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n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - maka - 01-19-2007

Hate Wrote:If somebody is hiding a FS in a spam with a nos fs scroll (while you are a bit low on HP, for example at 65HP), and you are too low on mana to use a greater healing scroll, and can't drink a potion (the 17 sec timer is still ticking down), then it's a bad time to use a bandage since if it fails or heals a low amount of HP, then you will be at like 5 hp after the hidden FS hits, and you'll be in deep shit when the lightning scroll comes right after the NOS FS, and you still aren't able to drink the gheal potion or use the gheal scroll Wink I hope you understod this time :]

65+X-46 = 5?Tongue I think hate ment that if you are under 65 HP you'll be in deep shit if you're not ready with the heal. 64-46(FS) = 18. A light scroll makes 18 damage and is faster than like, if you heal right after his fs with a regular spell you are sure to die. A (really really) good healer can almost always survive a (big) FS dump if he is on 65 and has ~ 32 mana, even if he starts his heal a little to slow. You would have to be comfertable with reagular (small) heal and mix it with greater heal though, the fs will always take 4 HP away from you, even if you heal simultaneously, and light makes more damage than a small heal (18vs12). I do not recomend people to rest assure on 65 HP though, most people can't handle to heal out of a big dump at that HP with low mana.

Hate Wrote:It was also shown in the "broadcast spot" if people were FSing while hidden, you could see the powerwords there. I dunno if Maka is going to keep this, but I liked it at sphere/tus and it is easy to avoid if you have detect hidden, or by using the reveal spell at GM Magery.
This is already added. If you use invis spell you can both speak and start casting spells. When you speak or cast everyone in the area of 12 squares will see your text, they will not see who wrote it though. All offensive spells will reveal you at the end (the damage part) of the spell, the defensive will keep you hidden.

I hope you guys are starting to see some of the aspects of XUO(IN:XBig Grin) PvP now. I'm sure that you will love it after you give it a try and get some "insight" in it and how far it can go, remember, this is for the most part a basic PvP guide. The true part of the PvP is to outsmart/surprise your opponent, that is where the skill is.

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_Hate - 01-19-2007

maka Wrote:65+X-46 = 5?Tongue .

I tend to exaggerate a lil when it comes to numbers ;p

Yeah what I ment was that if somebody is around 64-65 hp and gets hit by a hidden FS for 46 dmg then they'll be around 18 hp after the hidden fs hits them, and then if they can't pot, aren't prepared for the fs, and is trying to use a bandage, then they'll most likely die from a fast light after that.

That is just a suggestion for new players not to rely on bandages at the wrong times, because that could be the determination between life and death. Of course the better you get, the harder situations you can survive, and the more mana you can "save" by not having to waste gheal scrolls, gheal pots, etc etc, but instead knowing that you'll survive with (for example) only the normal gheal spell, and perhaps one or two small heals.

Keep in mind that I'm now learning basic pvp skills, not advanced ones, so when I say "you most likely won't survive", then I'm talking to a none experienced player who hasn't played a lot of XUO PvP.


n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - maka - 01-19-2007

Also note that there is a HUGE difference between 64 and 65, a "life or death" one. Being on 65 gives you another "move" (2moves to kill you at 64 ~ 3secs. 3moves, or 2 fses, at 65 ~ 4 secs), the lengt of this move obviously depends on what your opponent is doing.

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_Hate - 01-19-2007

maka Wrote:Also note that there is a HUGE difference between 64 and 65, a "life or death" one.

Yes true.

65 - 46 = 19 <- you'll have 1 hp left after the light, and survive the light. That does not however mean that you aren't in some real deep shit, but at least there's a bigger chance of you surviving then it would be if the HP was at 18 Wink

64 - 46 = 18 <- exactly the amount of dmg lightning takes, you die, unless you're lucky and regains 1 hp just in time for the light to hit or if the 17 sec pot delay has passed and you can take a greater heal potion. :]

Anyways yeah that's what Maka ment,and I'm just not thinking about that you ppl haven't played this pvp style yourself, so I'm exaggerating a bit when it comes to numbers, and not rly thinking about that you actually haven't seen the duels happen. I'll try to be more precise in the future :] However all that I've said should be correct now, even when it comes to numbers.


n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_Boromir - 01-19-2007

n0x, you have missed some things which got used alot to in pvp or ganks.
Paralyze spell, timer?
Ebolt spell/scroll dmg? timer? mana?
And War Hammers, i don't know why you was talking about War Axe (they suck)

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - maka - 01-19-2007

It's a basic guide to understand the PvP, not a step by step to kill a noobTongue

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_Boromir - 01-19-2007

maka Wrote:It's a basic guide to understand the PvP, not a step by step to kill a noobTongue

PM me then the info about Ebolts! Big Grin I really like to use those and i already do, but i don't know the timing of it and all.. It's all a guess

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_Skorpion - 01-19-2007

A few more questions.

Does anyone ever use explosion?

Just want to clarify, there is only one type of mana potion and it only gives you 20 mana back?

How does meditation work?

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_Boromir - 01-19-2007

I never see people using explosion, never used it either.

And yes there is only one way to retrieve mana by drinking that potion (if i talk about pots)

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - maka - 01-19-2007

Medi has been ramde to sphere style. Need to be away from combat for 30 secs, be without a combatant and be out of warmode. You can use it once every 3 secs and it gives you 1-2 mana extra/use.

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_n0x* - 01-20-2007

Blackfog Wrote:n0x, you have missed some things which got used alot to in pvp or ganks.
Paralyze spell, timer?
Ebolt spell/scroll dmg? timer? mana?
And War Hammers, i don't know why you was talking about War Axe (they suck)

The guide is supposed to outline the basics of PvP via 1-1 sense. You don't really need paralyze in a 1-1 situation. It's common sense to know that paralyze is important for gank. I did talk about War Hammers. War Axes were very good back on TUS and they are descent on RunUO too when used with a shield. Ebolt spell is pretty much useless in PvP and the scroll's stats shouldl be tweaked to sphere defaults which means that they wont be as great- not worth mentioning. Plus, experimentation is the key. What I included is only compulsory. Paralyze and Ebolt are optional and will be discovered by experimentation.

n0x's Beginners PvP Guide - imported_n0x* - 01-20-2007

Ah yeah true, forgot war hammer specs :p. I'll post those in a bit but its pretty much the same as hally specs except for the fact that its mace and not swords.