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imported_Dr.K' - 06-16-2008
that is 20 gate recall scroll and black rune....
is that too much?
each gate scroll needs 40 manas...
with the slow meditation...
and my old runebook wiped.
that is i buy from old player and wait for the fix and enable it...
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imported_Taran - 06-22-2008
- Added check to runebooks so you can't add runes with no charges left.
- Another fix to unshrinking pets, sheep will now unshrink as well.
- You can no longer add or remove runes in runebooks when they are locked down.
- Added an option to the regioncontroller, "CanPlaceVendor", to allow or prevent vendorplacing anywhere. Mainly used for the vendor mall.
- Fixed wrong items in Carpentry -> Cooking menu
- Added pvpladder and guildladder
- Broadcast now show the accesslevel of the staff member, for example <Admin Taran> instead of just <Taran>
- Added CanUnshrink regionflag to regioncontroller.
- Fishing changes:
- Delay between casts reduced and made constant.
- Reduced the chance of not catching anything.
- Catching a monster (which has a MIB, treasure map or fishing net on it) no longer tells you what loot it has. You have to kill the monster and see what it drops.
- Made it easier to catch fishing nets and treasure maps compared to MIBs.
- Better fix for protection spell stacking bug.
- Made all internal house doors lockable.
- House keys in key rings should be working fully now.
- Removed account transfer script
- Playervendors are now karma blue
- Only 1 vendor allowed per account per custom region now (not houses). For special cases where we have region controllers in regular houses or statics staff will have to place vendors if they want more than 1.
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imported_Taran - 06-29-2008
Changelog 22/6 - 29/6
- Reports now show correct GM skills
- When crafting while overweight items now get removed when dropped to ground if more than 20 items of the same type exist in the same tile.
- You now only get 2 ribs from cutting players to prevent reskilling friends for ribs which they can sell.
- You can now mine while polymorphed.
- Lost packhorses and packllamas can now be unshrunk.
- Added a new web based anti macro system. (thank you Maka!)
- Modified the statuspage, you can now search and sort. (thank you Maka!)
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imported_Fable - 06-30-2008
*Added a new web based anti macro system. (thank you Maka!)
*Modified the statuspage, you can now search and sort. (thank you Maka!)
what do u mean by those 2? sounds cool

urprised: im especially curious about the web based anti macro system, what does it do and such? :o
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imported_Apollo - 06-30-2008
Fable Wrote:*Added a new web based anti macro system. (thank you Maka!)
*Modified the statuspage, you can now search and sort. (thank you Maka!)
what do u mean by those 2? sounds cool
urprised: im especially curious about the web based anti macro system, what does it do and such? :o
haha yeah i would mind a bit of info re that one to.
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imported_Taran - 06-30-2008
Well, it's now impossible to read the gump's packets with any 3rd party tool. Some people had a script that could automatically press the right button on the AFK-gump, now they can't since we use Captcha instead.
And about the status page, just check it out on the website and you will see
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imported_Gang-Bang - 06-30-2008
Thank you Taran!
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imported_Taran - 07-06-2008
- Players don't get a resurrection robe anymore when resurrected in events.
- Status page will no longer display hidden staff members
- Added CTF system and changes to EventSupplier that CTF needed.
- Switched karma and fame table headers, karma showed fame and vice versa before.
- Players flagged to be in event don't gain or lose karma, fame or killcounts anymore (concerns CTF and supplied tours so far).
- Fix for inscription (lost scrolls when crafting).
- Decreased chance of getting gump when shearing sheep and for farmable crops
- Architects now buy back housedeeds for 80% of the value
- Remade StoneCommand, it now uses Frozen and Squelched. Added new command: .UnStone to unstone players.
- Made a bunch of changes to CTF
- Fixed a rare crash issue caused by the new AntiMacro gump
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imported_Taran - 07-13-2008
- Modified champion spawn loot
- Date and time for ladders on the website are now displayed better
- Playervendors now display correct amount of real days left
- Made some changes to the AntiMacroGump. You now have to press a button to open the website and you will no longer be frozen. Also, if you crash or logout you will get the gump back when you login.
- Fixed exploit where you could sell items for more gold than you bought them for.
- Fixed crash caused by insanely high armor ratings.
- Modified XtremeDragon, it is now a bit harder to kill.
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imported_Taran - 07-20-2008
- Fixed broken link in laddergump
- Playerbarkeepers now work, doubleclick the mobile to get a customization gump (if you are the owner).
- Fixed delay bug with the Remove Trap skill, also changed delay to 5 seconds instead of 10.
- Bloody bandages now stack on the ground if you are overweight while bandaging
- Keg color changes according to potions it contains.
- Fixed bug where overweight message would appear when pouring potions into a potion keg. Changed some messages along with it.
- Incognito no longer changes sex
- Seers and above can now remove pages even if someone is handling them.
- Fixed logout delay on custom regions.
- You can't gain skill in Malas or GreenAcres anymore.
- Telekinesis now works on trapable containers
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imported_Galdor - 07-20-2008
Now Remove Trap skill is enable?? Last I cant use this skill...
Thanks for telekinesis spell... I need it cause died too much basic traps
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imported_Taran - 07-20-2008
Yeah remove trap works, but not on high level traps.