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Ganking blues in Brit - Make it illegal

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I think you missundersttod what being blue is and always have been about Smile
Its not to give you safezones.(safe citys).

It is to give you more towns and places to be in and the ability to buy reagents resources sell items etc without being afraid of getting killed (as you can ask guards to help you)

"you are now under the protection of town guards"
is not the same as
"you have a feeling of completely safety"

If you want to macro and stay safe we suggest you too use a house.

We do not want to make blue towns safe zones, as we think that would ruin alot of the uo feeling and sphere feeling. Also it would be incredible hard to administrate and we would have to rely on printscreens and words given from both sides. If we dont make blue towns a no PK zoone (like pits) but like i said that is nothing we will do as some people already think Pits the only safe zone we got right now is too much.

Also we have already disabled EV/BS in guarded towns.[/COLOR]

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Yeah, go afk at cove or jhelom bank or something and I'm sure you'll be fine. If people are doing this to you, simply walking over to ministry static, use runebook and recall to some other city. So simple. Or get a house for totall safety.

I think reason why he does it there is cause he needs to bank stuff as part of the macro, but still theres alot of cities which got a bank and people barely goes there

Odium Wrote:It is to give you more towns and places to be in and the ability to buy reagents resources sell items etc without being afraid of getting killed (as you can ask guards to help you)

The key thing you said here is to not be afraid... but when 3 people come along and decide to fs you it's not very safe. There's no feeling of security at all if this kind of thing can happen.

Well since it looks like we're allowed to do this kind of bull shit (excuse my language), and it's even some what encouraged, next time I'll join in with people and gank little blue players thinking they are safe in a blue town.

Very attractive to new players when they see they can't even stand in brit because 3 people can come and fs them :/ without repercussions.

As Tiesto said my macro uses the bank hence why I am macroing at the bank and not a house. I could probably edit the macro to work out of a container instead of my bank, but I'm sure people will find a way to kill me in my puny 8*8 house Sad

Yes I could move to another town very easily, like Jiraiya said I just have to go to ministry static and recall somewhere... If it's this easy you don't think other people can do this too?

Clearly these 3 guys were out to get me, you think they can't find someone they know is going to be macroing at a bank? There are only so many banks after all...

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]You do not have to be afraid if you compare to shopping in unguarded cities do you? Smile

if 3 people do manage to kill you you will most likely be back ressurected in time before they have looted your body and scream guards then.
You try to make it sound like you have to be very afraid while moving in a guarded town almsot as afraid as you would haev to be as if you walk in a red town.

But in a red town u will loose all your belongings if you die shopping.

No you can not be killed in a house. Unless they can get inside the house. (not even in a 8x8 sized house)

We will not make it illegal, we have already as stated before disabled EV and BS. (to make sure that if someone attack a player they will turn criminal and gain murder counts)
We do suggest people to macro in their houses, not in towns.

And if you use razor you already have used a hotbag inside your bank or targeted yourself (the bank itself) set that hotbag to a new box in your house[/COLOR]

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

You cannot be killed inside of a house from the outsideCry

Back in the day I used to love house killing people and waiting at their door while they ressed. Good times. I so miss thatCry

[Image: roflcopter.gif]

Shade Wrote:You cannot be killed inside of a house from the outsideCry

Back in the day I used to love house killing people and waiting at their door while they ressed. Good times. I so miss thatCry

oh it's still possible in small houses

smoke Wrote:oh it's still possible in small houses

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]do <spell xxx> reach that far if the player stand in the middle?
i guess we will sovle that then. Smile[/COLOR]

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

it doesn't if your in the middle of the house, but it sucks cause you can't train provocation also get on msn im bored

kk reported, i cant logon msn im at work.

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

Odium Wrote:kk reported, i cant logon msn im at work.

ah okay, would it be possible to fix it so that the spell doesn't go through the house?

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