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Goodbye INX

Where you go Noob... Come back fast.....
Fast Fast Fast Fast...


Papa Smurf Wrote:For now......My computer decided to run at really high temps (70 degrees celcius) atleast I think thats high. So I bought a new fan for the CPU and my programs are still taking forever to load and the comp still gets hot. So until I can get around to fixing the comp I will be without INX :mad: I am fixing my car then I will dump money into my computer so it will be awhile. Until then if anyone has PS3 and wants to play online Versus with Resident Evil 5 or COD5 Zombies and shit hit me up my username is Signal-14 I am going to miss you all Cry

ahh u suckk... resident evil? COD?????

Its all about Socom confrontation !!!!!!!!

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

Papa Smurf Wrote:For now......My computer decided to run at really high temps (70 degrees celcius) atleast I think thats high. So I bought a new fan for the CPU and my programs are still taking forever to load and the comp still gets hot. So until I can get around to fixing the comp I will be without INX :mad: I am fixing my car then I will dump money into my computer so it will be awhile. Until then if anyone has PS3 and wants to play online Versus with Resident Evil 5 or COD5 Zombies and shit hit me up my username is Signal-14 I am going to miss you all Cry

Yo papa add me in PS3.
I am juliocruz77. Lets play COD5 Wink!

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

ok Hiro ill add you tomorrow after I get out of work. Thnks for the input guys ill certainly try thos things but I know my startup has nothing in it only 2 things. Services is barely anything also. As for the ram issue I only have 32 bit so only 4 gigs but ill check into that too. Thanks again guys im hoping these issues fix it, because if not I wont be back for quite sometime.

Papa Smurf Wrote:For now......My computer decided to run at really high temps (70 degrees celcius) atleast I think thats high. So I bought a new fan for the CPU and my programs are still taking forever to load and the comp still gets hot. So until I can get around to fixing the comp I will be without INX :mad: I am fixing my car then I will dump money into my computer so it will be awhile. Until then if anyone has PS3 and wants to play online Versus with Resident Evil 5 or COD5 Zombies and shit hit me up my username is Signal-14 I am going to miss you all Cry

Dude, call the company from which you bought the processor if it is getting "very very hot", and ask them what it could be. If they think that something is wrong with it then I'd recommend you to send it in to them for a warranty fix, unless the warranty period has ended. How long ago did you buy the processor, and was it from a serious computer firm or not?

Open the scassi and take a look at the fans. Are they all spinning? Even the one within the processor? If not then that would probably explain why it is getting so hot ;p If they all spinn and it's still getting hot then it may very well be the processor that has messed itself up somehow. Have you overclocked it?

Anyways, call the people you bought it from if none of the suggestions that the players have given you so far as worked, because they should be able to help you figure out what it is, and hopefully repair it for you for free, if u still have some warranty time left.

Best of luck!


That's another good point. I've seen the fans stop working because they get clogged with dust or simply burn out their motor. Check all the fans to make sure they're blowing and that they're all going the right way. Mine pulls air in from 2 spots on the case and blows all air out through the power supply.

I just replaced all 3 fans and put new thermal paste on the cpu. Also i just got 64 bit vista (incase it was a virus) also installed new Macafee with updates, windows defender and im using firefox so im hoping that will be enough protection and im reformatting and installing vista now. so hopefully *crosses fingers* i will see you all very soon Smile

I think you gave yourself more problems then what you might solve buddy.

-Vista - Sucks giant monkey balls, however I have to admit that when it's not crashing or locking up 64-bit is really bloody fast.
-McAfee - Whats there to say other then ouch! I'd go with the free version of AVG if I were you. Personally, I find AVG is the best one out there, and I've tried a few (McAfee, multiple Norton's, Avast!, etc).
-Windows defender - A resource stealing application. I've yet to see it actually help me.

i actually have no anti-virus and i turned off all of windows bs defender, some ppl call it not smart but when u know wut ur doing and behind a router firewall it dun matter lol, most i ever get is some spyware rarely.

i'd actually wait for windows seven, since its supposed to be like vista without all the bugs. but then again who knows lol

xp ftw.

Windows 7 is much much nicer then Vista and its only in beta. Still some bs securities that need disabling but its much more stable and actually compatible with hardware! Holy crap microsoft is doing a good job before the release?... Normally takes them 5 years to get a release working as good as their previous release.

welp I eliminated the virus as being a possible problem. So i decided to buy the EVGA x58 SLI Classified Intel motherboard and the intel i7 920 processor and some tripple channel ddr3 ram so hopefully ill be back on in no time Smile

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