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Carebear server, PvP server and RP server in one

Gris Wrote:Or let the GM's decide on what is to be done.

They already did about 3-4 days ago... they said no :p

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

close this thread soooo useless. its already been decided

-carebare pit runes lose

lol im just playin... or am i hehe

well that settles that... hehe

Keep IN:R history alive and bring back the Turtle Pond

Honestly would you guys stop using the word "carebare" its annoying when the only defense you have is the word "carebare". that word should be banned seriously.

On another note, I agree with maxkicker. You guys had your static houses and what ever you wanted, and we wanted our pvp system and pits.

Having pit's without pit runes is almost like having a car with the doors locked. What good is it owning a car when you can't even get into it. If you guys agree to having out pit runes than I dont understand why theres even a debate about the pit runes which are LINKED with pits.

Honestly it feels like you guys are getting greedy atleast let this be a 50/50 merge and not a 70/30.

It isnt a bad idea, your idea of using stuck option is using something which it isn't intended for. Therefore the idea of using it is wrong and there needs to be an alternate way ----> Pit's rune. Stop telling us to use the stuck option because if you check the description stuck option is for PHYSICALLY STUCK, BUGGEd, ETC... not for teleporting to pits because you died and need to get your regrements.

Just think about it for a change instead of posting the same thing and especially when you post with no NEW suggestions and relating everything to the word CAREBARE.

who the **** made that word up anyways, god damn.





Hey yo!

I'm Jakko, EX admin of xuo(sphere) and I have been playing on this shard for a little while now, and I must say I like it.
Nothing is perfect, but this shard comes pretty close, good staff, dedicated admins and a playerbase that would make most other admins jealous.

The playerbase is so big, because this shard is a merge between two completely different servers, IN and XUO.
IN used to be a more RPish and "challenging" server the way I see it, while XUO was focussed on PvPing, and trying to get all players to join in in the PvP as quick and as much as possible.

Lately I have been reading the forums, and it seems to me that some XUO players have suggestions and complaints having to do with the changes involved in the merge. Many IN players reply to these issues by saying we are not a carebear server, and things shouldn't be too easy.
Some of the subjects leading to this typical discussion:

pits runes at dungeon entrances
fizzling taking mana
monster loots
accessability to rare weapons (xtreme dragons)
PK bounties
skillgain speed

To me it seems a few things are mixed up in this discussion.
Of course any UO server, either PvP or RP or both, should not make it very easy on the players. This would lead to boredom and a decrease of value that players assign to items and skills in the game, essentially making the entire game less important. (if everything is instantly achieved, what's the point?)

On the other hand, a server shouldn't make it too hard for the player either, too hard being that gameplay becomes less fun due to certain mechanics that block or slow down the player to the point the player feels like logging off.

The shard should be offering challenges instead of annoyances.

For example pits runes at dungeon entrances...

Does the lack of these pits runes make hunting more challenging?
Is being stuck for some time untill one of your friends logs on to gate you out very challenging?
No, it is annoying, and it blocks your gameplay.

Challenging would be if it is hard to kill certain monsters, hard to stay alive or hard to obtain a certain item. Challenging would be if certain encounters require strategy, teamwork and quick responses.

Carebear servers are not challenging. They let you kill an entire dungeon with one EV, and every monster will drop insane amounts of gold.

This server however, is currently in several ways beyond challenging, making certain aspects more of an annoyance, than a challenge.

Again, there is nothing wrong with things being hard to get, hard to achieve, or hard to undertake, but there IS something wrong with having gameplay mechanics that block the player and stop the players gameplay completely for some time.

Because there is always a better, more elegent way to make gameplay more challenging, than to make a player get stuck.

This also why I am in favor of pits runes at instance entrances.
If you think this makes hunting too easy, you should try to realize why hunting is easy. You will probably come to the conclusion that hunting is easy for reasons that have nothing to do with being or not being stuck and lost when you die.

They have to do with PvE requiring no equipment, strategy or teamwork whatsoever, only EV reagents (something Taran and Maka were made aware of, and are thinking about)

So in future discussions about how hard/easy certain mechanics are and should be, let's keep in mind that something doesn't have to be annoying to be challenging.

Good post, finally someone comes out n says the truth. I agree Jakko.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

wold Wrote:carebare!

you're a douchebag and a perfect example of someone who no one will take serious because of your stupidity and lack of understanding/suggestions and pure ignorance. If you have nothing serious/worth while to say go touch your father and quit wasting peoples time.

I just thought about another good point, this is both a RP/PVP server right? Well you tell us to use an option, which isnt intended for the reason for which we're using it, meaning were abusing the option, but not only that... Who says you wont get pked?

I mean it's one thing to say, "If you die in a dungeon you have no right to complain because it was your risk of being there in the first place"...

Sure... you know what I would agree to that IF this was a RP server only, because in that case the only person that can kill you is the monsters. But what if you die to pkers... Than what you will prevent PVP because people can't get back and challenege them to another fight?

What if you where hunting and died, and bout 3-4 hours later you go back and someone comes and pks you, a group of three... What.. you're going to be screwed??? No more stuck option for you for the rest of the day? It makes no sense.

Positives of pits rune...

- Allow people to be more active (less ghosts running around)
- More time to play the game
- Less frustration
- and the list goes on...



wold Wrote:close this thread soooo useless. its already been decided

-carebare pit runes lose

lol im just playin... or am i hehe

i like how you call it carebare when you come from a shard that encourages being someone else from another world and we come from a shard where you kill everyone you see. Think for a minute.. im fed up of you IN kids talking shit about how Xuo was stupid and all of Xuos ideas were stupid. We loved our shard and the pvp was great, the pits runes were great, everything on it was great. Your a whiney little fetus, go take some ritalin and learn to shut up and listen to peoples opinions.

Thank you. This post goes for Elcid too, kid thinks hes God, cracked out little boy, you mean nothing in red towns and thats what Ultima Online is to me.. killing newbs, so think about that instead of criticizing everything us Xuo players say.

-This isn't ment to flame but these kids needa get off our dix.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

If we by we i mean anyone IN or XUO gets pk'd its called bad luck, unfortunately you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you died in a dungeon at least you have some chance of getting your stuff back, minimal ill admit but some. There is no point on bickering between players, if i could give you pit runes i would, but the fact of the matter is you have to bring it up with the staff and i think they already decided. So i put forth to you, whats the next step?

ScareCrow Wrote:i like how you call it carebare when you come from a shard that encourages being someone else from another world and we come from a shard where you kill everyone you see. Think for a minute.. im fed up of you IN kids talking shit about how Xuo was stupid and all of Xuos ideas were stupid. We loved our shard and the pvp was great, the pits runes were great, everything on it was great. Your a whiney little fetus, go take some ritalin and learn to shut up and listen to peoples opinions.

Thank you. This post goes for Elcid too, kid thinks hes God, cracked out little boy, you mean nothing in red towns and thats what Ultima Online is to me.. killing newbs, so think about that instead of criticizing everything us Xuo players say.

-This isn't ment to flame but these kids needa get off our dix.

You dont sound like a total jackass Rolleyes .... Its already been decided that they arent going to put pit runes around dungeons....

This thread is just going downhill now...

Please lock this thread.

wow you can tell xuo'ers take there uo seriously... i was just yanking your chain by saying "carebare" lol and it obviously worked haha

chill out... relax... haha

I don't understand why every discussion turns into an argument?! This thread started off very mature and well thought. Jakko was trying to have a discussion about something that he feels is important. You don't all have to agree with him, but you don't have to slam him either.

We are one shard now, as has already been stated, and we need to learn to start having intelligent conversation without putting each other down. I think it is ridiculous to rip on XUO or IN. They were both great shards, and for very different reasons. If you look on the website, this is what I wrote when we started this project...

Quote:IN:X encourages diversity and competition. We are not limited to one specific aspect of the game as we feel that a robust world such as ours should cater to all play styles. If you enjoy PvP, PvE, RP, or just hanging out with your friends at Brit bank… you will feel right at home. Our PvP system is one of the best… if not THE best system you will find online. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding PvP environment, our old school “***** Opiate” inspired PvP system delivers.

Read it and let the words sink in. What is going to make this shard great, is that we are not limited to one specific style of game play. We are already #1 in all 4 polls. Let's start acting like a #1 shard.

Anyhow, I appreciate Jakko's post and will think it over and discuss it with the rest of the staff. That doesn't mean we will or will not place pit runes outside of dungeons. But I do promise we will discuss it.

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