n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Kokane - 01-20-2007
Your post is missing one thing it should say dont fuck with a player name KOKANE!!
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Nalo - 01-20-2007
Jebus, I've never looked at PvP in such detail as this, I've always just...played as I learned and such, never really thought about it in much detail.
The info about Harm, Magic Arrow, and Clumsy helped me a lot, and I'm moderately skilled at PvP and have been playing for quite some time. I realized that I've been using Magic Arrow
every time and haven't really looked into harm or clumsy. Clumsy seems to me to be the best for PvP simply because it doesn't "dispel" a paralyze on the enemy. I've always been quite annoying at para spamming and such; so with clumsy I should be able to drop someone a lot faster. :badgrin:
Skorpion: Yea I used to use explosion on IN1, along with my group, every now and then to do some decent damage to a closely grouped...group - to drop them ALL to at least half health. I also loved unsing a gate into trinny, precasting chain-lightning or earthquake, stepping in and releasing the spell to kill or damage a few people, then stepping out before guards could kill me. This was always fun with 2-3 people because you could actually kill a few people in town
Blackfog: I think what Skorpion meant (and it's also a question I still have that I haven't gotten a clear answer to) is, will there be different types of mana potions that give you different quantities of mana back. For example: Greater Mana Potion, Mana Potion, and Lesser Mana Potion (I don't know exactly how much each gave, but I think it was something like 40, 20, and 12).
Tabion: You rock, those were basically all or most of the questions I had, thanks.
Thanks for these tips and guides, although a bit was left out, they did help refresh my memory a bit, can't wait to play even more
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_n0x* - 01-20-2007
Nalo Wrote:Jebus, I've never looked at PvP in such detail as this, I've always just...played as I learned and such, never really thought about it in much detail.
The info about Harm, Magic Arrow, and Clumsy helped me a lot, and I'm moderately skilled at PvP and have been playing for quite some time. I realized that I've been using Magic Arrow every time and haven't really looked into harm or clumsy. Clumsy seems to me to be the best for PvP simply because it doesn't "dispel" a paralyze on the enemy. I've always been quite annoying at para spamming and such; so with clumsy I should be able to drop someone a lot faster. :badgrin:
Skorpion: Yea I used to use explosion on IN1, along with my group, every now and then to do some decent damage to a closely grouped...group - to drop them ALL to at least half health. I also loved unsing a gate into trinny, precasting chain-lightning or earthquake, stepping in and releasing the spell to kill or damage a few people, then stepping out before guards could kill me. This was always fun with 2-3 people because you could actually kill a few people in town
Blackfog: I think what Skorpion meant (and it's also a question I still have that I haven't gotten a clear answer to) is, will there be different types of mana potions that give you different quantities of mana back. For example: Greater Mana Potion, Mana Potion, and Lesser Mana Potion (I don't know exactly how much each gave, but I think it was something like 40, 20, and 12).
Tabion: You rock, those were basically all or most of the questions I had, thanks.
Thanks for these tips and guides, although a bit was left out, they did help refresh my memory a bit, can't wait to play even more
As a basic pvp guide or an introduction to IN:X pvp i think it pretty much serves a full guide and as for mana potions, the only mana's available are the regular ones, which regenerate 20.
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_n0x* - 01-20-2007
Unreal Wrote:n0x do you remember a girl char named Akira from XUO sphere..I think it was you..you had pink pig tails? If so you taught me how to pvp on XUO back then me and you ganked alot of ppl!
yeah Akira rings a bell.. It was far too long ago though, lol, don't remember too much but ur name does sound very familiar.
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Fable - 01-20-2007
DeNiro Wrote:i think i missunderstood something here, can you cast 2 spells at the same time? or bandage and spellcast at the same time?
we had this on IN:R where you could do this and it was an annoying bug there, hard to kill people who used it and if you used it you were hated by the whole shard hehe.
could someone explain this a little more?
u missunderstood this dude, if u got like say 98 hp and use aid u can press on xuo fs or xuo light wich takes a bit hp and then u got the target up and the aid/heal spell fills ur hp up and then the hp penalty will not be a problem, nice isnt it?
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Skorpion - 01-20-2007
I'm assuming with the precast stuff you're relying on your weapon to damage your opponent before you start a dump with your precasted spell. So in the case where you took damage and needed to heal you'd have to use the spell so that you can cast a different one? Also I'm guessing you can't use a bandage either when a spell is precast? Can you drink a pot?
I'm also curious about spell animations. Like when you cast a MR does it show something other than a noise and the spell words?
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Hate - 01-20-2007
Skorpion Wrote:I'm assuming with the precast stuff you're relying on your weapon to damage your opponent before you start a dump with your precasted spell. So in the case where you took damage and needed to heal you'd have to use the spell so that you can cast a different one? Also I'm guessing you can't use a bandage either when a spell is precast? Can you drink a pot?
I'm also curious about spell animations. Like when you cast a MR does it show something other than a noise and the spell words?
While having the precasted spells target up you can't use any other spell. In order to do this you'll have to cancel or use the spell you have precasted. So yes, that's pretty much correct, the only thing they can do (without actually cancelling the spell they've precasted) is to try and hit the enemy before he hits you, because if he hits you first then you'll have to cancel it and heal instead. No you can't use bandages either while having a spell precasted, that's also correct. Think about it like this, you can't have two targets up at once (ever) right? so in order to get a new target up (for another spell, a bandage, or whatever) then you'll need to cancel or use the target you have up atm, or it'll cancel it for you.
Spell animations? I'd say they're same as any other shard. The arms move - you hear a sound - an animation is shown over your player that looks like the "protection" spell, but with a different sound. That's about it ~_~
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Ginz - 01-26-2007
make this sticky?
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - smoke - 01-26-2007
n0x* Wrote:Dramatic:
just basic hints :
in order to kill ur opponent the easiest way possible , u must make him sip a pot , either by draining his mana slowly with hits ( fast wep required in this case ) or by draining his mana bigtime or making him sip a gh pot ( strong wep in this case) .
first of all if you dont have sound in ur comp , stick to hunting lol .
sound takes a big role in this pvp , not for only guessing when ur opponent drinks the pot , but also when he uses the bandages , those almighty items that can save ur ass or drive you straight to hell . Even tho i fake the bandies most of the times so i actually make my opponents cast a fs on me when im actually healing with spell , this aint happening quite often . Bandies are most likely used when the opponents life is 80 or higher ( this is a nice chance to make ur move and get ur opponents life in danger by casting a nos fs and faking another one with the spam , remember that bandies tend to give a low amount of hp so the opponent would , in most of the cases , have to scroll his ass up with a gh scroll , wich takes alot of mana , or sip a gh pot , this way weaking his deffense )
Another issue is the timing...time will tell , and the new players who hasnt practised this pvp before will get use to the timing of the spells within time.
For example the spellbook's GH spell goes actually at the same speed than the flamestrike scroll , this way if ur timing is close to perfect , u can stop ur opponent's flamestrikes with regular gh's , no need to use scroll unless the opponent is casting buncha flames on you and ur lifes is around 46 , then dont rely on the luck and GH scroll . ( this paragraph is not recommended for the new users since it requires a high skill base in this pvp )
About the hit issue , if ur facing a healer , this is the term we use for the ppl that use the gh spell alot , even with his life is 85 or above , you should try using a fast wep wich drains his mana fast and will most likely make him drink a mana pot , then trying the trick i mentioned above about attacking when he use the bandie or when hes at high hp but not full .
If ur facing a common fighter , who is kind of 50 /50 , heals , uses bandies and attacks often , id say the best thing to do is grab a powerful weapon , like the bardiche or halberd , holding strong hits on him , sometimes getting his life down to 50 or so , thats when you gotta " dump"
The precast , a sometimes risky technique used to get some extra mana from draining ur life with the FS XUO scroll . There are 2 types of precasts , ill explain them below :
-Precast Type 1 : probably the most used , even tho its a bit risky . This is about using a bandage when ur life is high , close to full life , 95 or so..so when using a bandage at this HP , you simply double click a xuo fs scroll ( i suggest to make a macro about this " clicking the xuo scroll only) , while the bandage is being used on you..this way ur life will be recovered and a flamestrike will be ready to cast as if was a NOS FS ( remember u should start the dumps with NOS fses cause they are secure )
-Precast Type 2 : used most of the times by skilled players , who know what they do . This is about clicking the xuo scroll while you are healing urself with a gh spell (spellbook) . This way its a more secure way to get ur life at FULL HP and get a flamestrike ready to be cast. This precast type takes more mana due to the casting of a gh and sometimes its not that useful cause you might face annoying opponents who will strike you with a lighting just on purpose to block any of your possible dump attacks.
Finally , the spams take a big role in this pvp , wich is basically to make ur opponent think something ur not doing , like fsing him , and therefore making him heal or using pots .
Spams can be also harmful , even if they look fake , never trust on the luck , be always rdy to hit the gh scroll key if ur HP goes below 46 and u already drank a pot. Reading the players pvp is something you will people learn automatically by practising the pvp alot .
i dont use sound i find it laggs when you move maybe thats why im not as good
ill try it in the new server xd
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_n0x* - 01-26-2007
sound owns all
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Taran - 01-30-2007
You can find this guide on the website now
n0x's Beginners PvP Guide -
imported_Hate - 01-30-2007
smoke Wrote:i dont use sound i find it laggs when you move maybe thats why im not as good ill try it in the new server xd
Sound matters bigtime. You'll react a lot faster to hearing the sound of an FS hitten you for example, than if you'd "see" it. The brain has to process the image, and that takes a lot longer than processing a sound.