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Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Lerri - 12-15-2007

what you want is irrelevant as it has been stated more than enough times that pvp isnt going to change

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Jimmar - 12-15-2007

Lerri Wrote:what you want is irrelevant as it has been stated more than enough times that pvp isnt going to change

Atleast that means all I have to do now is gm mage.. save me some afk from fighting skills..

If it doesnt change and all those other "weapons" are useless thats a pretty good job by whoever implemented the scripting! lawl

*joins the scroll dumper crowd*

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - Galens - 12-15-2007

Well we have two main pvp styles.




hidden spell
para fields
flame field
wall of stone
reveal spell
hidden skill
invis potions
Physical weapons
Magic combat (6th circle and up)
Scroll Combat
Protection Spell
Mount used in combat

XUO PVP (From what I have gathered so far)
Scroll combat
Naked fighting
Magic Combat (7th level circle only so far)
Wall of stone
Hidden skill

This is what I have gathered so far. :/

Just easier to look at when you have a list.

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Bost - 12-15-2007

Jimmar Wrote:Pvp isnt balanced.. you mentioned it didnt need changed.. if you dont pvp then please dont even type the abbreviation.

That line alone pissed me off..

I want there to be more to pvp then just having to gm mage and join a group of people who spam all day.. cuz right now thats all ya need I want to see fencing mace and archery get their fill as well..

I would recommend a substantial and well thought out constructively developed thread in the suggestion forum directed towards Hate, as he is the PvP head. Also, I've PvPed plenty in my time but because of time constraints I prefer to craft. I agree that PvP should be more than just magery, that is one reason I've shyed away from it in recent history, but if the staff feel it's balanced as is, I can only support that because, like you said, I'm not much of a PvPer anymore. However, guys in your position could suggest things formally and in a detailed post; it could only help and if it's done formally, you'll be warranted a response one way or another on the same level of respect you've presented.

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Bost - 12-15-2007

Also, as Hate has stated, let's not let this thread become another PvP oriented discussion. There is no need for bickering about anything and I would ask the same respect from all of you as you would of me.

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Jimmar - 12-15-2007

Didnt mean to hijack the thread.. but I just was upset over the statement that was made ive played way to many 51a servers where it was more then magery.

Forgive me for being crude.

Ill go back to my corner with my foot in my mouth before I get in trouble..:lol:

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Hate - 12-15-2007

Jimmar Wrote:Pvp isnt balanced.. you mentioned it didnt need changed.. if you dont pvp then please dont even type the abbreviation.

I want there to be more to pvp then just having to gm mage and join a group of people who spam all day.. cuz right now thats all ya need I want to see fencing mace and archery get their fill as well..

I have a feeling you haven't pvped that much here either if you think that all you need to fight is GM Magery..

Sure if you GANK then you can probably kill people with only GM Magery, but that is how it should be tho, after all a strong mage should be able to cast strong spells, and if in a group of strong mages then they should be able to kill other people no matter how many skills the other people has, because that does not matter, as long as you have GM magery u should be able to cast those strong spells and kill people.

But in 1 vs 1 combat that is far from all you need (if you fight against somebody who knows what "Greater Heal" is). You need at least one combat skill to hit somebody with before you attack. If you stick to pure magic then you'll probably end up without mana in no time, and anybody who can use the spell greater heal will survive unless he or she lags a lot or "messes up" and hits the wrong button or something. Killing somebody with pure magic (without a hit) requires the guy to..

1. be out of mana / be low on mana
2. don't know how to heal
3. fizzle an heal
4. do something real stupid like dump YOU with XUO scrolls and low on health.

.. if the guy above does not do one of these mistakes he SHOULD NOT die from an pure magic dump. PvP is all about melee, armors, potions, magic, scrolls and most important of all - pvp strategies. Healing with bandages is also very very important in case you fight somebody who knows how to fight, because otherwise you'll end up without mana in no-time.

How would you want it to be? Fencing and archery is good now as well. Archery has always had its down-side in armor combat since most arrows can not pierce the armor that great, plus you can't MOVE while shooting an arrow so you will have to stand still (making the spam a lil more useless), so that's why most people don't use it, not because it isn't good. In 2v2 I see lots of people use crossbows, cause 2 ppl shooting at one target at the same time with crossbows can be REAL nice. In naked I often see people use elven bows as well, they're real good there. Fencing can be real nice too. For example in box duels a bunch of good people use short spears. And in naked u can use a kryss and kick some asses with that, real good as well.

You are right about that most people use bardiches for 1vs1 duels, but that's not because they can't use other weapons, but because they think the bardiche looks leet and hits the amount of damage they prefer for their strategy. But other weapons are great too. Maka has spent a bunch of time balancing the weapons so that all weapons should be fairly good balanced towards each other and towards the armors that is in the game, so that should be pretty balanced. Balancing the pvp is nothing I work against though, feel free to shout out if u see some weapon hitting way too hard or way too soft, but the pvp in general is ment to be this way, and it is not the pvp itself that is flawed really, it is the players playing it without knowing what it is all about. I know this because I have seen players come to the shard and be like "ok this pvp sucks", but after playing it for some time, and learning it, they've realised just how advanced and fun it really is. You will come to that understanding as well, if you pvp, it just takes a lil longer time. =/

I'll start my PvP school soon and teach you all a thing or two. I think that will help the people with the views of that "magery is all you need" to see that there is so much more to this PvP than meets the eye at first sight.


P.S: I'll answer the other replies later or tomorrow, but hopefully this reply should clearify why I like the PvP the way it is, at least a bit more than my last post may have done. I will continue to explain how and why I think the PvP is good in future posts I make, but this will have to do for today. D.S

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_n0x* - 12-15-2007

Bost, for the most part, your thoughts seem pretty straight forward however one thing I dislike is the way "XUO" players are being stereotyped. It seems like all we do ingame other than looking to "PK noobs" and "Kill" is label roleplayers and other individuals as "noobs" and laughing at them, etc, etc. I agree, some players do need to work on their maturity. Harassment, when reported, IS seen as an offence and is something we, the staff take action on. If you feel like you are being harassed because of the way you play or by any other form of harassment, PLEASE page about it ingame and we will take action. *****ing about it on the forums will not fix this problem.

Now, as the other PvP coordinator on IN:X, I would like to comment on what has been said on our PvP. By our, I do mean us, as a community. I dont refer to "our" as XUO's PvP because ultimately we are now all one, as bost kindly took the time to mention.

The only real issue I see here is that players that are not very familiar and/or have not been exposed to the PvP system present here are not patient enough to learn it and give it a real chance. It is actually far more complex than it may seem. "Spamming scrolls" gets you nowhere. Actually, that sort of action will usually lead to your demise unless of course one is certain. Our PvP is actually very very complex and requires a long time to really learn and master. It is not all about reflexes and the ability to "mash buttons" .. Actually its all about logic, mathematics and the way you think. It's all about interpreting and learning to read your opponents actions and implementing the right tactics. THAT truly does take time to master or get good at. Calling our PvP a joke and that it is without meaning is just absurd. We take pride in our PvP and the nobility factor is huge. Hate has already mentioned that.

For those that claim our PvP is nothing but spamming scrolls: YOU ARE WRONG. Weapons and armour play a HUGE roll. A good weapon will allow you to deal sufficient amounts of damage. Armour will reduce the amount of damage being delt. You figure out the rest. Common sense if you ask me.

Every single action and every part of our PvP plays a role in determining your chances of survival. Every part of our PvP can be used as a means of applying tactics in order to place your opponent in a less than wanted situation. EVEN BANDAGES. I am not going to go into detail here, but I have actually breifly explained the basics and even added some more slightly advanced tips on IN:X PvP. Read my PvP guide found on our website. If you give it a chance and really try to learn it, you will actually see why we do not want to change it. Yes there might be minor tweaks here and there (hit/damage rate, maybe even a slight tweak on the wop spell, etc) but generally speaking this PvP will not be ****ed with. This is part of the XUO legacy and we have agreed from the beginning that this will be part of the merge, and will stay that way. Players coming from IN got to keep almost every other aspect of their shard.

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Cole - 12-15-2007

Great post Bost...i respect your effort and wish people would follow that example. Unfortunately these threads don't seem gather as much momentum in the desired direction as i'd like them to. Maybe that's because there is that "other" type of player out there that Canaris described.

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - MoustaxeOfVanquishin - 12-15-2007

XUO FOR LIFE, I LIKE PWNING JOO 1337 n00bs sauce.
Actually, quite funny, I come from XUO.
And I am pretty sure I craft/harvest more then a lot of people on IN:X.
I GMed mining in 4 days [probably record time] >=OOO

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Tabion - 12-15-2007

Since pvp is being discussed and I haven't logged in for like two weeks, has the spam been fixed yet? Or are people still able to fill your journal in 4 seconds?
Nobody can say for a second that this is balanced or good pvp tactics... might as well remove power words all together. That would actually use more skill.
As for people referring to pvp not just being spam, I assume that is directed towards 1 v 1 tourneys? Like I said I haven't been on for 2 weeks, and the week before that I was only hunting, but I did not see a single person willing to fight 1 v 1. With the exception of one player.
Oh and I would just like to say that maybe people complain because they don't like the limited options during fighting. I can tell you that I hated not being able to use skills or other spells during a fight. Everyone doing the same thing, day in and out, gets really boring and fast.
As for someone mentioning about IN getting RP and XUO getting pvp, well I am sick of hearing that. If only half of you knew what a real rp community was like... well then maybe you would understand that we got no such deal. This is done and over with I know but I am just sick of hearing it. Guess it all comes down to me missing a mature community that also had a decent pvp.

Okay well, I realize I haven't said anything beneficial in this post but whatever. Maybe you can see my views, take action and stop others from leaving or maybe even hit 250 players again.
Who knows... maybe I am just venting at the fact that I have lost all interest in this shard, at least from a players perspective.

Why are XUO and IN players at odds? - imported_Rachet - 12-15-2007

You know, I haven't played whatsoever since the shard came up, simply because the forums alone show how much this shard isn't like In1. And I know everyone is like "ITS IN:X, not IN1, so stop comparing".. you know what? S crew that. In1 destroyed both In2 In:r and Xuo as far as Im concerned. It was at the top, the very best for years and its style of play and economy and even pvp was super balanced and way more fun then this crap.

This server rocks because the gm's rock. But it will always be boring because not only are the majority of XUO guys immature as hell.. and i have not made this comment until just now after reading hundreds of posts by them and people talking about the, but half the IN population are not even the same people who played on In1, AND EVEN more so, most of them were during like the 3rd quarter of in1 before it shut down. Honestly, this community sux.. its either Hardcore I hate Roleplaying PVP'ers or really immature young kids of the last 10 year generation of idiots mmorpg'ers.. I hate playing with you guys.. your all idiots and selfish as hell.. I don't play On IN:X, so i might as well stop coming to this stupid forum.

Great job GM's and im not being sarcastic, Ive always respected your work.. and to any of the players that knew me, you guys rock.. everyone else. Get a life...

Bye Big Grin