neighbor (for whom they hate) and ban your ass (4300 skill pts and 2nd or 3rd most gold on server) for having a "similar IP" to your neighbor (no shit eh?).

So don't tell me about hard. This place is cake if you have half a brain. There are ways to make 1 mil gold in under 2 weeks with a newb char and bit of effort.

Also, don't ever let me catch you speaking in 3rd person again. It's uncool.


i restarted and had time to gm alchemey and start inscirption and i still had 900k tour gear tour weapon scrolls resources and tons of shit sure it's easy to get resources imo the problem is taking the time to macro the skills (not crafts just easy skills in general)

mpfplush Wrote:Here's a short story for you. This one's called, "A day in the life of a newbie, and / or returning IN player." Have you made yourself comfortable yet? Good, then let's proceed.


Picture this :

An old veteran of previous IN servers discovers that Imagine-Nation has been remade once again, and sees some familiar names on the forums. He gets nostalgic, and decides to dust off the old UO cd, despite the fact that he now has a mortgage and child to support, and his time doesn't belong to only him anymore.

In the past, He'd worked like a mule to max out as many skills as he could on all 3 of the previous incarnations, dealing repeatedly with extremely challenging skill gain. But it's been a while, and he's feeling fresh and optimistic.

So he logs on, and sees the familiar sights, and he's feeling good. He chooses 3 starter skills. So far, so good. He then rushes off to buy a pickaxe and smith's hammer to make his fortune.

Now, because multi clienting isn't allowed, he mines furiously with his main for 12 hours in a marathon session, and procures about 3000 ingots. (It's 6am, by the way) He also has his skill in mining locked at 34.9, because iron is what he needs at the moment, and the other ores won't be useful until much later, and would only weigh him down, and clutter his bank.

Where was I? Ah yes, *ahem.* Anyway, he's worked all night for these 3000 precious iron ingots, and thinks to himself, "Great, 3000 iron ingots, now it's time to turn these babies into something more useful." So he sets up a smithing macro, and decides to make daggers.

After about an hour, he's finally used those 3000 ingots, and anxiously checks how much his skill has raised. The skill menu proudly displays (50.6) skill in blacksmithy.

His heart sinks, and after all that hard work, he thinks to himself, "Okay, now it's time to stop my smithing macro, and mine another 3000 ingots with my main tomorrow, because a second account isn't allowed. And if I do that, I face anywhere from 5, to 15 days jail, (that's half a month, dear reader) and any second accounts are forfeit." As he shuts down his computer, and goes to bed, he starts to wonder if he has the time and stamina required to start over with this challenging skill system for the fourth time.

The next day comes, and he's moved on. The end.

This is just a fanciful story, and probably is out of context with reality, not to mention this thread. The characters were all fictitious, and any offense taken was not intended. It is, after all, just a story. :neutral:

LOL cool story you should post it in the rp section maybe they'll give you +all skills

but nah i feel you takes forever for this old game and everyones already got everything and it's not like theres other games out there

smoke Wrote:LOL cool story you should post it in the rp section maybe they'll give you +all skills

but nah i feel you takes forever for this old game and everyones already got everything and it's not like theres other games out there

Yea man, that's what I did. There are MAYBE five difficult skills that you can't do fast/cheap. You can start with tactics and archery GMed and high magery... what the hell else you need to get started, for real?! Healing you can GM in 2-3 nights with an XUO FS scroll, 4k bandaids and a pitcher of water. All combats can be done the same way by sparring an animal, not to mention GMing vet (which is a useful PVM skill). Peacemaking, discordance, and provocation take awhile, but are EXTREMELY cheap. All the lores and junk take a week to GM all of them. Tailoring is kind've tough, only because it's slow, but is extremely profitable. That leaves Alchemy (easy with poison pots), begging (free), bowcraft (30k logs and 30k feathers, so easy), camping (EASY), cooking (GMed from fishing...), forensics (just have to be clever and it's a 1 night GM), lockpicking/remove trap/cartography/disarming(completely unnecessary), snooping/stealing (can GM in a few nights with a pack horse and a piece of cloth), poisoning (done with alc, duh), tinkering (way too easy in my opinion, 20-30k iron), mining (takes a while to GM, but it's 100% profit from the get-go). This leaves the hard skills:

Animal taming

Look at the last 5... all 5 are unnecessary, but are completely manageable if you use your brain.

What's hard about this server and skill gain?


In 3 weeks you can have all combats GMed (including tactics), healing, magery, meditation, stealth and hiding, and all the lores.

Lores include:
Animal Lore
Item Identification
Arms Lore
Detect Hidden
Evaluating Intelligence
Spirit Speak
Taste Identification

Plus by then you could have made enough cash hunting to buy a small house and buy the remaining skills to 40. Thats 700 for the combats, 900 for the lores, plus 500 for the other GM skills. With 40 in everything else, that puts you at (49(total)-21(GMs))*40+700+900+500. 3220 skill.

3220 skill and a house. Everything else is nice to have, but you can pvp/pvm without anything extra.


Yeah, throughout this thread, you've claimed several times to know all of
these secret tricks to gm every skill in 4 months, and make millions of gold,
but the issue at hand is: does the average newbie who sees us on the top
100 know the same money making / skill raising tactics to get ahead, as you
did? Rather than imply that they don't have half a brain, accept the fact that
they haven't explored the server as extensively as you, and sampled all the skills.

Do the afforementioned newbies even have prior experience with sphere?

I'm doubtful.

I've told you some of the reasons why returning players haven't come back,
and I've spoken to several of them.

If you don't think change is needed, then by all means, keep it up! Big Grin
But the majority of them won't be back, for reasons I've covered.

[COLOR="White"][SIZE="1"]"I LOVE famous people. They're so much better than the real thing." Big Grin
"Now my grand-daddy, he rode with the likes of TOM HORN, killing scum like you for a living. We've always been devil slayers."[/SIZE]


One of the things that makes GMing a skill rewarding is the sense of accomplishment you get when you finish it and get to pick your reward. Your argument, to me, sounds like, "I've done this once before and doing it again is a pain." I've restarted completely many times and each time, I get that same satisfaction after I finish.

To me, it's like putting an old, favorite game in the console. I play through the game completely, then realize that it's slightly different every time, and the "ending" is completely different every time.

I think handing out easy skills because people don't feel like they should have to re-do them isn't going to truly help out anyone, and it's a bit of a slap in the face to the people who already have the skills and have gotten them the hard way.

One thing that people don't consider when they're asking for easier skills is that though they get their skill up faster, so does everyone else. You said that alchemy and inscription are non-profitable (they're actually quite profitable), and I'm assuming you said that because they're the easy skills to raise.

That logic applies to smithing also. If you make it easier to raise, it's essentially a worthless skill that can't make money.

IMO, if you're committed to GMing blacksmithing, stick to it, work on it when you can (there's no race), and have fun while you do it. Once you get 100.0, throw on your r/r hammer, and can finally stop waking up screaming about daggers, then you'll be able to pick the fruit of your efforts.

i lost 4 week, but anaway Gang help me with 1st start money and house.
Quote:Anatomy 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Detecting Hidden 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Discordance 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Evaluating Intel... 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Healing 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Hiding 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Provocation 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Magery 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Magic Resistance 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Tactics 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Snooping 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Musicianship 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Swordsmanship 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Wrestling 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Meditation 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Stealth 100,0 100,0 0,0 100,0
Parrying 98,2 98,0 0,0 100,0
Fencing 93,2 92,5 0,0 100,0
Veterinary 93,7 92,2 0,0 100,0
Animal Lore 91,0 91,0 0,0 100,0
Stealing 69,1 65,7 0,0 100,0
Spirit Speak 62,4 62,4 0,0 100,0
Peacemaking 60,7 60,7 0,0 100,0

That's very good Gatin! How can I help you improve your skills?

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