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IN-X Player's view vs Forum Humpers

Rackull Wrote:Well let's summarize the players view of the shard:
  • The shard it's not really developing;
  • There is no real Dev Team;
  • The Main Admins disappeared;
  • Taran effort is leading nowhere because there is a lack of interest on capable staff members;
  • The 200 community is reduced to 20 Forum Humpers that already play somewhere else.

Now let's summarize the Forum Humpers view:
  • Sarcasm is a nice way to fuse a flame war;
  • Pointing out that this leads out to nowhere is a nice way to fuse a flame war;
  • Creating reasonable doubt on the shard work and opening is a nice way to fuse a flame war;
  • What the heck am I still doing here, is a question we all pose to ourselves.

Guess that's about it ...

Those of you that find me wrong, please correct me.
Those of you that find I missed something please comment and add it.

Wink mother****ing hilarious Big Grin nevertheless , true

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

Cole Wrote:Lerri is right - people on forums are just looking for attention and so they assert deceivingly self-contained, frequently illogical proclamations about the nature or future of INX. That, or they just talk a lot of funny nonsense. I vastly prefer the latter.

Attention normally derivate into discussion and interest on 'at least' the forums, this for itself may maintain more people interest into looking up the forums, because without it IN-X wouldn't even got a single post for weeks or months.

With the exception of people like Valas that lurk around patiently waiting Wink to what we don't even can quantify the numbers of such patiently waiting players to be.

I also prefer allot of funny nonsense, then again, playing it stupidly again and again with repeated 'boring' nonsense will get us nowhere ... at least with some little hints here and there we can help out and express what we, players to be and forum humpers, would like to see while the shard is still being built.

I for one always looked at IN-X as a place to gather a community alongside with the shard and game itself, if this is only to serve the shard and not to nourish a community then please say it and I'll take my leave.


I could wait 1 year and i would still hang around and join when it opens.. well depends on how RP friendly it will be. Smile

Better to wait for it to be perfect then join a halfmade shard Smile

besides i got too much work to want it to come up now heh

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I'm prolly not playing, seeing ive lost faith in the whole server, and I'm pretty sure that other people feel the same way. But I'm a be a general jackass on the forums anyways.. I mean... It's fun?

Yeah Magus will prolly talk out of his ass on forums and then play when it comes up. Tongue Messiah will convince him.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

i like to ***** about server too

but in:r was the best project out there i've tried other but they all sux ass
even know i ***** i cant wait intil srver back up so i can injoy the best server ever just hate that the wait is so long

Cole Wrote:Yeah Magus will prolly talk out of his ass on forums and then play when it comes up. Tongue Messiah will convince him.

You know pulling that Messiah card is a new low! ... aint my fault I can't say no to him.. Allthough.. He's really going to have to nagg on me this time, Cause I'm starting to actually hate this place.

it is what you make it

GM Pande

yeah.. That's kinda what you did.

Man, hate is a strong word. Why? If its inappropriate for forums shoot me a PM.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

Okey, Seeing how Taran just sent me a PM asking me to stop being so damn negative.. I am going to respect that. And stop it right away.

But I'm also going to try to explain why I'm acting the way I do, with one last post. Then im going to take a break.. Not going to post anymore, untill the server is up. I'm a try it, if it sucks, im gone. the end.

Anyways.. Hate is a strong word Cole, I agree. and I would like to change that statement right away. I'd say I'm more dissapointed really. why? A few people ruined a great community. and now they are trying tot rebuild it in a way.. well that's that's not IN.

And the server we are merging with.. Well. dont take this personal. But IN and XUO players, have a really "Diffrent" playstyle. All you people want to do is fight.... All day long. That was not IN either.. And I mean.. I dont want to be neutral.. cause i want to fight aswell. But not being able to hang around at brit talking to my friends, cause I'm going to be attacked every single second..that's just not IN! We would have been better off merging with a RP-server in my opinion. Now! again please dont take this personal. It really wasn't meant to be a flame against XUO... and I really don't want to see this turn in to a IN vs XUO again Tongue yeah I know they are fun allthough. But taran is going to be mad at me *cries* Tongue

I also dissagree with almost every decision the Staff has made since they started merging.. Well I dissagree with alot that happend on IN:R aswell.

There's also this hostility between Players and Staff at the moment, fine I love it. But staff are also being idiots when it comes to this. It's like if you have Admin or GM before your name. you care about the server more. Well you know what. **** you, cause you dont.

Oh I will respond to post inside this thread allthough... Cause I just want to see what people think... and maybe I can **** with some other people..

YAYH NICE MAGUS TELL EM! seriously you are right concerning many aspects , for example about the merge with XUO wich is kind of " the opposite " to IN, but that doesnt mean you wont be able to chat to your buddies in britain without getting killeD!:d Blue Cities have always been safe spots i reckon.

And oh yeah i got to say that XUOers are more hostile than Iners, we always have hahahaha but thats because we wanna have some fun not because we really feel like *****ing the others and we love to trashtalk besides playing the game ^^, so most of us are forum humpers or idiots ingame to those who are not close to us =p . Anyway by posting that you show that you still " care" about this server , i think you should consider my idea about giving full skill transfers to both xuoers and inners and give your opinion in the other thread, remember to think of it as a possibility to bring ppl back , not to think it as what community gets more benefit of it

[Image: dextermorgancq0.jpg]

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