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Carebear server, PvP server and RP server in one

ScareCrow Wrote:i like how you call it carebare when you come from a shard that encourages being someone else from another world and we come from a shard where you kill everyone you see. Think for a minute.. im fed up of you IN kids talking shit about how Xuo was stupid and all of Xuos ideas were stupid. We loved our shard and the pvp was great, the pits runes were great, everything on it was great. Your a whiney little fetus, go take some ritalin and learn to shut up and listen to peoples opinions.

Why would we want to listen to your opinions when anyone that states their opinion and it varies from your own, you ***** at them?
You have to learn to compromise...

ScareCrow Wrote:Thank you. This post goes for Elcid too, kid thinks hes God, cracked out little boy

Elcid is pretty godly so he has reason to think that of himself.

ScareCrow Wrote:thats what Ultima Online is to me.. killing newbs

Are you suicidal? Please don't kill yourself...

ScareCrow Wrote:-This isn't ment to flame but these kids needa get off our dix.

Maybe we like it on your "dix"?
Oh and you have most certainly turned it into a flame war. Congratulations on your skills to not benefit the shard in any way.

*makes a mental note to show ScareCrow where the c k & s keys are*
*waits for him to read that and start whining and mention useless words about Occlo*


[Image: mariozl3.png]

Silverwolf Wrote:Honestly would you guys stop using the word "carebare" its annoying when the only defense you have is the word "carebare". that word should be banned seriously.

On another note, I agree with maxkicker. You guys had your static houses and what ever you wanted, and we wanted our pvp system and pits.

Having pit's without pit runes is almost like having a car with the doors locked. What good is it owning a car when you can't even get into it. If you guys agree to having out pit runes than I dont understand why theres even a debate about the pit runes which are LINKED with pits.

Honestly it feels like you guys are getting greedy atleast let this be a 50/50 merge and not a 70/30.

It isnt a bad idea, your idea of using stuck option is using something which it isn't intended for. Therefore the idea of using it is wrong and there needs to be an alternate way ----> Pit's rune. Stop telling us to use the stuck option because if you check the description stuck option is for PHYSICALLY STUCK, BUGGEd, ETC... not for teleporting to pits because you died and need to get your regrements.

Just think about it for a change instead of posting the same thing and especially when you post with no NEW suggestions and relating everything to the word CAREBARE.

who the **** made that word up anyways, god damn.

I see your point but your example is a bit bad and it doesn't apply here. It is silly to compare something like static houses to pit runes. Static houses are personal belongings (it's just a house afterall), while pit runes are a general shard feature. I'd understand if you'd be asking for your r/r weapons to be transfered from XUO or some other personal items like that because we got our static houses. I heard you were going to get your r/r weapons transfered anyway, once they get to it, or was that just a rumor?

I really hate to do this but since these two communitites can't just get past their differences and stereotypes, I'll jump the bandwagon just to show how it'd be a fair comparison: If you (XUO) get your pit runes everywhere, we should get our (IN) house banking. Now that's a fair comparison of shard features.

edit: You already have the whole pvp system your way (Which is not actually a bad thing when you get used to it, I might add, but just to make my point clear...). That's pretty damn big shard feature right there. What features this important and big do we have from IN? That's right. None.

Canaris Wrote:You already have the whole pvp system your way (Which is not actually a bad thing when you get used to it, I might add, but just to make my point clear...). That's pretty damn big shard feature right there. What features this important and big do we have from IN? That's right. None.

We got decorations... duh.
That is way more important then pvp Rolleyes
Had to compromise our skill gains, loots, banking, probably half of our craftables when/if they get added and more. Yet here we are trying to make this xuo instead of IN:X.
Come on people compromise a little, we all have to. Some more then others...

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Gris Wrote:maxkicker your not helping Jakkos cause at all! At least Jakko made sense hehe. And by "you" i guess you mean us INers? And not all of us want to decorate our houses and have tea parties like not all of XUO people want to run around chopping peoples heads off. Probably the best way to solve this issue is to come up with some kind of a compromise? Or let the GM's decide on what is to be done. But i think everyone has voiced their opinions on this topic and its getting nowhere really. So... uhh... wheres my g-unit sneakers? :eek:

tell me what you dont understand and ill try and explain it better
i dont know what else to do for you

I probably shouldnt have let this go on as long as it did. But like has already been said the Staff have made their decision deal with it.


Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

Don't close the thread just yet, I think most people have tried to argue in a contructive manner. I want to read all replies and form my own opinion and then reply. I'm at work right now though so it will have to wait until I get home.

I like how it started.. Jakko does hold a valid point.

Tabion Wrote:*waits for him to read that and start whining and mention useless words about Occlo*

Haahaha, so true!

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Kalanor Wrote:Jakko i think you have to clarify these annoyances a little more, examples other than pit runes.

This is what everyone is debating rather than the real question of what is annoying compared to challenging.

And we have established there is a stuck option and therefore if you get stuck it doesnt block game play, you dont have to walk for 30 minutes.

So people should come up with annoyances they have encountered and try think of a solution that isnt carebear, take some initiative in your own gameplay.

For a bad example pit runes so you can get out of a dungeon when you die is a carebear idea (because all you really want it for is a way to get your stuff back faster, making dungeoning less challenging, risky), use stuck option. i know it wasnt designed for that, but use it anyway until maybe the admins decide to discuss an alternative method.

For a good example, i get annoyed getting pked by the same guy every 20 minutes when im mining or know who you are, i counteract this by changing location to avoid that annoyance.

So clarify annoyances and think of a viable solution that aint spoon feeding

Is this what you want the post to be about Jakko, because thats my take of it?


[one last comment about the pits runes example]
To me it seems pits runes at dungeon entrances would extend the challenge of hunting, since when you die you still have a chance to salvage your stuff if you are quick, allthough this is still hard in some cases.
The current situation ends the challenge instantly when you die or get PKed in an instance. No chance to get anything back, just walking for half an hour or waiting untill friends log on.

One other thing that could be adjusted is the price of reagent bags at reagent stones. It's much too high compared to buying reagents at vendors. Reagents at vendors were made 20% cheaper a while ago, and the way I see it, reagent bags should be slightly cheaper than buying all of those reagents seperately at a vendor, making reagent stones a good option for pvpers, and making reagent vendors a good option for macroers.

To respond to your annoyance Kalanor: a recall scroll and a rune.
This is all you need to quickly get away from a PKer the moment you see them coming.

So far Jakko and Canaris make very awesome points. I do see a lot trying, but they're getting lost in stereotypes and differences..

A few jump on Scarecrow and Silverwolf immediately. I really find it annoying. Maybe because of Scarecrow's english and Silver gets so mad, sometimes they don't accurately say what they mean, but they do try and you can't hold a grudge to them with that, or approach them with one from things they've said in the past. You're being rude.

I don't think house banking is really a comparable feature to pits runes. Honestly, transporting everything safely? The only difference with pits runes is that it can allow you multiple chances to go back to where you died or at least a closer location. I'm afraid house banks will actually keep people closer to their homes as opposed to towns unless they want to trade.

Canaris is right when he mentioned our PvP was a big part to gain, but you must also understand we got a good deal of IN's economy (from what I've seen) and that's also a big thing, too. Along with spawns and other things.

I propose limited pits runes. Maybe only ones on islands at the least, such as serps, or bucs. Just places that are hard to walk to.

Heck, maybe runes to all POPULAR dungeons, leave the rest "less traveled" to quietly rest in everyone's ambivalent attitude towards them.

Just a few points I'd like to share. Awesome post Jakko and good counterpoints Canaris.

Also, I'd like to add that if a numerous amount of people do die and their stuck options are used up...such as getting hit by a hard monster and dying twice on an island..Won't the pages to get "unstuck" be more in the way? That's something to consider also, granted that happening is rare, but it could happen.

And Tabion..You acting like a smart ass to people you just don't like or feel the need to isn't much help either, nor is someone flaming or spamming off incoherent, rude remarks. It takes two to tango and you and I both know that from experience.

Smurtle Wrote:And Tabion..You acting like a smart ass to people you just don't like or feel the need to isn't much help either than someone flaming or spamming off incoherent, rude remarks. It takes two to tango.

I like everyone, there is no hate that flows in my blood kid.
How are my posts any different then others you have made elsewhere? People made valid points in those posts but since you didn't agree with them you started trouble over it. I don't agree with pit runes everywhere so why can't I do the same?

The rest of this post is about the topic and not specifically pertaining to smurtle!! (if I don't say this he will think it was meant just for him)

Pit runes should be in all towns if they are going to be used. Might as well.
They should not be at dungeons because as I have stated, and others have as well, they have no limit. There is a stuck option to use, it is limited to 2 times a day I believe, for those times you get slaughtered in a dungeon with no hopes to escape, such as an island. This is good enough. It isn't supposed to be easy when you die, that is part of the game. Yeah it can be a hassle at times, that much I agree with.
Is it so infuriating that you lose interest in the game or want to break something in rl? If so... well you have issues. If not then there is no need to complain or question the need for this.
I know this was slightly mentioned elsewhere but... this is not 51a style. Not just because this wasn't a standard feature but because there was difficulty and risk. That is one of the things I remember most. It was challenging and it kept the game from getting stale. Sure some people are fine with doing the same thing day in and out but not everyone is like that. Some people want an extra risk or more difficulty and that needs to be kept in mind.
Well I think I have said enough, tried not to repeat other people very often but I probably failed.
Staff, have fun making a decision on this... again.

P.S. Add invis pots!

[Image: mariozl3.png]

Buy a one roomed house near the dungeons you often go to. This should not be expensive.
Then you can get restocked and ready to get back to your corpse.
If you do go to another dungeon you still have a stuck option, yearh you can only use it twice a day. Then if you have used it twice, then stop going to the dungeons where you don't have a house, and keep hunting in the dungeon where you have acces to a house/houses.
I have been hunting frequently and seriousely, i only have had to walk as a ghost from a dungeon once. Once since shard opening, and i still got back in time to a town, restocked and got my belongings back. The other times i have died, i could use the resgate at the dungeon entrance, or one of the resgates placed in the dungeons to get my stuff back.
Come on it ain't that tough as you peopel make it.

Need pots or stangs drop me a PM, i got it all.

Ingame char: Es [SIN]
ICQ: 334254966

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