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Why the Taming system is flawed.

SombraX Wrote:You've got the medal for the most retarded answer to a post, next time try reading it before please.

By the way, I think mounts should spawn more regularly, as it is very ugly to ALWAYS ride those shitty bought horses, i really hate them and cannot dress properly because mounts are impossible to find.

Yes maybe next time I will read what it is that I am replying to... You ****in idiot. Why dont we just eliminate all regular shitty bought horses, and only spawn glittery neon horses with perm pressed hair for you? You don't want to look ugly amirite?

Like I said, colored rides are nice, but most of ya'll probably be bank hugging pussies. "Wow, dedication he has to training, young grasshopper. You now have many right to prance around like *** Trammie! You so good, love you long time!

Grey horse all the way.

Tabion Wrote:I don't think a person with under 50 taming should be able to tame a stang period. It is completely unfair to anyone who trained this skill up. I mean seriously, so what if it takes someone 8 hours to tame it at 0-30 taming... thats easily done overnight after you gate the stang somewhere safe.

They should all be protected by monsters to some degree too.

People who earned taming should be able to make a profession out of it. People with low taming should not.

As for the range, it only takes 1 minute to track 1000 tiles if you run in a large circle around the general area of where it spawns. Isn't there some way to make it spawn at a new location after it is tamed but keeping the same timer?

I think they should be guarded by ten guardians on a 1x1 tile and have only one 'stang spawn.

There, now work for it.

Not really caring much about the spawn point situation.. on in1 i had most of the rare ones noted, but the changed.

One piece of advise to admins: Never put the guards or elite monsters guarding spawns again.. no matter how boring and old taming gets.. that ruins it completely. My whole time on In1 was based on taming, and that ruined it pretty bad. Mounts dont need guards or little quests. Unless their 1 of a kind or able to kill people.

If your a gm tamer, then you've done enough work as it is.

Problem is rachet, here taming is a joke, repetition based.

IN:R It was difficulty based.

The best mount idea I ever seen on a shard was this:

Every horse was almost unique.. The color of each horse spawn was random between a light brown hue, to a dark brown (other "real horse" colors could be added too), almost like in real life. It was difficult to find 2 equal horses.

Beside that there were random spawns, as in.. when a horse spawned, it could be of that hue range (kinda like 50 different colors), and it could be 1 special color (the called Mustangs). This is easy to do on RunUO as far as I remember. On the normal horse spawners, just make it a chance of spawning 1 mustang.. Some spawns may never spawn a mustang in the shard life.. People have to actually go around the world, tame normal horses when they want, or kill them, or whatever, and from time to time a special Mustang appears in the middle of the forest Tongue

Anyway, if the staff and the players still like the idea of the fix spawns, you can do that dungeon things. It seems interesting and challenging Smile

The way I see it works now seems to me a bit unfair... I played on IN2, and the fixed spawns were so easy to control it wasn't even a challenge.

The server population cannot find the spawns, when 90% of the time they were tamed already by 10 players that control it daily Smile

Just let everything cool down SIN will eventually get bored of guarding the spawn points so we all get to find them sooner or later.

On IN1 i remember running around with an etheral horse so i cant really remember people even taming mustangs and such.

ON the sphere servers i´ve played on mount spawning have worked like you find a spot with like 20 "animals" near each other. Kill them off for like 30 mins or so and eventually a rare ride will spawn i.e. all animal spawns have the chance of spawning a rare ride.

As some of you stated it gets boring cause sooner or later everyone will now every rare spawn point as it is now and, well they wont be rare anymore. I´d like to work to get a rare ride not recalling to 15 different locations in 3 mins and checking if theyve respawned.

Another easier solution would be to put them all deepest in all the dungeons and disable marking in dungeons completely. Then it´d at least take 2 hours to get to the spawn point.

Allanon Wrote:Problem is rachet, here taming is a joke, repetition based.

IN:R It was difficulty based.

Because here it emulates sphere. I swear, go to OSI.

Kreole Ragehead Wrote:Just let everything cool down SIN will eventually get bored of guarding the spawn points so we all get to find them sooner or later.

On IN1 i remember running around with an etheral horse so i cant really remember people even taming mustangs and such.

ON the sphere servers i´ve played on mount spawning have worked like you find a spot with like 20 "animals" near each other. Kill them off for like 30 mins or so and eventually a rare ride will spawn i.e. all animal spawns have the chance of spawning a rare ride.

As some of you stated it gets boring cause sooner or later everyone will now every rare spawn point as it is now and, well they wont be rare anymore. I´d like to work to get a rare ride not recalling to 15 different locations in 3 mins and checking if theyve respawned.

Another easier solution would be to put them all deepest in all the dungeons and disable marking in dungeons completely. Then it´d at least take 2 hours to get to the spawn point.

The point is crying about why you can't tame something because there are too many people there is bullshit. Talk about wanting something handed to you. Talk about being a crybaby and a "Carebear."

You wanted it ****ing hard, so there you go. What's harder than one ride that spawns randomly (to a point) and is camped by five or more people?

I think most of the kids in SIN are douches, but props to them for finding and defending. I don't see anyone else that organized.

Stupid newbies.

Just a suggestion, why not have the rides spawn, but not have a home. This would cause the animal to wander wherever it likes, and stated before only the devoted tamers get to earn the nice rides.

Smurtle whats your in game name, honestly, once I found out it will all make sense why you're such an arrogant prick.

I hate OSI, But you guys are talking down to us because you think taming is a joke to raise, It wasn't for us is my ****ing point. you god damn idiot.

You talk about us being carebear, you say the same shit you god damn hypocrite, and you bring me to the point of actually being pissed off at some **** who sits off at his computer and gets his Jollies from being a ****.

Know what kid? **** you. Straight up.

You keep pissing everyone off, and dirtying the ****ing forums when all we try to do is be god damn productive, making suggestions. If you're bringing "unity" to the shard, please enlighten me. Because I am missing it.

Why don't you try being productive you insolent little piece of shit.

You don't know how skillgain was on our server, you know whats ****ed, you cry about us having GM this and GM that, and you guys have to 'work" for your shit. I never had GM alch or Scribe on IN:R, and now I have to do them on my own, and all I can say is THANK GOD I waited.

A lot more thought has to go into GM'ing a skill that is difficulty based, ask ****ing Duke how long it took him to gm smith, when he would smith for hours and not gain a single .1 Because he was not making the right thing. We had to figure out what gave gains, Not ****ing spam magic arrow on ourselves to GM magery. If ONLY it was that easy punk.

Ask magus how long he tamed for to not gain shit. And how tough it was to find things to get gains off.

How thats right my bad, you won't ask anyone because your a ****-boy who just logs on the forum to piss everyone off.

Punk ass. Your parents don't love you.

I'm not going to say I defend everything Allanon is saying, but I definitely agree you don't understand how hard it was to train taming on IN:R. I only knew of me, magus, and maybe like one or two other people who trained it. I spent like 8 hours a day and got like 0.6-0.8

It took weeks to get to 80. Magus is the only person I know of who is higher than me at 90. Tamers definitely deserve the fruits of their effort just as blacksmiths do, if not more so.

I remember I used to page for GM Aether for guild stuff and he'd always come to me while I was taming. He'd be surprised cause I was always doing that shit manually.

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Selling Looms and Spinning Wheels, 15k Each, 25k for both.
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