smoke Wrote:omg I keep telling everyone I wasn't online macroing after everyone couldn't WHEN the shard crashed i poped open the .on menu took a picture i was at 95.1 THERE WAS A TIME WARP so i lose 1.3 of skills that's why i was pissed off i wasn't macroing during the time of the bugged shard. (well i was but i didn't count it in the screen shot, the next morning when i fully macroed over night i got to 97.5) How many times do i have to explain my self jesus it's in like 5-6 posts. I DIDN'T CONTIUNE NOR COUNT MY SKILL POINTS AFTER THE SHARD HAS CRASHED. (maybe if i write it in capitals people will understand?)
anyways you can close this topic as i said it's just beginning to get more and more flames from other people
Well I'm not the only one here who didn't understand you 100% so maybe you could have done a better job explaining. Either way, the shard screwed up so everyone lost some time spent macroing/crafting/hunting. Anyways like you said this isn't going anywhere.
LudaKrishna Wrote:p.s: 80 2 hrs a night = 60hrs for 30 days. If ur using wireless make sure u don't have the option checked of "Kill Connection when inactive" or something i forgot wut its exact wording is but i know there's an option like that on ur pc/laptop if u use wireless. there might be one for wired connections also u might want to check that. If they're not checked then seriously call ur isp
I'm not sure why you're bringing up this 60 hours thing, because I'm not about to go nuts for losing some time. If it's about the time you guys lost, you lost 2 hours one time so it's really not such a huge thing. Again, like you and smoke are saying this isn't going anywhere.
Thanks for the tip on the modem though. It's an ethernet connection between my modem and router and then router to pc. I've also gone through the modem and router settings and didn't see anything like this for wired connections. I spoke to my ISP once already and they said the only disconnect they do is every 24 hours to renew your IP. They also say that it's not at a certain point everyday, but 24 hours after you connect. There’s still the problem of PC screwing up and UO screwing up. Once I get a 3 day weekend (which will probably be never) I’ll think about formatting and installing everything again to clean up my system. Been at least a year since I’ve done that anyways…
By the way, my macro went all night no problems, my genious macro even multi tasked for me, and when one job was done it did the other job the whole night. Provocation at 96.x now

And as of 9ish it's still going!! That's like a world record for me hahaha