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More moderation focus in Trading Forum - Printable Version

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More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Bost - 12-09-2007

There is an awful lot of thread-shitting and trolling going on in there. Is it really kosher to allow someone to start a thread buying/selling something and then have some ignorant twat come in and low-ball him by hijacking that thread or saying something like "he is ripping you off lol"? Honestly, I refuse to try and sell anything in the forum because of all of this. I believe that if you aren't there to make an offer or to try and sell something, you should be probated or banned from using that forum hence forth.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_p!nk dr@g0n - 12-09-2007

i couldn't disagree more.. a scam is a scam and shouldn't be tolerated, i'd be glad if there was someone there to tell me i was being screwed if i was.. what ur talking about only happened in one thread and the guy being ripped off was glad he was told so.. but i can see how would dislike it if ppl would tell other ppl to stay away from you if ur selling/buying shit unreasonably expensive/cheap..


More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Bost - 12-09-2007

Well, I've seen it happen in plenty of trading threads recently. Maybe not as direct as in Samild's post, but someone will be selling something and a guy will pop up and say "OH WELL I'M SELLING IT FOR HALF OF THAT LOL" and the same thing will happen. I feel that the Trade Forum should be for business only, not discussion, conversation, or open to criticism. Perhaps instead of trolling the person's thread with lower prices, thieving claims, etc. it might be better for the opposing person to just make a new thread.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Kreole Ragehead - 12-09-2007

Does anyone really get offended by that shit seriously? Its a forum to a game ffs.

If people underbid your own prices then you just have to lower yours or not sell, simple as that.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Bost - 12-09-2007

Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Does anyone really get offended by that shit seriously? Its a forum to a game ffs.

If people underbid your own prices then you just have to lower yours or not sell, simple as that.

It's not effecting how I live my life or anything, but it is a real pain in the butt. Just because you make a thread talking about what you're selling doesn't invite everyone who sells that to hijack your thread to advertise. I understand if you make a buying thread and you have offers thrown at you and someone gets low-balled there, but not vice versa. If you have something to sell, make a thread don't impend on someone else's business, simple as that.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_p!nk dr@g0n - 12-10-2007

no ur wrong.. the pain ur ass is a dildo..

and where better for ppl to advertise their own cheap products than in a thread concerning that exact product?

u call the tv stations aswell biatching about advertising in ur tv? YOUR OWN tv!? WTF WHY DO YOU MAKE COMMERCIAL IN MY TV MORONS!?

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Mephisto - 12-10-2007

Pink. I'm a little concerned that you are not of age to be using these public forums. Please be advised that children under 13 years of age should have a parent ( or guardian) with them while using the forums due to mature content. Please Remove your account until your parents ( or guardian) have time to sit down with you and fully discuss the proper way to go about using the forums.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Bost - 12-10-2007

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:no ur wrong.. the pain ur ass is a dildo..

and where better for ppl to advertise their own cheap products than in a thread concerning that exact product?

u call the tv stations aswell biatching about advertising in ur tv? YOUR OWN tv!? WTF WHY DO YOU MAKE COMMERCIAL IN MY TV MORONS!?

First off, you're an imbecile. Second of all, not only is it common courtesy to allow someone to have their own selling thread, but it's only fair to provide a troll free post to sell their wares. If low-balling is going to be done, do it in a PM so as not to hinder someone's business. There is a big difference between low-balling and informing. Besides, you'll attract more business if you can make your own thread selling a hot item cheaper than other competition. No need to be lame about it, right?

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Naitsir - 12-10-2007

Ever heard of freedom of speech? Nex saved Aghast from selling merchandise for underprice to Samild, who knew he would have robbed Aghast, literally, hence in my opinion, scamming him. A trade has two winners, both buyer and seller - not only one. A scam doesn't.

And about the hijacking issue, who cares? It's not like you own the thread you started. Business isn't a one lane road where only you go forward, business can be risky so prepare of getting out-bought or whatever. Just do as Kreole said, lower the prices or don't sell - easy as that.

EDIT: and don't give me that morality lecture crap. Samild was mugging Aghast in my opinion, isn't that bad courtesy? Nex acted and did a good thing and Aghast appreciated it. Interfering with a trade is by far more mild than that.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_p!nk dr@g0n - 12-10-2007

Mephisto Wrote:Pink. I'm a little concerned that you are not of age to be using these public forums. Please be advised that children under 13 years of age should have a parent ( or guardian) with them while using the forums due to mature content. Please Remove your account until your parents ( or guardian) have time to sit down with you and fully discuss the proper way to go about using the forums.

wow.. you are very... very... clever! that's so smart, how did you come up with such funny material? applause.. you even tried to edit it to perfection.. admirable.. u even got cut off from one of ur best ingotsupplier.. wow that's gotta suck eh?

Bost Wrote:First off, you're an imbecile.

lol, that's the best u can do? at first i disliked u.. now i just feel sorry for u..

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - imported_Bost - 12-10-2007

p!nk dr@g0n Wrote:lol, that's the best u can do? at first i disliked u.. now i just feel sorry for u..

So, I guess I should probably just storm in cussing and making perverted jokes about you and your mother in order to satisfy your needs? I'm not really game for doing that, but I could if you really wanted me to.

And I'm not trying to give anyone the morality issue, just that if someone is being "robbed" or whatever, just go ahead and PM that person and inform them instead of accusing people in a thread of being thieves. A seller will figure it out when his wares aren't selling that his prices are too high. People trying to be Dudley Do-Rights are what are killing the economy because they are trying to force the traditional price of things instead of letting new prices form. Undercutting belongs in a thread of its own, low-balling the same, and accusations belong in PMs. If some new person tries to sell something for what they believe is a fair price, someone takes them up on that offer, and then someone decides to call that seller a thief and accuse them of robbing someone and that the accuser could sell them the stuff for much cheaper...not only have you low-balled that new guy but you've destroyed a lot of his credibility as a seller.

All I'm saying is that the amount of low-balling and name calling in the Trade Forum is not needed. There is already far too much in General Discussion.

More moderation focus in Trading Forum - Nex - 12-10-2007

Poor him... and now you have to defend his cause ?

You feel sad because you don't want to announce you want to buy ingots or logs for a lower prices that it needs to be ?

Grow up dude, I totally had the right to tell Aghast it was a scam and the deal wasn't fair for him or for anybody else.

Samild could have simply upped his prices instead of whining that I ruptured a fraudulent deal.

I'm for a strong economy and if I need to "low-ball" anybody else, I will do it.