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EUO: Combats (Merc camp)

Instructions are included in the macro script. Paste the code below into EUO, read the instructions and make changes if needed and play the macro.

; Combat training macro at IN Mercenary Camp
; This macro will train your swords, mace, parry, tactics and healing. It is
; set to work with southern water trough in the camp but that can be changed
; with %water variable. As it is, macro works with training swords and training
; maces. You can add your own weapons in to the %weapon variable if you wish.
; How to set up the macro:
; ========================
; Put on some armor, grab some heater shields and training weapons of choise.
; You might need to set %target to your desired sparring partner. You can do
; this by bringing up a target icon with any item (I use scissors) and target
; your desired target. You'll see the value in the section on the right
; (under Last Action -> #LTARGETID). Put that value into %target variable
; (instead of FIB what it currently is). If you wish, you can adjust the
; %HPtreshold value. If your hitpoints go under this value your character will
; heal using bandages until above the treshold and then go back to attacking.

set %target FIB
set %HPtreshold 80
set %water WQHUCND
set %weapon BPH_QOH

if ! ( G in #CHARSTATUS )
  gosub CombatMode

while ( #TRUE )
  set #LTARGETID %target
  gosub AttackLast
  if ( #HITS < %HPtreshold )
    gosub HealMe
  finditem ZLF C
  if #FINDCNT < 1
    finditem AMF C
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #LTARGETID %water
      event macro 17 0
      target 1s
      event Macro 22 0
      wait 10

sub AttackLast
  event macro 27 0

sub CombatMode
  event macro 6 0
  wait 1s

sub HealMe
  finditem ZLF C
  if #FINDCNT > 0
    event macro 17 0
    target 1s
    event Macro 23 0
    finditem %weapon C
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      set #LTARGETID %target
      event macro 17 0
      target 1s
      event Macro 22 0
    finditem CIK C
    if #FINDCNT > 0
      event macro 17 0
    wait 53
  gosub AttackLast

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