Quote:yes but a open date would maybe get staff motivated to finish the shard as i know the is probley 3days of work that needs to be done but the way staff is going itwill take 3 months
well i think a release date will motivate the staff to actualy do some work
the shard should of been open by now even with two staff working on it
why is is taking so long the staff not being honest with us no host no server?
would like to see dailyor atleast weekly progress reports will help to show the players that work is being done and keep them from leaveing a dieing server if they knew it was still alive!!!
I'm new here and all, so I don't really have the best idea of what's going on, but in my experience, these things simply take a long time to finish. The usual rule for games is that they takes at least three times as long as expected to finish.
This is a big task for not a big team. We didn't make UO and we didn't make RunUO, and we are trying to make it do something it wasn't originally intended to do. It's hard enough working off of somebody else's code base, it's harder when it's based on a 10 year old game, and it's even harder when there is no documentation. (At least there isn't to my knowledge. :p) The problem is not motivation, the problem is that
programming takes time. It's a very indefinite process which is riddled with all sorts of unexpected obstacles. At any time you can run into a new bug which, in large games, can take days to work out. The only difference is, with real commercial games, the programmers are paid to do what they do, and they spend all day (and sometimes all night) doing it.
IN-X is something we are doing in our spare time. We are doing it because we enjoy doing it, not for money. But, we do have our own lives to attend to (which do
not, in fact, revolve around IN-X), which in most cases takes priority.
IN-X is not a dying server. It hasn't even launched yet, so technically it's not even alive. It can't die if it's not alive. But seriously, if you are sick of waiting then move on with your life. Forget about it and come back when it's done. The only thing you can do to make IN-X done is wait. Claiming with absolutely no basis that it should have been done 2 months ago and forcing us to set a fake deadline for the sole purpose of making you happy will not make IN-X done. And plus, setting a deadline only accomplishes one thing: it pisses people off when it's missed.
So that's just my two cents. Part of it is related to this, but a lot of it is just pent of frustration from people complaining about things and making demands and judgments when they are in absolutely no position to. It's happened with everything single game released to this date (that's a guess but it very well could be right), and a UO server is no exception. As a player, I can somewhat understand people's frustration, but as a programmer, it pisses me off.