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More moderation focus in Trading Forum

Nex Wrote:Poor him... and now you have to defend his cause ?

You feel sad because you don't want to announce you want to buy ingots or logs for a lower prices that it needs to be ?

Grow up dude, I totally had the right to tell Aghast it was a scam and the deal wasn't fair for him or for anybody else.

Samild could have simply upped his prices instead of whining that I ruptured a fraudulent deal.

I'm for a strong economy and if I need to "low-ball" anybody else, I will do it.

Samild is a pretty new player from my understanding and if what he was doing was a "scam" (which it wasn't, overpriced maybe but he did come to a deal with someone before you came into his thread to proclaim him as a thief) you could've just sent Aghast a PM or something instead of infringing on Samild's business. I mean, couldn't you have just said "Gee, that seems a bit overpriced, you should probably come down with it" instead of just calling him a thief, running his customer off, and hurting his credibility?

Maybe I've been a bit abrupt but anyway, what is done is done.

Tell me if I'm wrong.. but before selling or buying anything, you HAVE TO check item value if you don't, you could be ripped off really easily.

Next time, before buying logs he will check current prices.

Nex Wrote:Maybe I've been a bit abrupt but anyway, what is done is done.

Tell me if I'm wrong.. but before selling or buying anything, you HAVE TO check item value if you don't, you could be ripped off really easily.

Next time, before buying logs he will check current prices.

Well, I think it's wrong to say that the seller has to check value item and sell at that price (not that you actually said that word for word), because then there would be no friendly competition amongst craftsmen. However, the buyer should certainly check the market value and other players' prices before settling on a deal with someone. Otherwise, you're right, someone could be ripped off.

Overall, I haven't been just defending Samild but he was brought up by someone earlier in the thread so I suppose I did focus attention on his case (By the way, I've talked with Samild and he wasn't intentionally trying to rip anyone off or inflate prices, just trying to get the best bang for his buck at whatever someone would offer). However, my opinions are centered around the general flow of the Trading Post.

Nex, you're right, what's done is done. That doesn't mean things couldn't be worked on so as to have a constructively founded and maintained economic market (on the forums, at least) instead of a highly critical, "scare tactic" type calamity.

Bost Wrote:Samild is a pretty new player from my understanding [...]

dude, you still haven't gotten your facts straight.. stop fkn writing shit u know nothing about.. samild has been here since the beta went up and he's one of the richest folks on this shard.. k? now stfu

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:dude, you still haven't gotten your facts straight.. stop fkn writing shit u know nothing about.. samild has been here since the beta went up and he's one of the richest folks on this shard.. k? now stfu

I know Samild more than you are ever going to, trust me. Why don't you get your facts straight. He has a lot of money because he busts his butt, is a member in a guild that shares and really helps one another out, and isn't turning around to blow all of his money.

This isn't a thread about Samild, it's about the Trade forum for this server. This is in a forum for suggestions and ideas, not opinions, flaming and thread-shitting. So why don't you take your immature little comments, accusations, and "l33t" attitude to either another forum or another server where you'll at least be within the guidelines.

Pink, if you would like to converse about this any further, you can send me a PM instead of derailing this thread directed towards the staff and not your precious golden ego.

Naitsir Wrote:Ever heard of freedom of speech? Nex saved Aghast from selling merchandise for underprice to Samild, who knew he would have robbed Aghast, literally, hence in my opinion, scamming him. A trade has two winners, both buyer and seller - not only one. A scam doesn't.

And about the hijacking issue, who cares? It's not like you own the thread you started. Business isn't a one lane road where only you go forward, business can be risky so prepare of getting out-bought or whatever. Just do as Kreole said, lower the prices or don't sell - easy as that.

EDIT: and don't give me that morality lecture crap. Samild was mugging Aghast in my opinion, isn't that bad courtesy? Nex acted and did a good thing and Aghast appreciated it. Interfering with a trade is by far more mild than that.

I made an offer at a point where I had 0.0 carp and 0.0 bowcraft and had no idea what the going rate for logs was. The issue has since been worked out and I pay the going rate. What is the issue here, that a deal was made without your permission or that I have more money than you? If you are a miner/lumberjack and don't wish to sell resources to me at the rate I wish to buy, ask me for more and I'll be more than willing to reasonably negotiate. Or you could flame *laughs*.


Rabbi Samild Wrote:I made an offer at a point where I had 0.0 carp and 0.0 bowcraft and had no idea what the going rate for logs was. The issue has since been worked out and I pay the going rate. What is the issue here, that a deal was made without your permission or that I have more money than you? If you are a miner/lumberjack and don't wish to sell resources to me at the rate I wish to buy, ask me for more and I'll be more than willing to reasonably negotiate. Or you could flame *laughs*.


It was all a misunderstanding from my end then. Why would you need my approval for playing a game the way you want it? I stated my opinion, nothing more nor less. And no, money is not an issue since I don't really care about it, I can still play and have fun without being filthy rich. Glad to hear you buy/sell at reasonable prices now, though. It's all good.

check out my thread about buying ingots for 6gp mr. bost.. that's ur friend samild isn't it?

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:check out my thread about buying ingots for 6gp mr. bost.. that's ur friend samild isn't it?

Yes, it is and I'm not going to say that I enjoy seeing that but it's probably the best way it could be done. He isn't being explicitly rude, he isn't calling you a thief or a cheapskate, nor is he trying to put any labels on you. Is he trying to take your business and going against my own opinions? Yeah, I would say that he is. What's your point? Just because he is my friend doesn't mean anything and it doesn't take away from the fact that I would like to see more staff moderation in the trade forums. Friends have varying opinions and make different actions some times. I can't be held accountable for that.

Fact of the matter is, I would like for this thread to get back on topic or at least just be left alone with the riff-raff.

Naitsir Wrote:Ever heard of freedom of speech? Nex saved Aghast from selling merchandise for underprice to Samild, who knew he would have robbed Aghast, literally, hence in my opinion, scamming him. A trade has two winners, both buyer and seller - not only one. A scam doesn't.
Lol what the hell are you talking about, selling things for a higher price than others isnt scamming u clown.. if someone sells something for a higher price you either pay up or go buy it at someone else cheaper, its thread jacking nothing else. Oh and no i dont care i dont do trading.

[Image: sigpic786_3.gif]

Bost is correct in this matter. Not because everyone should be at their best behavior or anything but because if this is continued the trading forum should just be separated into topics for each item, ie: iron, potions, scrolls.

People's trading threads should not be jacked and allowed others to advertise in. Someone made a reference to commercials so I will too. When a company advertises their product do other companies cut the commercial off or air a commercial to play next that says, we beat their prices so come shop here. This does not happen, people need to research items they wish to purchase if they do not want to pay more. It is that simple.

If you want to advertise, just make your own thread and bump it once a day.

[Image: mariozl3.png]

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