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Carebear server, PvP server and RP server in one

I personally think pit rune are carebearish.... not trying to insult anyone. Having runes at the entry way of the dungeons is pointless. There is an res ankle in just about every dungeon on this game (most servers i played have one on every other floor i haven't hunted here), not only that but this server has wondering healers walking around the forest. All pit runes are going to let you do is go to your house or bank to reequip and then recall back into the dung. What skill is that? I personally have no problem hiding and stealthing my way to my body. That is part of the game. Where is the risk in the game if you always get your items back. It also creates a balance on the server. It slows people from having houses full of items and banks and mass numbers of everything. ( like when you repair stuff blacksmithing there is always that chance to fail and destroy). As far as you guys getting pissed off or annoyed that sounds more like a personal problem. Try not to take it so serious it is a game, odds are you will get that item back. You could always hunt with a friend or friends.

i didn't read the whole thread only ran thru it reading here and there and on so.

I'm that Crazy Muthaf*cka named Ice Cube!

Ok I have read through all posts now (I think) and this is what I have to say

Just a notice first, someone mentioned that the amount of money you get from hunting and the amount of money you get from crafting isn't balanced. We're aware of that and I will look into that on Sunday and see if I can tweak it so it's more balanced.

Anyway, let's start with pitrunes outside dungeons.
I have been against this from day one. Simply because I think it's too convenient for players. If you're out hunting alone then you take a big risk. If we have pitsrunes at dungeons then you will know that you can always get your stuff back, and where's the excitement in that?
I think that with a playerbase of 200+ it should be rather easy to get someone to help you out, or hunt with you. You shouldn't be able to take care of everything yourself. So my suggestion would be that you join a guild or get some friends, that way you will almost always have someone to come and resurrect you and help you loot your stuff back.
And even if you can't contact anyone, there's a stuckmenu that many people have stated. Or you could walk to the nearest town, like Vulcan said it won't take as long as you think. You might loose your stuff, but if you explore dungeons by your own you should expect that.
And is it really that different from dying to monsters as it is dying from players? I mean, if another player kills you then you know you won't get your stuff back. If a monster kills you then you still have a big chance of getting your stuff back even without pitsrunes. Why make that chance even higher?

I don't know, it seems like there are more arguments against pitsrunes then there is for them. I still stand by inital opinion that I'm against this, even after reading what everyone has to say about it.

About regstones.
I think they should be more expensive on stones than on vendors because of the fact that you simply have to doubleclick the stone to get a full bag of regs, which means no work. If you want it cheaper, then you will have to put some more effort into it. Horde your regs in your bank, that way you will always have cheap regs at your disposal.

About housebanks
We have discussed this quite a bit on the staff forums. One idea I had (which Smurtle also seems to have) is to have "guildbanks". These containers would only be accessable by the people in that guild, and they would share the content in it. That way they can get a secure container that can't be looted from anyone outside the guild.
I can see right now that housebanks won't happen. Guildbanks are under discussion but it's looking doubtful. So this guildbank idea is something in between and might be usable. It doesn't even have to be that expensive.

About about this whole XUO vs IN thing
As Coldrake said this is a new shard and we should look ahead instead of looking back. Think of IN:X, not IN or XUO. I can't stress this enough, although I know it will take time before people stop stereotyping INers and XUOers.

Ok, i hope I didn't miss any posts. Jesus, this turned into 9 pages in under 2 days. I'm glad we have so many active players with suggestions and ideas. I try to engage myself in discussions as much as I can, but it's almost impossible to read through all the posts on forums, I would have to have it as a full-time job :p

XUO vs INerz People.
You are what you are . People makes what you/we/us are not place or things.
Dont understant this.. this is new for IN new for XUO .. it not shod be eather way what you like or me even that used to be :confused:
Dont complain all things ... i dont need bank thing, it not make who we are .. do pit thing do what you are... :confused:
This all start just .. give time and it justing for people in time ...
It is us now...same and fair for all, and shod not think IN had XUO had .. they had we had. ... we make now one what we are now.
Far i see this is not single play game...
i want .. .you want .. we want..he.. ... ... crazy.......
*wordless* *sad*

personal i like Xuoersz Smile *shuts up*

Darkness crush me down like edge of broken dreams.
Sylph winds blows hard and painful, frozen my soul.
Lightning strike down ripping flesh of my bones.
Rain unforgivingly wash away my hope for tomorrow.
Sound of storm echoes die and the end silence.... .

rainfall Wrote:XUO vs INerz People.
You are what you are . People makes what you/we/us are not place or things.
Dont understant this.. this is new for IN new for XUO .. it not shod be eather way what you like or me even that used to be :confused:
Dont complain all things ... i dont need bank thing, it not make who we are .. do pit thing do what you are... :confused:
This all start just .. give time and it justing for people in time ...
It is us now...same and fair for all, and shod not think IN had XUO had .. they had we had. ... we make now one what we are now.
Far i see this is not single play game...
i want .. .you want .. we want..he.. ... ... crazy.......
*wordless* *sad*

personal i like Xuoersz Smile *shuts up*


[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

Or, I dunno how feasible this is.

Make a certain town like.."The" spot to interact or PvP. Make it Ocllo, or make it Serps, or some other unguarded area, doesn't necessarily have to be a town.

Make it like Chaos guild only banking and maybe have an Order guild banking only. Only those alignments can bank in those areas, but of course they're still going to fight because it's unguarded.

That's one kinda neat way to help spread the "love" if you will. Seems like it'd some fun PvP. It could be in the middle of the woods with a rune to it, or some spot designated and announced to all.

Eh. I'm in an idea-like mode. ;/

yah but u guys still dont understand what sombrax and jakko means.. im too tired to go through it but i rly want runes outside the dungeons too.. well good night

- regards, Fable

Yeah, same. 'Night friend!

I dont really know how I feel about pit runes at every dungeon... Seems like it would alleviate a lot of the pain in the ass about getting back to civilization if you died and lost your shit, but it just seems kind of carebear to me. Sorry to use the overused phrase, but **** off.

I think that the stuck feature should be used if you are actually stuck, not if you need to get back home after dying in a dungeon. That said, there are some dungeons that are very far away, or on an island. How are players supposed to get back if they died, lose their regs etc, and have used the stuck feature twice in <24 hours?

I dont know, im kinda whatever about the whole thing. Hunting is for donkeys.

I left this topic at page 3 or 4 and got drunk with elcid and shit! was lots of fun. I came back and im pretty surprised that this topic made it to page 9 especially in the state i left it (Huge flamewar) and it has actually turned into a sensible discussion! :badgrin: nice work!

Keep IN:R history alive and bring back the Turtle Pond

i think tarans post sums it up perfectly. Us Iners are used to housebanks and Xuo'ers are used to pit runes. But really those two things arent needed. With them we take away alot of the risk of the game...

the only thing im for is guild banks... just for the reason when a guild gets raided they need to suit up.

Elcid Wrote:Everything Elcid said in his first post.

You all have been spoiled from playing UO Emulators. Seriously.
They put in arrow and reg stones, removing the need to run to vendors.
They put in pits runes at every city, which in turn allows you to travel back to Brit. without using moon gates.
Rare ores can be mined from every location, removing the need to use any other cave besides Minoc.
There is no skill cap, allowing you to train one character, and have no need to maintain a crafter or a mule all on separate characters.

So much on this server is already handed to you on a silver platter, you guys just want more and more and more and more. How about instant GM of every skill? Or a free ingot stone? Well, lets just take out walking, too, I'm sick of spending my time walking from point to point, lets just give everyone teleportation!

Walking is a part of the game, deal with it. Getting from point to point isn't that hard. If you really want a tele to the pits, get a runebook. If you're too lazy to get a rune book, walk. Its not that far. Most dungeons and locations are within a 5 minute run of a moongate.

C'mon guys, just deal with it, find something better to try and change.

The fact of the matter is, the original discussion is based upon Challenges vs. Annoyances. Anyone who actively, and willfully exits a city, and enters a dungeon, is acknowledging the fact that they may have to run far to reach their corpse, or lose their things completely.
The challenge is the game itself, raiding dungeons and the loss associated with it is a risk you agree to.

I have worked on a server where we chose to add 'rune stones' in every city and at every dungeon, allowing for instant transit all over the world. Now, while this is a far step from a 'pits rune', I believe the principal to be quite the same. The challenge in accessing these locations has been removed. Approaching the dungeon, and leaving the dungeon, and everything in between is the challenge, and you appear to want to remove it.
If you want safer access to your body and to cut out what annoys you, choose a path that the game PROVIDES for you, without hard editing the game itself. Get a rune to the dungeon you're at, have a fellow player hunt with you, have a friend on standby to gate you. Or don't DIE in the first place, quit getting yourself in situations where monsters are going to box you in and make you die.

All simple, and effective solutions to your problems.

Yeah. Go ahead and be a smart ass to everyone. That's real ****ing effective.

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