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new armors

Love how the person who made this thread saying "lets fix the economy" is the sole purpose the taming economy sucks :p Love ya Techy

you can't make a living off taming it's like a side job imo rides should still be way cheaper

I really don't know if I should cry or laugh! :lol: You guys are amazing (smoke, luda & scare)...

When did I EVER mention health or mana regen?!

smoke Wrote:yes because i control gang bang scarecrow luda muto and kamos you moronic nobody, the pvp was promissed to us XUOERs as you guys call us and the skill gain was promissed to you INERs as was promissed so leave it be

No, you don't control gang bang, muto or kamos, they haven't even agreed with you. Although, you, scare and luda chats with each other on msn and vent all day... It's nothing but obvious you agreed to eachother to post in this thread.. Yours and ludas post was made in the same minute, while scares came 2mins after.

The skillgain was promised to INERS?! If that's true, we have made dozens of changes to the skillgain, now lets make changes for the PVP.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Lederoil Wrote:The skillgain was promised to INERS?! If that's true, we have made dozens of changes to the skillgain, now lets make changes for the PVP.

He's right there (on the skill gain aspect). From everyone who played on IN they ALL say skill gain here is at least 2x faster then on IN. It's not like 50% of IN players say it's faster here, they ALL say it was at least 2x harder then what we have here.

IN players made a compromise to have easier skillgain and XUO players have accepted some small PVP oriented changes like the spam delay, apparently it's only a matter of time until invisibility pots are implemented, and there seem to be other things in the works that we'll have no choice but to accept...

Anyways, back on topic... who says we permanently change some existing ores for newer ones and who says we rotate a few mid range ores every other month?

And how do people feel about having some areas with higher drop rates for certain ores? Like on ice island you'd have a higher chance of getting ice, etc.

I CONTROL MY SELF! (or I try to), i think leather armor that gives you some extra bonus its not such a bad idea but It must be balanced(wich is hard) so it can't harm the PVP.

For ex. a leather armor that gives some extra mana would be usefull for pve and ganking as I see it. But to balance it, you won't be able to use it with shields (because if you can use it in tours you would be able to have 2 armors in your backpack and wear shield+thatleather and reg your mana fast whenever you want without loosing ar at all) and it will give low ar ofc. And if the idea of the nonshield doesnt work to balance it you won't be able to use it in tours or duel arena though.

But as some guys said already if we don't balance it properly to make it usefull to pve and gank it would be just another feature that noone will use.

Anyway you are up to give us your bonus suggestions Big Grin

Pum Pum Plaka Plaka

Don't you know I'm Loco?

Extra mana would suck to be honest, it's like +stats. If you meant extra mana regain about +10% like we were talking, yeah it's not harmful I think, it would be useful for gank/PvE, and if you can't use shield with it to get regain noone will use it on tours. The thing is againest decent pvper on duel stones/tour you work the whole duel to make him run outta mana, if he could just wear some armor+shield and get his mana regained in no time it would seriously ruin pvp. But if as soon as you equip shield regain stops working or if you can use it with shield but can't use it on duel stones/tours it will definitely be useful for gank or hunting... For example I to be honest liked ganking on no-vus much more cos there you didn't run outta mana and you could fight againest bigger groups with just one partner. Here two guys have almost no chance again five decent pvpers, cos even if they won't die instantly they will just keep running and healing, and waste their mana very fast, so they can't dump back...
Oh and btw, if it will be implemented and it just won't work with shield make sure smart guys won't make macros like equip/unequip shield... Like you know, the guy hits you with bard, you quickly unequip shield and equip it again in 2secondsSmile

Edit: Also very important thing that this armor shouldn't be expensive, so people actually use it. Not like hell hally or black widow or cho ko nu, which is very good for gank but it's so expensive that noone will ever risk weapon which worths 50-100k

I always meant more mana reg, I never said extra mana. While you hunt most part of people use bows so its no problem cant use shield.
And gain mana faster gonna help alot, atm if you are at 5 mana and need to cast a ev scroll ( 25 mana) you have to drink a pot or if you dont have one you need to wait like 2 min (not sure but is around it 1/2min) to reg the 20 mana missing.

Btw about the prices , it depends on the server populations and such. You have a armor that just a fell can make, it gonna be more expensive, but when the server grows and have alot people selling igredients for those armors and alot people that can make those armors the price go down for sure.
Was like HH on the end of IN, it was 10k.

Lederoil Wrote:I really don't know if I should cry or laugh! :lol: You guys are amazing (smoke, luda & scare)...

When did I EVER mention health or mana regen?!

No, you don't control gang bang, muto or kamos, they haven't even agreed with you. Although, you, scare and luda chats with each other on msn and vent all day... It's nothing but obvious you agreed to eachother to post in this thread.. Yours and ludas post was made in the same minute, while scares came 2mins after.

The skillgain was promised to INERS?! If that's true, we have made dozens of changes to the skillgain, now lets make changes for the PVP.

lol what are you stupid or just paranoid now? the only people i talk in vent with is luda and scare and it's rare scare logs on we know each irl ofc were going to be intrested in saving our pvp even muto comes in vent sometimes (it's been a while) but what does that have to do with the fact that he posted his own opinion? kamos and i have recently become friends so i really don't know where your going with this this post just made me realize how much of a baby you are. you basically said because were friends were going to agree on the same thing LOL, well how about you and your friends i can say the same thing?

yeah there was some few adjustments to the skillgain because NOBODY wanted to play, not to mention there was some few adjustments to our pvp like spam delay (NO IDEA WHY) and ganking with armor so stop trying to bring up things that don't even make sense

smoke Wrote:lol what are you stupid or just paranoid now? the only people i talk in vent with is luda and scare and it's rare scare logs on we know each irl ofc were going to be intrested in saving our pvp even muto comes in vent sometimes (it's been a while) but what does that have to do with the fact that he posted his own opinion? kamos and i have recently become friends so i really don't know where your going with this this post just made me realize how much of a baby you are. you basically said because were friends were going to agree on the same thing LOL, well how about you and your friends i can say the same thing?

What the hell are you talking about? Do you even understand yourself what you're trying to say?

First of all, my point with bringin up you having contact to eachother everyday etc was to point out it was not by mere accident you all three was posting at the same time, in the same thread. Which you try to make it sound like by answering this post;

The Enlightened One Wrote:It's cute how Smoke and LudaKrishna gaing up on people in the forums to try to belittle them and how they think they are right just because their posts outnumber their victom 2 to 1.

With this;

Smoke Wrote:yes because i control gang bang scarecrow luda muto and kamos you moronic nobody

smoke Wrote:even muto comes in vent sometimes (it's been a while) but what does that have to do with the fact that he posted his own opinion? kamos and i have recently become friends so i really don't know where your going with this this post just made me realize how much of a baby you are.

Why are you even bringing up Muto? could you please quote what I've wrote, that you're trying to answer by bringing up Muto being on your vent sometimes?

...and about you recently became friend with Kamos, what has that to do with ANYTHING? Jesus...

No, I'm really not saying it's because you are friends you're agreeing with eachother... but you make it sound like Muto and Kamos agrees with you just because you're friends, even though they haven't wrote anything where they agree with you in this thread.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Ryuuku Wrote:I always meant more mana reg, I never said extra mana. While you hunt most part of people use bows so its no problem cant use shield.
And gain mana faster gonna help alot, atm if you are at 5 mana and need to cast a ev scroll ( 25 mana) you have to drink a pot or if you dont have one you need to wait like 2 min (not sure but is around it 1/2min) to reg the 20 mana missing.

Mana regen is much faster then that if you have GM Meditation. You just need to use the skill every other second for *active* mana regen. If you just do it once and then wait you're doing *passive* mana regen. Using the skill over and over in a few seconds lets you regen about 3 mana every 2 seconds Smile

Eighty Swords Wrote:Mana regen is much faster then that if you have GM Meditation. You just need to use the skill every other second for *active* mana regen. If you just do it once and then wait you're doing *passive* mana regen. Using the skill over and over in a few seconds lets you regen about 3 mana every 2 seconds Smile

But to do it you have to keep pressing tab and use the skill, so wait a bit to atack again, I rather keep shoting than stop to medit, sometimes its necessary stop to medit but well everybody know medit arent that good here have plenty of posts and threads asking to boost it, so if they dont want to bost it the armors gonna help alot.

Medit is like 1 mana each 3 sec ... 20 x 3 = 60 sec, 1 min to have the necessary mana. A bit less since sometimes you gonna gain 1 from the medit and 1 from the normal regeneration, but still around 40+ sec.

You're right you do have to tab in & out of warmode or out again but I just wanted to say you can use it over and over for faster regen. There are some monsters I hunt just by casting EQ and when I meditate I can gain 3 mana in 2 seconds (like you said 1 from the medit and 1 from regular mana regen) but really its like 20 seconds for 20-30 mana to cast the ev you said Wink

I like how mana reg worked on xuo; you use the skill and until you move or get attacked you regen 2 mana per second and if you cast eq or some other spell in peacemode you wouldn't have to go in and out of warmode to use the skill!!

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