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Why the Taming system is flawed.

Smurtle frist off i don´t know what you mean by noob, cause the server is 30 days old we´re all newbs here so i cant really take that to me.

As for the carebearish you talk about i´ll define it for you.

Carebear is when you can pvp naked using nothing but 5 of each useable scroll and a few potions.

That´s carebear like nothing else.

However i think that the rare mounts will just pile up shrinked in everyones houses as it is now since theres only a few sppawnpoints that doesnt change. It would add some rarity if they could be found wherever by whomever. I don´t get where that suggestion is carebearish.

I don´t want to take the privilige out of SIN or even myself cause i know quite a few spawn points to but it wont be that exciting go look for a ride when you already know where it is.

rofl, if SIN actually does that, they're a bunch of little monkeys. Anyways, I'm a blue monkey with hair out of my ears and..
I think that, rides should be like this :
you have to do a super quest, like kill this monster[gather a special item he drops], kill that[gather another special reagent], go to John's castle, search it for like a randomly spawned demons circle,use the reagents/gathered items to spawn the mustang, it is super strong, then you subdue it and then in the end the 90-100skilled tamer tames it.
Would be amazing, like a 10 man quest [journey], you have like people who heal other people and people who just make mana pots while other ppl cast EV, would be fun as hell. Anyways, I play too much World of Warcraft, I dunno wtf I'm saying.

MoustaxeOfVanquishin Wrote:rofl, if SIN actually does that, they're a bunch of little monkeys. Anyways, I'm a blue monkey with hair out of my ears and..
I think that, rides should be like this :
you have to do a super quest, like kill this monster[gather a special item he drops], kill that[gather another special reagent], go to John's castle, search it for like a randomly spawned demons circle,use the reagents/gathered items to spawn the mustang, it is super strong, then you subdue it and then in the end the 90-100skilled tamer tames it.
Would be amazing, like a 10 man quest [journey], you have like people who heal other people and people who just make mana pots while other ppl cast EV, would be fun as hell. Anyways, I play too much World of Warcraft, I dunno wtf I'm saying.

DAMN! That's a GREAT IDEA! Everyone should totally vote for that!

Allanon Wrote:Smurtle whats your in game name, honestly, once I found out it will all make sense why you're such an arrogant prick.

I hate OSI, But you guys are talking down to us because you think taming is a joke to raise, It wasn't for us is my ****ing point. you god damn idiot.

You talk about us being carebear, you say the same shit you god damn hypocrite, and you bring me to the point of actually being pissed off at some **** who sits off at his computer and gets his Jollies from being a ****.

Know what kid? **** you. Straight up.

You keep pissing everyone off, and dirtying the ****ing forums when all we try to do is be god damn productive, making suggestions. If you're bringing "unity" to the shard, please enlighten me. Because I am missing it.

Why don't you try being productive you insolent little piece of shit.

You don't know how skillgain was on our server, you know whats ****ed, you cry about us having GM this and GM that, and you guys have to 'work" for your shit. I never had GM alch or Scribe on IN:R, and now I have to do them on my own, and all I can say is THANK GOD I waited.

A lot more thought has to go into GM'ing a skill that is difficulty based, ask ****ing Duke how long it took him to gm smith, when he would smith for hours and not gain a single .1 Because he was not making the right thing. We had to figure out what gave gains, Not ****ing spam magic arrow on ourselves to GM magery. If ONLY it was that easy punk.

Ask magus how long he tamed for to not gain shit. And how tough it was to find things to get gains off.

How thats right my bad, you won't ask anyone because your a ****-boy who just logs on the forum to piss everyone off.

Punk ass. Your parents don't love you.

rofl. Newb.

Taming is a skill that isn't necessary and I see posts with crybaby rants on why it was this hard on a dead shard and how easy it was on this dead shard. I do make plenty of productive posts when the topic is worth the effort to make them. This thread is full of complaining. I immediately begin the busting of chops then.

Know what? You are a newbie. You mention crap that's irrelevant, question why this is repetition-based (psst it's meant to be because of THE FACT IT IS MEANT TO EMULATE SPHERE SERVER), and frequently prone to anger, it seems..

I don't give a damn about Magus and what he did. Anyone who needs more rides, wants to tame rides, or parades rides around is an OSI nerd.
Cry some more for me, it's funny.

I play the game, but unlike a few, I have matter that require my immediate attention and I can't spare the time to cry on forums all day. If I want to suggest something, there's a forum for it and an e-mail system.

I don't play as much, but I damn sure have my character macroing, so, spanking a few of you kids for being idiots on the forums is fun.

It's your own fault for being dipshits.

Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Smurtle frist off i don´t know what you mean by noob, cause the server is 30 days old we´re all newbs here so i cant really take that to me.

As for the carebearish you talk about i´ll define it for you.

Carebear is when you can pvp naked using nothing but 5 of each useable scroll and a few potions.

That´s carebear like nothing else.

However i think that the rare mounts will just pile up shrinked in everyones houses as it is now since theres only a few sppawnpoints that doesnt change. It would add some rarity if they could be found wherever by whomever. I don´t get where that suggestion is carebearish.

I don´t want to take the privilige out of SIN or even myself cause i know quite a few spawn points to but it wont be that exciting go look for a ride when you already know where it is.

Carebear is being newb and dying to it. Sissy.

Honestly, if you die so quickly- uninstall.

Smurtle... your posts are really starting to give me the shits... if you have nothing thats going to contribute to the thread then stay the **** out of it.

Get it back on topic. If you have nothing CONSTRUCTIVE to add to it then dont post!

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

I'm not the only one you biased moderator.

i miss Xuo's Wind Sad

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Thread locked as there is no more constructive discussion going on.

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

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