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Weapon Selection

Don't even know what your trying to say maka,

I would prefer if you could just explain what your trying to say as opposed to doing this "W/e **** it, peace out" Bullshit.

I respect you, give me some god damn respect back. I'm not bashing anything with your server, I'm saying every single weapon should be viable to use in SOME aspects.

maka Wrote:Having 10 or so "better" weapons was only made that way to ruin RP. We really hate RP so we were just sitting there all day trying to figure out how to ruin it. It had nothing to do with economy, we DIDN'T want to create a few weapons to fight for, weapons that you "REALLY" wanted to obtain, it was not made that way to boost player interaction.

But yeah, since everyone knows that the weapons ruin RP, and since i was clearly told that this is a RP/PvP shard (I swear, I thought it was PvP abyss all along), I'll just stop posting on these forums all along.


Maka, i was simply trying to make a point. Step away from your computer, take a deep breath...ahh better. The reason for my last post is because too many people complain that whatever is done to the current weapons, items, magery etc, it's all for PvP. This was not an attempt to piss you off. And again, quoteing myself

Quote:And just a note. Not everything players suggest/say is a bash against staff. Us players are making suggestions (whether good or bad) in an attempt to better the server. Players cannot physically change the server what the contents of the scripts, however the staff can.

Allanon Wrote:Now I expect plenty of flames from those who "like" this system or are used to it. And that is fine but it flat out doesn't make sense.

I will warn you, I am really not worried about what is 100% Sphere, Sometimes shit just doesn't make sense and it needs to be relooked at.

Weapon Selection.

Ok, So, What weapons Do people Use?

Bardiches....BattleAxes...Occasionally Halberds.

Thats it, Oh and Elven Bows but those will be nerfed soon.

So I understand Bardiches are the best, point blank. You know what, Thats fine, terrific. But what about all the other weapons? I mean, a Qstaff of Vanquishing, is Terrible. Let alone the DMG that Vanquishing adds seems to not matter UNLESS its a Bardiche/Battleaxe/Halberd.

There are hundreds of weapons, well not hundreds but a lot. And its downright silly that only 3 of them are used.

Fencing and Macing and Archery all need weapons on par with the bardiche, and the fact that we have to spam double click(because attack last apparently doesn't work) makes it all the more annoying to get that ever prevalent Kill Shot.

Having more weapons being useful will Boost the Economy for crafters, and allow some god damn diversity into this server.

Im not saying Make anyones precious Bardiches worse, Im saying pull the other weapons up so they are near them.

Flame On.


Is any staff taking this thread seriously...

Just going to let this slide?

Honestly, Every player who has spoken agrees.

We need staff to start taking us seriously.

As I said on another post, I have damage tables for every weapon that me and a friend of me did long time ago when we were going to open a sphere shard. Unfortunately we couldn't get a server machine to bring it up.

If the staff wishes to relook at this I would give them this information gladly Smile

It's just that 90% of the weapons not being used sucks.. shard needs some variety, or it will become an FPS look a like where everyone looks equal Smile

Maka put a lot of effort into fixing PvP so it's balanced. Keeping the XUO pvp was part of the agreement when we merged XUO and INR.
So I can understand that he is away from the forums for a while when people complain about the PvP he put so much effort into and which he knows work the way he intended it to.

If it's flawed it will be looked into eventually, but give him a break for now. He doesn't even have his comp back yet but still he manages to be online and answer questions I have regarding scripting. And not to mention he's retired and doesn't even have to show up here, heh.

What I'm saying Taran, is this post is not about PvP...

if u look the forums the only things that there are is complains complains and some suggestion, just think that: what u will do? if u try to do a nice server but all the people is complaining. There are a lot of things to do to the server but they need more time to solve them before some other things.

If i were maka of course i'll have said as same as him, he is getting pissed of that everyone is complaining, just give him a break. one thing is suggesting of course, but think that other people will complain about ur post, so think first and then write a nice suggestion before posting.

Just give more time.

And im agree that the weapons should be fixed at their right time, if there is need to, cause also i dont like to see everyone with elven bows or bardiches.

Also i havent tried the weapons so till i dont try them all, i wont say nothing bad about them.

Well personally I am not complaining, so I hope you didn't misunderstood me Taran Smile

I think this is one of the shards i've been where the staff actually reads all the posts and replies to majority of them. Usually they just don't give a ****, so I respect you for that Smile

But as I said before, UO for me, and to many players like me, is MUCH more than running around naked with scrolls, potions, and a bardiche/elven bow Smile

I remember playing on a shard called DoomsDay and it was great to learn to PVP, and stress out a bit. You started with all skills at 100% and items were all useless.

It was fun in the first week, after that the game turns out to be boring. That will happen when everyone on the shard gets their skills macroed. Everyone will have the same playstyle, same tactics, use the same weapons, same spells, etc etc etc

UO diservs something better than that. I could go play an FPS instead of macroing for that, if you know what I mean Smile

No offense, personally, I won't quit because of the PvP.. there are another things I want to do in this game beside that, but UO PvP is the most important thing on the game. Don't let it become boring ^^

Xuma Wrote:I could go play an FPS instead of macroing for that, if you know what I mean Smile
Heh, that is exactly what Ive been thinking.

I get tired reading complaints. I pray for PVP stays as it is and I will not defend it more because some IN guys and some new guys are too insistent complaining. I have not that much time to post every hour at every mad thread talking about PVP (or whatever).
I can´t believe all those people are complaining about a server they don´t own and trying to change it at all. Give GMs some peace. You are NOTHING. You are enjoying a game for free. Don´t stress GMs (people who work for you) with your cries ¬¬
I think everyone should adapt the server a little more.

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