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Please......... Remove the Pits!

I would say, for Rep tournaments it's quite cool to use some auto equip (sometimes). It did work in the past of XUO (i am talking about YEARS AGO). But for Reg tournaments it's not really a good idea, it quite destroy's the feel of a reg tournament.

*Maybe it was said before, but i just red the last few posts

Events that require a better prize, usually has more people and more room for error checking. A human component is always better than an automated one. If for something like a FFA where the prize is something simple, say gold, a more automated approach would work fine. If something were to happen and you were kicked out, disconnected, etc. it wouldn't be that big of a loss based on the prize. But, if the prize is a R/R weapon, you'd want some sort of outlet to complain, discuss (preferred), and state your case why.

There are people who complain on those big servers. But, from what I've seen one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. Overall it has like a 93% success rating. Think of it as a quarterbacks pass rating. That's damned good.Smile

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