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Economy issues

I think 80% of the problem is the fact that there are so many people active on forums that are so eager to talk about problems and solutions. The other 20% may be changes that actually need to take place.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

I didn't see anyone say "I'm too busy, please allow me to AFK gather and raise the skill gain so high it's pointless to even sell things."

Great summation of the posts. Really.

I do see a lot of posts trying to get some sort of economical start, something, anything- despite a few people throwing in mindless insults or flames. I actually asked for slower gains on mining so smithy and mining could be more balanced. But, hey, stepping onto a thread without reading anything and adding your asinine, generic "justplay omg!!" post is completely helpful, too. Really.

Suggestions to fix/help economy.

1: Dont make scrolls and pots the whole focus of PvP

By this, i mean make armors viable !AR!, all types of weapons viable not just elven bows and bard/hallys. Also Scroll warfare is dumb as hell, Put a 3-5 sec cooldown, on scroll so it is a kill shot or emergency heal or something. Its lame.
(PS. get rid of WOP spam!)

2: Slightly improved rate of skillgain. The economy will take months to get going properly is half of the shard is taking months to macro skills. Very stupid, big problem. (Not very helpful to casual players)

Crafting skillgain should be hard. Not bloody skills i need to defend myself against pks.

3: Widen crafting potential. Coloured weapons, the ability for Bowcrafters to make arrows and sell them so its cost efficient.

It will adjust eventually, may take a few months though. But being more friendly to new players in the best thing any shard can do.

Flame me now..... but it is an open forum, not a Vet flame board.

kitehimuro Wrote:Perhaps make afk resource gathering in guarded areas illegal, just like it was on all the past IN servers. Those risking to gather outside guards and go afk risk getting massacred.

Actually all afk macroing should be illegal in guarded areas, that's basically skillgain handed out for "free" in a safe area. If that's the case why not make macroing available in the Pits, wouldn't that be more or less the same? ( Ok, not, since that's safezone, but since we don't have warring guilds yet it IS the same for now: no-one can kill you while you are macroing )

I think this is the best solution for the gump, make it active only in guarded areas.

Also, I think that we are making this issue a lot bigger than it really is, and it just needs a few minor tweaks to be stable. I realized that what I was saying was a little off, and that hunting isn't a bad source of money [for those that can play about two hours a day or more]. With hunting the gold/jewel drop rate is decent income, but the problem is killing the mobs. Even with peacemaking and/or provocation, mobs are pretty tough. I'm sure most of you who played sphere a lot noticed that on RUO there is a very small wait time before a monster attacks you, and they run about as fast as you do on foot, which is way faster than sphere, and they're attacks are immediate and more tactical, like mages basically wtfbbqpwn you if you aren't careful and they cast very fast. Also, bladespirits are very weak compared to sphere [or maybe it's just our server]. They're attacks are very mediocre, and you yourself can do more damage...So I say
1) Up the damage of Blade Spirits.

Also, if a monster targets you, and you run through a teleporter [or out of the dungeon entrance], the monster follows you in the direction that the portal took you, like I was hidden and Deimos was targeted, and he ran through the portal, and the monster stayed on him and ran the opposite way, chasing his direction on the map [which he was like three radar screens away...]. So I say:
2) When you run off of the screen away from the monster, it stops targeting you at a certain distance, and heads back to it's spawn or w/e.

To continue with targeting issues, as soon as a monster targets you, you cannot hide while you are still in it's LOS. So I say:
3) Fix it to where you can hide no matter where you are or seen, as long as you are tabbed.

Believe it or not, this does relate to the topic because like I said, these little tweaks would make hunting just slightly easier, but still challenging of course. So if you have hunting slightly easier, you have slightly more income that steadily grows, not a huge influx of money at once or anything. And I still stand on my suggestion to:
4) Make it slightly easier to get wool/cotton.

I think that if we just get more smithers, alchemists, and scribers, and thus PvPers, the economy should hopefully steadily...get steady Big Grin


Oh, and (5) Make weapons (mostly melee because bows are already) more effective and useful, though this has been said a few times, im just kind of making a crude list.

And keep in mind, people like CRAP, so I say add a bunch of crap that you can get with various skills, but try to put effort into making them useful and wanted Tongue Crap makes the economy go boom it seems so...make crap I say!

This is a signature.

I think someone touched on this (Cole?), but someone tell me what happens when too many voices speak at once? It gets loud, and you are unable to make sense of anything people are saying. Now yes, this is a forum, and text isnt noisy, but surely you can see where I'm going. I have seen too many "Economy posts" in the past week, along with other posts ranting and/or complaining about other issues. Our voices have been heard over and over, and you have to understand the Devs are currently shorthanded as it is. Now yes, we know they appreciate the imput, but keep in mind, THATS ALL IT IS. We are not the admins. They can't please everyone on the shard.

Feedback and suggestions are always great, but we can't "expect" them to change everything at our command, and they shouldn't. They are looking out for the best interest of the shard, and the majority of us are looking out for the best inerest of ourselves. These guys have run shards before, they know what they're doing.

Now lets all stop the "we must do this" and "this has to change or else" talk before Taran pulls out more of his hair, and before Maka decides NOT to fix his laptop. Haha but I guess complaining players comes with UO territory... :confused:

Horacio Wrote:what happens when too many voices speak at once? It gets loud, and you are unable to make sense of anything people are saying.

Feedback and suggestions are always great, but we can't "expect" them to change everything at our command, and they shouldn't. They are looking out for the best interest of the shard, and the majority of us are looking out for the best inerest of ourselves. These guys have run shards before, they know what they're doing.

Now lets all stop the "we must do this" and "this has to change or else" talk before Taran pulls out more of his hair, and before Maka decides NOT to fix his laptop. Haha but I guess complaining players comes with UO territory... :confused:

I agree heartily. And yes, it comes with the territory, but i vote for change. Sad

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

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