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Leave The PvP How it IS!

smoke Wrote:thats the exact reason you ****ing kike, like naya said its our pvp and its from xuo its all we got. i wouldnt even be here if it wasn't i remeber the naked duels we had on xuo was fun in all ways and there are NAKED DUELS in tours when they take too long it will ruin the pvp. leave xuo pvp how it is we dont make you guys change your role playing or rp rewards just leave it

I don't know much about the technical side of XUO's PvP but it seems like the issue is one concerning economical issues that will affect everyone on the shard and not just those involved in PvP. If naked PvP drives down the prices on armor and weapons due to a lack of demand you're hurting the craftsmen of the shard indirectly.

I'm not sure why you brought up roleplaying on IN to back your ideas though. I can assure you that it won't have any kind of drastic effect on the economy nor will it effect the manner in which you PvP.

Bella you are totally right!
If ppl read my post they will get it.. But if Smoke's likes to continue i jump on it again..

The naked PK days started at RunXuo. On Tus Xuo everyone used to gank with armor and a decent weapon e.g. force/power. When adding armor into ganking and which also means in any other kind of production. Which means you will see miners with gears e.g. bring more pleasure to ganking. Smoke you whiner, i'm sure you will win more fights then lose. Then you will be able to sell the gears your bringing back from some ppl.
It doens't effect anything in the PvP/Pk aspect, just bring your stuff with, which evolutes the gameplay and Pking. Like Maka said, in tourney boxes it will be set off, so it doesn't have any influence.
Like i've said before it gives some positive stimulation to all kind of aspects of the shard. And i'm sure more ppl will start to pk, because they now really can earn stuff.

If you change this you will really **** it up.

OMFG! Me as Xuo player, started on Xuo6 years ago. And i know where i'm talking about. It will give some positive influences on the start.
I even give reasons and point out the situation. You ****s just say: "it sux".
That doesn't help anything. You just look like a ****ing idiot if you DON'T call your REASONS!

SombraX Wrote:If you change this you will really **** it up.

Wow, what a totally awesome argument. You've really changed my perspective. Thanks!

[Image: nobark2copyxp8.jpg]

Boromir Wrote:Bella you are totally right!
If ppl read my post they will get it.. But if Smoke's likes to continue i jump on it again..

The naked PK days started at RunXuo. On Tus Xuo everyone used to gank with armor and a decent weapon e.g. force/power. When adding armor into ganking and which also means in any other kind of production. Which means you will see miners with gears e.g. bring more pleasure to ganking. Smoke you whiner, i'm sure you will win more fights then lose. Then you will be able to sell the gears your bringing back from some ppl.
It doens't effect anything in the PvP/Pk aspect, just bring your stuff with, which evolutes the gameplay and Pking. Like Maka said, in tourney boxes it will be set off, so it doesn't have any influence.
Like i've said before it gives some positive stimulation to all kind of aspects of the shard. And i'm sure more ppl will start to pk, because they now really can earn stuff.

your terrible, you've always been terrible, your points are always terrible, no one cares about your opinion. Smoke is 10 times better than you and knows 10 times more than you, i don't care if you play 15 years, you still know nothing. stop criticizing smoke because he is entitled to his opinion, and hes better than you.

Thank You.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

SombraX Wrote:If you change this you will really **** it up.

I'd really like to know how. It would prolly not have any impact on me, my tactics is kind of based to drop people in confusion, where they have no time to react.

I understand that it would mess 1v1 really bad, but we would make it so that 1v1 isn't changed, not even naked 1v1. Only aspect that would change is ganking, and that would not change too much either. Why?

1: If you can drop people fast enough, it doesn't really matter what spell they cast.
2: A regular plate (or possibly a shadow), would make it enough FS preferable in gank.

maka Wrote:I'd really like to know how. It would prolly not have any impact on me, my tactics is kind of based to drop people in confusion, where they have no time to react.

I understand that it would mess 1v1 really bad, but we would make it so that 1v1 isn't changed, not even naked 1v1. Only aspect that would change is ganking, and that would not change too much either. Why?

1: If you can drop people fast enough, it doesn't really matter what spell they cast.
2: A regular plate (or possibly a shadow), would make it enough FS preferable in gank.

Exactly, i've been playing a while and i can safely say that armor means nothing in ganking...

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

Well first of all ganking will be expensive, i don't want it to be that way, when you gank you get the less supplies you can take, if you have to wear a damn shadow armor it won't be like getting a bag of regs, 2 pots of each and 4 scrolls of each.
Another point is that you wouldn't be able to dress like you want, you will have to wear a ****ing helmet, and you won't be able to show a fancy shirt or shoes, simply i don't like this idea to be forced to wear armor.

ScareCrow Wrote:your terrible, you've always been terrible, your points are always terrible, no one cares about your opinion. Smoke is 10 times better than you and knows 10 times more than you, i don't care if you play 15 years, you still know nothing. stop criticizing smoke because he is entitled to his opinion, and hes better than you.

Thank You.

The words of Dark Thunder aka Blackfog will melt your brain (you only have one piece), you only will listen to me from now on! Dig a Grave! And jump from a building right into it!..

Boromir Wrote:The words of Dark Thunder aka Blackfog will melt your brain (you only have one piece), you only will listen to me from now on! Dig a Grave! And jump from a building right into it!..

well baddie, you've been playing alot longer than me and as i recall.. everytime we duel, i kill you without any effort... so i think you should listen to me from now on. I never hear anyone talking about blackfog or dark thunder.. your not worth remembering.. your another one of those little newbs that thinks hes good. go practice.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]



so its gona cost about 12600 to re suit everytime u die...

n b4 anyone is gona say or dats not how much its gona cost..

1 fs scrool = 150 gold , ppl carry like 10 nos 10 xuo = 20 fs 20x150=3000 just on fs , den ppl carry lighting to and sometimes gh and reflecr scrools so its gona cost more than 3500 probely

armor price will just go up sooner or later , if ppl know u need it there not gona sell it for same price , so sooner or later price will go to like 8-10k

regs cost 3.1k at stone...

mana/gh pots are not cheap it cost 65 gold to make one mana pot dont know about heal but ur gona carry like 10-20 mana and 10-20 heal

so anyway u take it it gona cost u about 10-15k so suit up everytime u die... so unles u guys plan on makin monsters drops like 1k+ items dont think a lot off ppl will b abel to supply dem self to gank except for ppl caftin items

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