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For many of us, especially for XUOers, UO is pure PvP game. The thing is noone stops you from watching how your character "grows and improves" if PvP skills will be given out. But ones who like the "mindless pvp" won't join server with 10 people online, especially when they need to macro for several weeks. But they might join and most likely bring their friends if they know that they don't need to do anything besides installing UO to start playing. They still will leave character overnight, but they could start playing since day one, ganking/hunting for money and so on. I know you don't care about it, since you don't need much people around to raise your skills. But this is also a PvP server, so I guess PvPers are allowed to express their opinion here, aren't they?
I still suggest to have a voting poll about it... I didn't hear anything againest giving out PvP skills from our crafters, the only complains I heard were about the stone, cos as I said many profitable skills are there.

Andrew Wrote:Just because theres a small gang of 5 members proclaiming about slow skillgain, dosent mean the rest of us are directly proclaiming. Theres more to PVP in UO, and some of us enjoy seeing our chars grow and improve!

If all you wanan do is mindless pvp, i know theres servers that gives you free items and skills!

im going to laugh when you controdict your self about taming blacksmithy alchemey or inscription

Reyn Wrote:Yea you got the skills, and probably 100+ days gametime...
as for your calculation its utter crap so it seems you dont just talk shit, you also live it.

God your stupid.. everytime you open your mouth I want to slap your mother.

Rachet Wrote:God your stupid.. everytime you open your mouth I want to slap your mother.

Coz beating women is your forte hey....
And typing with my mouth open is mine???? Gimpwrist.

Reyn, if you dont like it here, for the love of that idiot we call jesus, leave us in peace. Youre getting nowhere calling people names and insulting everyone inhere!

Seriously... If you dont have anything positive to add, dont add anything!

IN1: Andrew / Andrew the Almighty (forums)
IN-X: Andrew, High Ranger [Rangers of the North]
[Image: siggie.jpg]

Reyn Wrote:Right click on the timeout, go to edit timeout, voila... guess ive been using it longer than you huh?

I'm not talking about the pauses you manually add, I'm talking about the timeout when Razor can't continue because you didn't make a good macro... I think I would know how to edit my own pause if I have to add it in the first place...

Reyn Wrote:Well it seems my comprehension skills are less than that of you, either that or my ignorance, sure they tried to help me, but they also chose to ignore the topic, SKILLGAIN SUCKS HUGE BALLS HERE AND FOR A NEW PLAYER TO GET STARTED JUST WITH PVP SKILLS IS VERY HARD. as for trade skills theyre not even worth attempting. therein lies the problem

First of all, we didn't ignore the thread topic and post in here just for kicks. We saw you said skill gain is hard and since none of us players have the power to change it at will, we did our best to help you adapt to this skill gain by giving suggestions on how to improve your macros or what skills to do first, etc.

Second of all, I come from XUO so I'm used to easy skill gain and I find having hard (to a certain extent) skill gain on the most profitable skills makes perfect sense. Think about it for a moment. When you train a skill you do it because you want to get rich. Now if the skill is really easy to train then most people will do it and to compete to sell your 'product' the prices will slowly drop week after week after week as more players train the skill. BUT if the skill is hard not everyone will have the patience for it and therefore there will be less people with the skill and at some point if you really want to pay for something you will have to pay a minimum price. I know I don't want to train blacksmithy for 2 weeks or however long just to sell my black diamond armor for 10k...

Reyn Wrote:And ive read other posts about this and you worry about the economy being destroyed by increasing skillgain, but seriously you need players for an economy and there arent any. So Id seriously think about giving the dedicated players and the ones trying to start here a reward for sticking around when times are so boring...

So we should cater to players that might not even stay around for 2 months, and at the same time we should screw over those put in so much hard work to GM a skill when it was harder? And even worse by making skill gain so easy it again lowers the prices they can sell something at because someone else will just as easily make it and sell it for a few k less.

Reyn Wrote:
Shade Wrote:Before the last skill increase we had an average playerbase of 40-60. One week after the increase was implemented the playerbase dropped down to the 20-30 area. Skill gain has nothing to do with the playerbase. As a matter of fact some people enjoy earning their skills and building their character, so much so that we lose players every time skills are made easier.

Crafting will not be made easier.

I myself have alot of friends that wont play here because of the skillgain. This server WILL NOT EVER have over 100 clients.

Are you saying if we make the skill gain easier you have 20-30 friends ready to join INX to make up for that loss of 20-30 people from the last time skill gain was made easier? I understand playerbase is low right now and we have to do our best to attract each individual player, but 20-30 >> 3 or 4. What I like about the time I spent on XUO and now on INX is that the staff aren't willing to completely revise the shard every time someone asks for it. The staff have a great job of thinking of the longtime life of the shard. They won't make a change to get 2 players now and then never another player off it.

Gang-Bang Wrote:No need to make crafting skills easier, its all about PvP skills...


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree that you should work for profitable/crafting skills and as I already said no need to make them easier, but why you should work for PvP skillsSad It doesn't help our server, seriously, I'm sure most of our old players will be for that. I mean, remove skill stone, don't let people pick such skills as mining and so on, but give out more PvP skills, it won't hurt our economy at all.

I find it hard to agree with you when you say that it's all about the pvp skills. Some people couldn't give a rat's *ss about the pvp and they just want to craft and make huge profits. I don't think it's fair to take away the skills for this type of player.

Gang-Bang Wrote:Well, remove the stone at all and just make some area in green acres or anywhere that noone would have access to that spot, except for people who just created character, and stone would be placed there, you click it , it sets certain pvp skills to certain percentage and teleports you in pits. Just like it was on XUO/Alphanine and so on.
But there could be other ways make it, and I'm sure staff will find out whats the best way to do it if they will agree with giving out more PvP skills...

I don't see how that's much better then it is now. The only difference I see is if it's in an area only new players can get to, then you're cheating current players from using it.

Gang-Bang Wrote:Btw, when skill stone was added noone of our players was againest PvP skills, people just didn't like such skills as mining, tinkering giving out for free. Lets make a poll about it and we'll see what people think about. I can be wrong, but as I already said I'm almost sure most of our players won't have anything againest giving out PvP skills.

Are you saying the skillstone should ONLY have pvp skills or pvp skills should be given to all players and get rid of the skill stone or then you can use it for other skills? Like I said, not everyone plays UO to pvp.

Gang-Bang Wrote:I still suggest to have a voting poll about it... I didn't hear anything againest giving out PvP skills from our crafters, the only complains I heard were about the stone, cos as I said many profitable skills are there.

Although I am from XUO I do consider myself a crafter as most of you probably know by now I don't pvp very much and when I do I am one of the first to get knocked out of a tourny. Personally, I have no problems giving more pvp skills out to starting characters, I just don't think that should be the only option as some people might want to take 1 less pvp skill so they can take 1 crafting skill to make some money.

Yea 80 try rightclicking on the timeout razor makes.... as for the rest of your post, you will soon be crafting items just for you... maybe even pretending to buy them from yourself as you will be the last man standing.

And dont get me wrong i do like it here i mean the empty streets are a great way to feel secure and the help on the forums is awesome, and when I can figure out how smart you all are im going to flamestrike you... all 10 of you...

Thanks Reyn, I'll have to try that next time Smile

Minus a small handful of constructive comments, this topic is out of hand. I don't see why some of you can't discuss things with one another without the bs.

You guys think that skill gain chases people off? What do you think these ongoing posts do? Seriously if I came to a shard and went to their general section seeing only *****ing and arguing I wouldn't bother playing here.

From now on if you want something changed or have a suggestion post it in the appropriate area and keep it clean, yelling at each other and going off topic will get you nowhere.

If you are truly worried about the player base then try being a little more friendly with each other, geez. How is chasing each other off really going to help anything? This is a community and we all live together here, remember that. When people have rude neighbors they are more likely to move after all.

Topic closed.

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