My humble suggestions. - Printable Version
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My humble suggestions. -
Discord - 04-27-2012
Perhaps some day weps will be good for Pvm but currently Pvm is based on barding and summons. I could try and design a region that is balanced around using weps rather than Margery if people are interested in that though. Would require extensive testing though.
My humble suggestions. -
sm0ke - 04-28-2012
There already are good weapons for PvM such as Black Widow and Dragons blade, they both can poison on hit and they both do A LOT of damage.
My humble suggestions. -
Jib'reel - 04-28-2012
Discord Wrote:Perhaps some day weps will be good for Pvm but currently Pvm is based on barding and summons. I could try and design a region that is balanced around using weps rather than Margery if people are interested in that though. Would require extensive testing though.
Sounds good mom, then even killing with magery bee even Easier! hehe, But if the testing monster have some gold and safe from pk while testing i'd spend me time with ya!
But there are monsters that people can fight with weapons. I seem not to have a problem, I think non-lich lords are way to powerful though with their magery. [Liches]
but the more stronger monster have always needed magery or barding skills. We can even melee Drakes here!
My humble suggestions. -
Raziel_ - 04-28-2012
Discord Wrote:Perhaps some day weps will be good for Pvm but currently Pvm is based on barding and summons. I could try and design a region that is balanced around using weps rather than Margery if people are interested in that though. Would require extensive testing though.
Sure, it would be pks heaven since if people use weapons they would have to gear up for that ;D