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Where Are You From? [RP]

Britain was silent, it was the dead of the night. The Baron's swordsmen kept looking for the hunter who eluded them in the tavern, but stopped to catch thier breath in front of the First Bank of Britannia. Suddenly a loud screeching cut the silence, and the knights looked around in fear.
"What be 'tis?"
"The knave summoned his demonic allies to end us all!"
"Hold thyself, thou are knights, not common wenches! At arms and slay whatever foul beast 'tis be!"
As the screeching metallic sound got louder, a splendor they never seen before has started appearing before thier eyes. A shape that resembled a blue outhouse has started manifesting just in front of the building, slowly becoming from semi invisible to completely solid. As the outhouse completely materialized, the sound stopped just as it started.
The swordsmen surrounded the blue box, hiding behind thier shields, holding out swords to meet whatever creature might emerge from it.

"Aaaaaaaaah it feels so sweet, never thought the re-processed air of the Cerberus Station would be so refreshing, oh wait a minute..."
The door of the blue box snapped open, and a red-headed young man wearing a blue overcoat and a colourful long scarf stepped out, looking at the knights with disbelief as his eyes ran around the scenery.
"Hello! I'm guessing you have no clue where is this place on a galactic scale, and why it isn't Cerberus Station" He grinned, pushing away the sword of the knight captain and stepping away from the box
"Let's see, medieval architecture, knights in shining armor" his eyes suddenly caught the young hunter, who has been watching the whole scene with growing disbelief, especially since the wierd man emerged from the box "Oh, and Jerek Stormgard, my old friend " He took a deep breath, seemingly totally oblivious of the knights now turning away from the box, unable to force the doors open after he closed them "Aaaaaah! Sosaria, the shining green world of the Garriot constellation! That's the reason for the cold welcome then, eh?" he turned towards the knights, sporting an oriental bow "Hello there, I'm... well, in this part of the universe I'm known as Kite! Kite Himuro! Hail and well met! Who thou might be, fair knights?"
The captain of the knights, now lowering both his shield and sword in disbelief, as the stranger changed accent and manner of speech.
"I be captain Arrass, and i be chasing a foul knave with me men when thine box appeared before our very eyes. You mayhaps be a wizard to command such power?"
"My craft mayhap be different from the magick you knoweth, but aye. It is magickal indeed" Kite grinned "Now if you excuse me, I'll be on me way. Mayhaps we meet again soon." he waved, and started walking down the street towards the tailor shop. The captain waited until his figure disappeared into the darkness of the night, then turned to his men
"I be damned if I know what we just seen, but this man, weird as he is, had no evil intentions. Yet I can't shake the feeling that he mayhaps not be a man at all..."

kitehimuro Wrote:Britain was silent, it was the dead of the night. The Baron's swordsmen kept looking for the hunter who eluded them in the tavern, but stopped to catch thier breath in front of the First Bank of Britannia. Suddenly a loud screeching cut the silence, and the knights looked around in fear.
"What be 'tis?"
"The knave summoned his demonic allies to end us all!"
"Hold thyself, thou are knights, not common wenches! At arms and slay whatever foul beast 'tis be!"
As the screeching metallic sound got louder, a splendor they never seen before has started appearing before thier eyes. A shape that resembled a blue outhouse has started manifesting just in front of the building, slowly becoming from semi invisible to completely solid. As the outhouse completely materialized, the sound stopped just as it started.
The swordsmen surrounded the blue box, hiding behind thier shields, holding out swords to meet whatever creature might emerge from it.

"Aaaaaaaaah it feels so sweet, never thought the re-processed air of the Cerberus Station would be so refreshing, oh wait a minute..."
The door of the blue box snapped open, and a red-headed young man wearing a blue overcoat and a colourful long scarf stepped out, looking at the knights with disbelief as his eyes ran around the scenery.
"Hello! I'm guessing you have no clue where is this place on a galactic scale, and why it isn't Cerberus Station" He grinned, pushing away the sword of the knight captain and stepping away from the box
"Let's see, medieval architecture, knights in shining armor" his eyes suddenly caught the young hunter, who has been watching the whole scene with growing disbelief, especially since the wierd man emerged from the box "Oh, and Jerek Stormgard, my old friend " He took a deep breath, seemingly totally oblivious of the knights now turning away from the box, unable to force the doors open after he closed them "Aaaaaah! Sosaria, the shining green world of the Garriot constellation! That's the reason for the cold welcome then, eh?" he turned towards the knights, sporting an oriental bow "Hello there, I'm... well, in this part of the universe I'm known as Kite! Kite Himuro! Hail and well met! Who thou might be, fair knights?"
The captain of the knights, now lowering both his shield and sword in disbelief, as the stranger changed accent and manner of speech.
"I be captain Arrass, and i be chasing a foul knave with me men when thine box appeared before our very eyes. You mayhaps be a wizard to command such power?"
"My craft mayhap be different from the magick you knoweth, but aye. It is magickal indeed" Kite grinned "Now if you excuse me, I'll be on me way. Mayhaps we meet again soon." he waved, and started walking down the street towards the tailor shop. The captain waited until his figure disappeared into the darkness of the night, then turned to his men
"I be damned if I know what we just seen, but this man, weird as he is, had no evil intentions. Yet I can't shake the feeling that he mayhaps not be a man at all..."

The young hunter watches the scene from afar.

''In the name of...What kind of joke is this?''

Jerek sees Kite Himuro, his old friends with whom he faced many dangerous adventures, come out of the suspicious blue box.

*grins* ''Is that..? Hah! Well well well, as they say, ''who's alive always shows up''. I wonder what was that little spectacle with the blue thing, tho...

Jerek sees Kite talking with Le Carde's knights.

''Heh, those fools better not cross Kite's sword or people will have a hard time cleaning the blood from the stone floor. *Sigh* I better depart. I'll be looking forward to meet you once again, old friend.''

Jerek fades into the black night.

Jerek Stormgard Wrote:The young hunter watches the scene from afar.

''In the name of...What kind of joke is this?''

Jerek sees Kite Himuro, his old friends with whom he faced many dangerous adventures, come out of the suspicious blue box.

*grins* ''Is that..? Hah! Well well well, as they say, ''who's alive always shows up''. I wonder what was that little spectacle with the blue thing, tho...

Jerek sees Kite talking with Le Carde's knights.

''Heh, those fools better not cross Kite's sword or people will have a hard time cleaning the blood from the stone floor. *Sigh* I better depart. I'll be looking forward to meet you once again, old friend.''

Jerek fades into the black night.

[OOC] Actually Jerek wouldn't recognize Kite, since he "changed", not looking oriental any more ( in case you know where this comes from: he regenerated ;D )

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

"Blargin walks into the tavern after a hard days work of fishing, pulling out what little gold coins he has, buys the cheapest drink in the tavern."

Old blargin is the grandson of Dereck who while not famous was often seen with the notorious ghost known as nangaithya. His father was Uther lightbringer the holy paladin who amongst a few brave warriors stopped the Orcish army of the dark lord who had intended on smashing the newly established town of Kalimdor. While Uther lived a life full of adventure he was killed in the most odd of ways involving a loaded crossbow bolt and an exploding llama. Leaving poor young blargin with only a few heirlooms one being the ghostly lute of nangaithya and the other being the fishing rod his father had bought him. Blargin wondered the streets of britain as a beggar but by using the fishing rod his father had bought him he had developed a love for fishing. While his predecessor's who were notorious and heroic blargin dreams of a more simpler life of sailing on the open seas and catching many different kinds of fish, and to one day open up his own sea food resturant.

"Blargin realizing he has spent more than he had he tries to silently escape the tavern. As he approaches the door a huge meaty fist of the bouncer grabs his shoulder. Almost jumping out of his skin Blargin reaches for his skinning knife and using a technique he had once seen an assassin use when he was a kid in the sewers, stabs the knife into the kidney of the bouncer realeasing his grip on blargin allowing him to escape into the night with the tavern keeper screaming profanity."


I will not reveal you my name for the time being, i am of the Shadow race. My human form was born in Trinsic and was consumed by the Shadows in Britain where i currently wander around but i do not intend to stay since my hate for this city grows each day that passes. I've been on this land for a long time... too many years. I have a special interest on the Daemon race, perhaps we shall meet in the future for as i see we might serve the same purpose.

I was born in Trisnic. Was raised well by my parents. After a while I moved out in search of my own decisions and found Holocaustus JR. He became my mentor. After a long time, he left never to be seen again. I plan to ressurect the guild in his honor.

Horacio Wrote:Hello, I am curious to know where you hail from....what city... what land do you call home? What is your race?

If you have read my story before, you know I am Hora'Zheo, and I am of the Daemon race. I was Spawned in the pits of The Underworld. I came to Britannia six years ago to do some spying on the humans. I polymorphed as a Human named Horace whom which spent most of his time in Minoc. I am now stuck here due to circumstances I wish not to repeat. For more information read my story.

*night falls in Magincia*

Minoc eh? I hope you are learning much of humans, while you mine through the dirt of Mt Kendall.
I am Nikita, queen of Magincia. Magincia was once ruled by my my mother, but her hold on the city came to an abrubt end long ago. How this happened is really none of your business, but it IS important for you to know that I am the lawful ruler of Magincia.
Not everyone agrees of course, those that don't usually die screaming after I set them on fire.
You can't please everyone my mother always said.

*Nikita aims her elven bow at a rabbit close by*

I don't really mind demons entering my city, as long as they don't get in my way. As for spying... *Nikita laughs* Sorry but I've never met a demon with enough wits to pick a fight with me and live, let stand survive spying on me... You sound polite, and I trust you will be humble when entering my domain.

*The arrow pierces through the rabbit only a moment after leaving the bow*

Even though I dislike the sound of screaming demons, I have no problem with humbling one, if he or she bothers me.
Not to worry though, your plan to spy on humans did not bother me yet, probably because I don't really consider myself on the same level as most humans.

Enjoy your stay in Minoc, as far as such a thing is possible, and when you do get tired of those smelly miners, visit Magincia to experience real class.
Don't forget to bring me a present if you do decide to pay me visit. I never received a present from a demon yet, except getting demon-blood splattered all over my face.

*Nikita laughs*

That can hardly be called a present of course.

[more about nikita:]

Hmmm...I doubt I would be visiting Magencia.. I go into no towns anymore. Minoc was my past when the [Daemon] armies were readying their entry into Britannia. I am more disfigured than before. People are scared enough of a Daemon, but a blackened...burnt...scarred Daemon...That is a different story. If ever you were to meet would be by wandering through the many forests or caves of Britannia, which I doubt the likes of you would. You are one of those "posh" humans, who for some reason believe they are better than the rest


When will humans see the bigger picture in life. You are all nothing but a meal. Don't mistake my well spoken English as "humble". I am as fierce as any other Daemon. Queen or Begger, a human is a human, and a human is food.

Enjoy the safety of your Palace

*Laughs Menacingly*

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