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LudaKrishna Wrote:Why not implement it right now?

Because even if this brought new players here, once we hit past 60 everyone would start experiencing lag spikes caused by the current server. This of course would make most of them quit, which is why a huge majority of our old players quit.

Quote:Not saying you won't get people from emails, but what I am saying is that you'll get about 50 max 1st week, 30 2nd-3rd week, 15 after one month.

Quite a few old players actually requested that they be contacted if the hardware issues were ever fixed. That surely does not promise they will come back but it does have more hope then handing out skills. Better to have old players return then new players screw around for a few weeks and leave.

You guys don't seem to understand that no matter what we do it will be in vain unless we get a new server. If more players come the current hardware will have mini strokes like it used to. Thats why we can't send out emails or hand out anything to rake people in.

We can thank a certain company in eXceSs 4 ALL their empty promises. Had they just been honest when we had more players, we might have had more luck with coming up with a solution.
Someone is bound to get pissy at me for stating that:doubt:

Does anyone know of a person with a good internet? That has hosted a shard before? and is trustworthy enough to host this?

As for the new hardware, my brother offered to donate $115 to the cause, but Taran I think only accepts PayPal.

Who's your brother?

Not having PayPal is not really an excuse to not donate. You just need a bank account or a credit card to be able to send money through paypal.
If someone wants to send cash through postal service that's ok, but they do it on their risk if the money is lost since it's much less secure.

hey all Wink

Well is quite easy: Just look uogamers.

Uogamers hybrid for example has high skill gain in combats and merchant skills more or less depending of which skill is it would be easier or harder.

People dont wanna spend too much time in this game, they just wanna reach play and have fun. Some people like Rabbi thinks that Macroing is fun, the % of people that thinks this at the actual uo player database = 5%?

We arent people with 14 years this game is played by people with a higher age so time is very appreciate.

At the start of the server i remember we reached like 150 players minimum but the hard skill gain killed the playerbase. So just think about it... People wants to play not to spend time macroing.

My advice make combat skills quite easy so people can play and have fun and dont make impossible merchant skills.

see u soon

Making this shard like any other shard is not the answer. More people left because of server problems then any other reason. However skill gain has been made much easier since the shard opened so that really isn't much of an excuse anymore, except for the players who only plan on logging on an hour a week and those players don't help to build a player base.

If skill gain becomes easier, we will just be another dime a dozen shard. Those shards are too common and have the same old players come and go, not to mention most of those shards allow multi accounting which makes the player base appear to be double of what it really is. The purpose of IN-X is not to be like this shard or that shard but to be unique and give players a different gaming experience.

Shade I love the fact that INX is striving to be a unique shard, and that's half the reason I play and why I visit the forums on a regular basis to try and keep the shard as something I'd like to play.

But some people need to face reality and the fact that other shards do last for years with significantly higher playerbases (yes a portion of that may or may not be multi accounts, but after you factor that out it's still a higher player count). Clearly if any number of shards can be successful by following similar features, that's something that works and INX won't strive if it aims to not follow any of those criteria.

You know a number of shards strive with a different pvp system, shall we change that too? A number of shards ban people for simply disagreeing with staff (I've been banned from several so I know first hand), shall we start doing that? Some shards force rp, shall we do that? Some have rules like, one character per account or only a specific language may be spoken, like those to be added? A number of shards have ethereal mounts, insurance, corpse retrieval, lrc, fcr, lmc and so on, shall we add those things as well?

Why am I stating all this? Well simply because you are looking at an entire shard and picking one feature to explain its success. Those shards with tons of players have more then just easier skill gain so stop acting like thats what makes the shard what it is. An entire shard is what makes it successful, you can't pick the one thing you want added here as an example as to why they have more players... geez I thought you were smarter then that 80. Guess you have too many children telling you what to say :p

Like I said, people left for all different reasons. However nothing major will be changed until we get new hardware so save your gripes until then. That way everything can be decided as a community instead of the person with the most gullible friends gets his way.

Instead of complaining, how about everyone thinks up some new ideas, features, quests or events for when that day comes. Help the shard grow by coming up with productive ideas, not beating a dead horse.

You know a number of shards strive with a different pvp system
-I realize that and I think there have been multiple changes to the original XUO pvp so as you said, you can't pick only one reason for blaming the shard's performance.
A number of shards ban people for simply disagreeing with staff (I've been banned from several so I know first hand)
-You do realize every single player here has argued with the staff about something, right? Way to make your playerbase 0.
Some shards force rp
-Welcome to INX, not IN1.
Some have rules like, one character per account or only a specific language may be spoken
-Go ahead, make it so only one language can be spoken. This shard comprises of players from many different countries so whoever is screwed will probably leave. English players will leave if spanish/russian/swedish is the only language allowed, spannish and russian players would probably leave if english were the only language allowed, swedes would probably stay since they all speak english anyways.

Quote:Guess you have too many children telling you what to say :p
What? lol

Quote:Like I said, people left for all different reasons. However nothing major will be changed until we get new hardware so save your gripes until then. That way everything can be decided as a community instead of the person with the most gullible friends gets his way.

Agreed, but as you see more and more people seem to be pointing to skill gain yet all their opinions are still overlooked.

Quote:Instead of complaining, how about everyone thinks up some new ideas, features, quests or events for when that day comes. Help the shard grow by coming up with productive ideas, not beating a dead horse.

I think I've given more then my fair share of suggestions, most of the time the ideas are too big/complex to implement so they get passed up or since it wouldn't benefit every single player it gets passed up. As I've said before, you have to add numerous small features; a few to satisfy one group of a players, a few to satisfy another group, etc. You can't expect to satisfy everyone with each feature. And occasionally you need to spend the time to get bigger really interesting stuff implemented.

I just talked with some players of another server about in-x. And all of them said they doesnt play because the skillgain is too hard and there is no action here all ppl afk.

So... if u want players come back u know what to do. Im sure u wont do a shit but at least i said it.

I hope u dont keep waiting for a miracle and admit (dunno if its the word) that the big problem of this server is the skillgain. Maybe the 5 players who actually r on like the skillgain but the rest dont so if u want more than 5 playerbase change it.

See you

is a big problem, but isnt the unique problem... Smile


Thats weird, I just talked to a bunch of old players too and they said they got tired of everyone complaining and a laggy server and thats why they left.

It's getting really old now. Skill gain won't change, doesn't matter who you say you talked to. Seriously, saying the same damn thing every week isn't going to get it to change, nothing short of killing me in real life will.

People have complained about all sorts of things so it wouldn't be fair to just change the one you don't like. Stop thinking about yourself and your wants and remember that this shard is a mix of players from all sorts of backgrounds, many players like the skill gain a bit hard to earn their characters and merely left for lag issues.

Besides, every time skill gain got easier on this shard we lost more players. Maybe its time to revert the skill gains to how they were in the beginning. Wink

Tell me... The people you talked with , played here How Long AGO?

Most people say skill gain is to hard but dont play here have more than a Year, so they really dont know how its now and about the free skill stone, and how skill has made easy.

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