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My economical take on things!!

IceCube Wrote:People are going to gm it with or without the afk macroing. It is all based on what you want. Afk Macroing was allowed you would afk macro to get the iron to gm Blacksmithing. If there is not afk macroing you will just buy the iron. What is the difference either way you are not really working for it.

I am only trying to work with a small portion of the skills that help with running the economy. Crafting skills are the simplest. They make the players interact with each other the most.

you completely contradict yourself in these two paragraphs

if you buy the iron you still have to earn the money to buy it without afk gathering your gonna have to EARN the cash

if afk gathering is allowed everyone that can make a script can and will gm every craft skill for free that means without spending money or working
do you know what happensto a economy if noone spends money?=bad
few are going to chop enough logs manually to gm bowcraft there gonna hunt instead and the ppl with the patience to chop are going to make money and gm lumberjack the hunter will gm archery and bowcraft then buy more logs to make some elvens and recieve the fruits of there labor

do you know what happens to a economy when noone spends money?

Ice Kube, you're just another lazy pieceof trash who wants everything.
Look listen, if you're not willing to spend time to GM mining, you don't deserve it.
That's all.

maxkicker Wrote:you completely contradict yourself in these two paragraphs

if you buy the iron you still have to earn the money to buy it without afk gathering your gonna have to EARN the cash

if afk gathering is allowed everyone that can make a script can and will gm every craft skill for free that means without spending money or working
do you know what happens to a economy if no one spends money?=bad
few are going to chop enough logs manually to gm bowcraft there gonna hunt instead and the ppl with the patience to chop are going to make money and gm lumberjack the hunter will gm archery and bowcraft then buy more logs to make some elvens and recieve the fruits of there labor

do you know what happens to a economy when noone spends money?

We have the Gump and the rule now.... and no one is spending money. So what is your point?!?!
I am simply trying to get money into the economy so it can be spent!

Afk resourcing is not going to change the fact that it takes 500k iron to GM Blacksmithing. That is what stops people from being GM Smiths, NOT The fact there is a GUMP. People are going to GM a skill if they want too, not cause there is a rule against it. Once people get magery and can hunt... why waste your time mining.

I didn't work that hard for it... i BSed and looted... make a good 5-10k for every 15 mins.
I mean 700k gold for 100k iron is going to be way easier to come by... then me sitting and mining the whole 100k. Hell of alot easier!
I bought a keep alrdy.... how many miners that are selling there iron sold 100k worth to buy themselves a keep?
You are going to have some people afk to GM bs.... but you are still going to have people who don't want to bother with the skill cause it takes damn 500k iron.

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

MoustaxeOfVanquishin Wrote:Ice Kube, you're just another lazy pieceof trash who wants everything.
Look listen, if you're not willing to spend time to GM mining, you don't deserve it.
That's all.

this is the point i am talking about... you ppl are ****ing morons! People try to offer insight this is what they get instead.... nice

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

IceCube Wrote:We have the Gump and the rule now.... and no one is spending money. So what is your point?!?!
I am simply trying to get money into the economy so it can be spent!

Afk resourcing is not going to change the fact that it takes 500k iron to GM Blacksmithing. That is what stops people from being GM Smiths, NOT The fact there is a GUMP. People are going to GM a skill if they want too, not cause there is a rule against it. Once people get magery and can hunt... why waste your time mining.

I didn't work that hard for it... i BSed and looted... make a good 5-10k for every 15 mins.
I mean 700k gold for 100k iron is going to be way easier to come by... then me sitting and mining the whole 100k. Hell of alot easier!
I bought a keep alrdy.... how many miners that are selling there iron sold 100k worth to buy themselves a keep?
You are going to have some people afk to GM bs.... but you are still going to have people who don't want to bother with the skill cause it takes damn 500k iron.

noone is spending money for reasons i stated in the economy thread
small things need fixed and it will balance itself out

have you afk mined? 500k iron isn't bad at all if you do it afk and thats my point 500k manual is a ***** and most wont bother they will hunt for the money and buy from ppl who enjoy mining or something
money will change hands then when ore and logs blah blah becomes a priority. as a new player hunting and buying a house is much more important than gm blacksmith

maxkicker Wrote:noone is spending money for reasons i stated in the economy thread
small things need fixed and it will balance itself out

have you afk mined? 500k iron isn't bad at all if you do it afk and thats my point 500k manual is a ***** and most wont bother they will hunt for the money and buy from ppl who enjoy mining or something
money will change hands then when ore and logs blah blah becomes a priority. as a new player hunting and buying a house is much more important than gm blacksmith

Yea i have afked mined and some days I would have 10k iron. I would be dead and have nothing for my time for others. You do get pked... monsters do come and kill you. Yea it will be easier to get 500k no doubt... but it will also be easier for ppl to make money and spend it on reasons you stated in the economy thread! Thus jump starting the flow

Who enjoys minining... you mine to get you feet planted. IT is not enjoyable ever.... so later on there will be a minimal of people selling iron cause the skill itself is not enjoyable to do. Once you get set up, the only ppl that are going to be mining are the people that need the iron.... not the money.

That is the only reason it is being sold now.... cause ppl have to to get money to macro and a house. So when everyone gets done with this part. Who is going to sell iron? There is no point to me mining and selling iron to someone else so they can be GM BS. I can cut half the time away by hunting. I am not going to mine and become GM bs cause it doesn't benefit me enough.

Then who are you going to buy the iron from to GM of right now it doesn't pay to be GM Blacksmith. Not enough depends on it.

Point is that BS should be so beneficial that you want to spend the time AFK or not... to gm it.

Being Banned and have skill set to 0 is alittle harsh I think

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

I started totally from scratch after 10 years away from the game. Im almost to the point of buying a tower. I made 1/2 my money from the ministry (Shalom) selling ingots, and the rest from hunting and escorts. I've GM'd Tailoring along the way and Musicianship and Anatomy also. And as a complete outsider looking in on the economy my take on it is:

1) not going to bother with blacksmithing due to lack of use of armour apart from PvM, and iron works as well as anything vs. a dungeon.
2) now that a lot of people have GM'd smithing my market is dieing so I'm relying more on semi-charity and hunting.
3) weapons are either a spellbook or an elven bow. nothing else really cuts both ways.
4) a lot of skills are completely redudndant ie. arms lore and item identification. I remember people who had GM'd these skills back in the day and could get a hefty tip for their services.
5) there seems to be 2 economies happening atm. The MMO economy of ingots, logs, skillgain and decoration. And the PvP economy of scrolls pots and pimp mounts.

So overall I dont mind because I keep myself mainly to myself. I enjoy earning 5k gold and gaining 0.1 in a skill, but I do miss the social element. There seems to be 2 groups on the server and I hardly ever see them interract. I think getting them to interract would be the key to this economy problem. And making skills each side possesses relevant to the other side would do that and sort a whole lot out. Make scrolls practical, make crafted items practical. I know theres alot of resistance from people who are used to their way of doing things, but it will help the server run more smoothly if everyone was necessarily involved. As it stands now I'm just potering around doing my own thing and avoiding contact as much as possible (apart from 3 or 4 people). But if it became beneficial for me to interract I'd feel I was putting a bit more into the system, and getting more out.

just my 20p

That is what i was trying to say... thank you swanny! Thank you.

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

your welcome...notice no edit which means i spelt necessarily right!

IceCube Wrote:this is the point i am talking about... you ppl are ****ing morons! People try to offer insight this is what they get instead.... nice

dude, you're a retard. Your input sucks, just don't even reply to any threads.
You just want to have everything.

MoustaxeOfVanquishin Wrote:dude, you're a retard. Your input sucks, just don't even reply to any threads.
You just want to have everything.

Ignore this guy, he obviously has nothing of substance to say or any knowledge of the economic aspect of the game to rebuke you with coherent thought.

Moustaxeofvanquishin, troll some other forums if you have nothing sensible to say.

I have a Surpassingly Accurate axe of Vanquishing. Can I rename myself?

(or I sell it for 50k =p)

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