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......exxagerating .... noone has and will ever have that amount of money on the shard.....

And again we get into the skillgain discussion..... like we've said plenty of times, we don't want to make the skillgain any easier than it already is.... Taran has edited them like 2 or 3 times already and that's enough. And we will not make it easier cause of some of these matters:

1-Game gets boring (what will you want to do , what motivation your gonna have when you have gmed all your skills in less than a month)

2-The economy will be afected (crafters,tamers,miners,) the cost of the items in-game will be low and dumb, just like it was on xuo, because everyone was gm crafter tamer or miner, for example if we lower the skillgain on taming and make it easy the price of rides in-game will be low, why? because there are gonna be tons of GM tamers and tons of rides around ... simple economist class.....

The point is we won't lower the skillgain, because its a stupid idea..

People left for many diferent reasons..... that's an old story.... some left because the found inx to be hard for them? well maybe this wasn't the place for them after all ... some left because they found pvp to be bad or sucky? well maybe this wasn't the place they were looking after all.... we really want and care that our players stays with uss because thats the whole point on having a shard, form a comunity and have fun each other, after all its a game we're playing.

But we can't be kissing players feet , if you get what i mean.... if they choose to go to another server thats their choice... after all theres plenty of shards out there for your taste, each is diferent, each has their own style, this is our style... we don't want to be like any other shard , we want to be uss. And it's sad that people prefers to play on "xx" shard which has our pvp style but it's sucky , I guess they don't aprecciate what a real shard is...

You are saying that I dont get this money? or that rabbi dont get this money?


Oh like shade said this is getting old and it's pointless to discuss that anymore, it won't get us anywhere, they clearly stated noone plans to change skillgain.
Anyways, as it was said lately alchemy isn't needed for PvPer cause the pots has low price and so on, even I with GM alchemy often buy mana pots instead of making, theres no real difference anyway. But I have to agree that you can't just PvP here or something. No matter how often you win in gank/duels you will still be loosing money, so you will have to hunt. As for making taming easier, noone really ever asked for that.. Yeah we would have alot of tamers around, but I doubt there would be more mounts, we don't have so much spawns and our tamers checking them all the time, maybe not lately cause pretty much everyone stopped playing, but when server had at least 20+ players you had to check spawns non stop to tame anything.

Quote:But we can't be kissing players feet , if you get what i mean.... if they choose to go to another server thats their choice... after all theres plenty of shards out there for your taste, each is diferent, each has their own style, this is our style... we don't want to be like any other shard , we want to be uss. And it's sad that people prefers to play on "xx" shard which has our pvp style but it's sucky , I guess they don't aprecciate what a real shard is...

Yea, compared to how this server scripted those shards could suck, but the players that plays there prefer PvPing over hunting. Didn't you ever think why we never had many PvPers around? Why they always tried to find another place to play? Just log in the game now and check who plays here, only PvMers and tamers. To stay on this server, to have enough supplies you have to hunt more than you actually play, I know some people like single player, but the ones that don't moved on those sucky servers which don't offer bugless gameplay, but they offer triple more action with same playerbase.

Well two possible issues that can be looked into are hunting and resource costs for pvp items.

Hunting is easy enough to rebalance or even add a new special hotspot that players could easily get to that might have an extra gold bonus on drops but would have a higher risk of death and/or getting pk'd. This would only benefit a few players right now though and wouldn't have as much risk as I would like to see though. Something like this would be best saved for after we leave beta.

Another idea that I had was to enable a few pvp areas that reward you for being there... I can best describe this as like a king of the hill/dungeon area. Basically an announcement would be broadcasted that x area is active and whatever player is on that spot/area the longest would earn a gold prize. This would maybe point everyone to an exact spot where action may be or create action as players fight over the prize. The player(s) there the longest would be rewarded, granted they were still alive.

I was also thinking about making a weekly mini-champion that would auto run so that players would not have to depend on staff. This is currently in the works and might be done in 2-4 weeks. It would give everyone who attacked the monster gold, maybe even an item, plus the monster would drop some nice things as well. This is just another option as to help stimulate an income.

Of course these options mentioned are really only useful with a bigger playerbase as we don't want a handful of players having 100 million gold when we leave beta and other players return. We could rebalance loot a tiny bit to help players return and get on their feet easier... though any adjustments made to loot would not be very significant.

The other root of this problem is supplies. By lowering the cost of certain materials this might help players be a little more willing to lose some of their items in pvp. For instance, if we were to lower the cost of making scrolls, people might buy and use them more often. Making them take less time to craft might help as well, since making fs scrolls takes forever with the current meditation system.

Also, there is an option for more mobs that drop mid-level gear for pvp. Lets say you kill this new mob, you may have a 33% chance he drops a weapon equal to a power weapon with a minor accuracy bonus. Though we have mobs that currently drop armor, both high end and low end ARs, it might help to have mobs that drop a mid AR as well. This would help armor circulate more in game and make people gear up more often.

These are just some ideas I had on these issue, give some feedback regarding them so we can see how everyone feels and what everyone thinks is needed. If you think these are bad ideas, tell me why and suggest your own ideas.

I am with gang! but nothing word have power here... nothing go to change here... staff said this...


I like all the ideas, but personally I think if loot was made a little better (especially at the moment due to the player base) this would help out considering people arent buying items on vendors for the most part. Hunting as is takes awhile to make cash.



What Shade said sounds pretty interesting. If there were a weekly monster event I'd be sure to log on for that as I love hunting. Even better is if it can be automated so as Shade said it's not dependent on staff. It would be nice to have a staff there to watch over it just in case something went wrong, but we can always report any issues to the staff after the event.

I like the idea of decreasing the costs of crafting since it's incredibly hard to make a profit off supplies like potions and scrolls. I can't even sell them at cost price! Unfortunately people are so cheap that if the cost goes down by 5% they'll expect to pay 10% less and you still won't make a profit.

I also like the idea of rebalancing (hopefully Shade means increasing) monster loots a bit. To make a decent profit hunting there are only a few areas you can go to and while it's good to limit it to some degree and to kind of force players to meet each other, respawn times are sometimes high so it can take some time to make money if you just like hunting and there are plenty of people that just like hunting.

An issue with hunting is depending on what you hunt you just break even or barely make a profit. For example, if I hunt Xtreme skeletons I will use about 100 arrows on each skeleton, cast a few evs, heal a few times from other monsters in the area, etc. Last Xtreme skeleton I killed gave me around 2k. That's not a lot when I'm spending 300gp on arrows, over 200gp on regs, 100gp on a 4-5 pots and scrolls and more on basic armor like iron, copper, etc. At that rate I have to kill 10+ Xtreme skeletons to be able to buy a new set of armor, a new bow, and a bag of regs if I die or get pked.

Yes, someone could tell me I'm hunting the wrong thing but we have to take make some things easy for new players who don't know the best hunting spots (and probably wouldn't survive there anyways) and aren't used to our pvp/pvm system. Once these new players adapt some then they can move on to bigger and bigger monsters to make bigger and bigger profits.

Whatever you hunt you should break even or make a small profit. The harder the monster the bigger the profit.

The same applied to pvp on XUO. If you were a good or even decent pker you would be self sufficient and wouldn't have to hunt or mine all the time to make money to pay for your supplies to pvp for 20 minutes. I think that's one of the reasons pvp succeeded on XUO, because it was cheap to restock so people weren't scared to take 20 of each scroll and pot with them.

Quote:Of course these options mentioned are really only useful with a bigger playerbase as we don't want a handful of players having 100 million gold when we leave beta and other players return.

The one problem I see in that post Shade is you say when we leave beta. How long are we going to wait to leave beta? Another year, two years? We've been in beta 3-4 years now, this can't be an excuse to not add features any longer.

My take on the skillgain
-The basic pvp skills are; Anatomy, Evaluating Intelligence, Healing, Magery, Meditation, Resisting Spells, Swordsmanship, and Tactics.

-The other combats (Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Parrying, and Wrestling aren't that popular for pvp either as most people will use a bardiche. That's true whether you pk someone in the world of fight someone in a tour.

-Detect Hidden, Hiding, and Stealth are helpful, but they aren't 100% needed.

-Alchemy & Inscription are crafting skills and as others mentioned you can buy pots and scrolls for cheap. Yes it's nice to have these to be self-sufficient but you can't make them easy to gain because everyone will do it and then you take away a source of income for the crafters, which you can't do.

What I think would be a great move would be to make the basic pvp skills easier to gain and leave the rest as is. You'll notice the basic pvp skills are also all used for hunting (replace swordsmanship with archery). When people come and see these skills are easy, they will stick around for a bit and try all the other stuff out that we have to offer. Sure, they may leave in 2 months, but if we always get 3-4 people coming that's a higher player count for that short time and since there's always an influx of players it's always a higher player count and some of those people are bound to stay so player count will slowly increase without damaging other aspects of the shard.

Someone will now probably tell me but then you don't feel like you earned your character. True, but you're not earning huge profits either. What you put into INX is what you get back. If you don't put a lot of effort you'll get by but you won't be rich or self sufficient. In order to get there you have to work for it, which is why I say make the pvp skills a bit easier, and leave the rest as is.

Hey, seriously if your gonna keep being rude and trying to make fun of the shard and what the staff has done... why do you bother on posting nonsence things that will end up in the trashcan? just leave and don't come back....go to another place whateverr..... you guys are pathetic...

Do you get it? p a t h e t i c

Cailey Wrote:Hey, seriously if your gonna keep being rude and trying to make fun of the shard and what the staff has done... why do you bother on posting nonsence things that will end up in the trashcan? just leave and don't come back....go to another place whateverr..... you guys are pathetic...

Do you get it? p a t h e t i c

Thank you for your valuable feedback on this matter. On behalf of INX, have a nice day.

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