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Moss - 02-06-2008
EVERYTHING NOT SPHERE lol. hah.. hah...
tempting.. sorry.
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imported_Rabbi Samild - 02-06-2008
Moss, I don't like any of your ideas. Sorry

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imported_Taran - 06-06-2008
Was a while since I posted the last changelog, but here we go again.
Current SVN version: 951
- Removed Gargoyle Pickaxe from all Gargoyles' loot
- Shrunken pets now have the same name as the "real" pet
- Solved a bug that make you win money from making scrols
- Changed guildchat hue again this one is more clear.
- Increased blank scroll price to 15gp
- Lowered ingredients on crafting blank scroll to 1 SS
- Disabled character import
- Updated to RunUO SVN version 269
- BarkeepContracts and CommodityDeeds are no longer blessed
- Fixed bug where you would be able to recall and mark inside a castle (the area between that separates the two "buildings". Disabled teleport there as well
- BladeSpirits can now always be casted no matter how many followers you have
- Removed detect hidden from BaseShieldGuards (guards walkings in towns)
- Vendors can no longer use gates
- Made several changes to loot
- Made runes and runebooks dyable
- Your bank no longer closes when you are drunk
- Fixed message when trying to join a vendor guild
- Fixed karma/fame gain bug
- Boats now decay after 14 days instead of 9 days
- Mobs should no longer disappear inside houses
- Mounting heads now only give 50 fame and take 50 fame. Also removed the loss of 250 gold
- PlayerVendors now always charge 500gp per real day no matter what
- Fixed issue with keys that would make you unable to lock/unlock items when a region controller was set
- Fixed naming issue with items recovered from shipwrecks
- You can now only mount playerheads
- Removed gold reward when mounting heads. Also, fame reward is now based on the owner's fame
- You can no longer bring admins to your location
- Carpenter now buys hammers for only 3gp instead of 14gp (money exploit)
- Changed sellprices on provisioner
- Wool now only gives 2 yarn
- Resolved a issue with shrink pots where you can get money from selling them
- Vendors won't buy mana or shrink potions
- Decreased the amount of hides you get from some mobs
- Changed autosave to 15 mins instead of 5
- Fixed resource bug where you could gain in a skill without use any resources (that check has always been commented out for some reason)
- Removed the mob tele script I made, didnt work
- Webstatus now creates the folder the statuspage is in (to prevent crashing)
- EnergyBolt and Explosion damage is now based on AR. Scrolls will deal 15 damage on use
- Added an animation for carpentry when mounted.
- Added non-newbied full spellbook to frost elf shamans (mages).
- Gold and regs are no longer newbied when creating new characters
- Snooping shouldn't take you to -10000 karma, stops at -7500 now.
- You shouldn't go red from negative karma, snooping was making people red. Changed PLAYER_KARMA_RED to -15000 instead of -10000.
- Changed snooping so you can only get -2000 karma as lowest
- Made starting gold 2000 instead of 500.
- SOS are always felucca now rather than Trammel.
- Added maxdamage of 45 on EB and explo
- Vulcan: Made bank checks regular loot rather than newbied. Now they can be looted from players.
- Made combat skills easier to gain
- Added distance and LOS checks to Ankhs
- You now get ressed instantly when doubleclicking ankhs, also removed the movement check
- Items now get trashed instantly when using the MiniTrashCan
- Changed some fences to block spells and a small marble stone to not block
- A check is now made upon spell finish to see if that spell is restricted. This is to prevent bugabusers from being able to cast spells in areas where spell casting should be restricted.
- Updated to RunUO version 283
- Resolved issue 768 in Mantis, You were able to get a weapon out of tourney
- SheafOfHay is now eatable.
- MessageInABottle will one use Felucca
- Updated to RunUO version 284
- Added xtreme armor and xtreme monsters
- Fixed an issue with mining that would crash the shard
- Fixed so orespawns are random again
- Fixed bugs 620 and 605: Removed secure status from locked down containers and added los check for accessing containers.
- Fix for bug 730: Discordance is trainable now. It's not a real fix since the problem actually lies in speech.mul file which is missing "*train discordance" keyword.
- Fixed bug 758: cut footwear now produces leather instead of bandages.
- Some requested changes to admin gump.
- Weight of clubs changed from 9 to 3
- You won't get another anti-macro gump anymore if there is one already. Also added .am (and .antimacro) GM commands that invokes anti-macro gump to targeted player. I used it when testing and thought I'd leave it there.
- fix for weird itemID on bones at loot duels
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imported_Rabbi Samild - 06-07-2008
Just wondered, was the elven bow nerfed a while ago or was that one of the changes actually made today?
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imported_Sindern - 06-07-2008
There are some old ones on there for sure. Toons have started with 2K gold instead of 500 for a while now.
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imported_Sumpurnis - 06-07-2008
I like this one: "Your bank no longer closes when you are drunk"
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imported_Rabbi Samild - 06-07-2008
lol, when I'm drunk I can't even get my bank open ;/
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imported_Sindern - 06-08-2008
Rabbi Samild Wrote:lol, when I'm drunk I can't even get my bank open ;/
LOL. "Your bank no longer closes when you are drunk."
It's still true, just not in the way we all expected.
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imported_Taran - 06-13-2008
- Updated to RunUO SVN version 297
- Fixed bug where you could try to resurrect someone in places where ressing was unallowed and that person would then get to keep all their items that was supposed to be on the body.
- You can now get treasure maps from monsters and fishing again
- Added full non-newbied spellbooks in the loot of a bunch of magic monsters
- Mages now sell 4th level scrolls
- Added a 3 second delay to decoding maps
- Added quest reward gate for seed quest.
- Creatures summoned with spells now appear at targeted location instead of right next to caster.
- Updated XMLSpawner to the latest version, also added a few more features such as attachment identification and skillcheck
- Removed some unnecessary scripts
- Field spells: Added Z-axis check (15 units) and made LOS checks more sphere like.
- Red Xtreme Monsters will give Red Armor and Blue Xtreme Monsters will give Blue Armor
- Added few more weapon types that can be poisoned. Should be same ones as in sphere .51 now.
- Made weapons usually used for sparring (ButcherKnife, Cleaver, Dagger and SkinningKnife) more durable for easier training.
- Increased durability of all other weapons a bit also. Old weapons will be unaffected by this change but any new ones will be more durable.
- You will not go criminal anymore when guards go after your red mount or when you summon a red creature with "Summon Creature" spell.
- Modified my old code that teleported mobiles back to their spawnpoint, hopefully it won't crash the server this time
- You can no longer cast spells while using the pitsrune
- Fixed runebooks. They are NOT newbied, but instead they won't use up charges on the runes. Vendors don't sell them, they will have to be crafted. The ingredients items are the same as default, but you need more of each. Also increased the required skill to create them.
- Fixed 2 issues with the treasure maps.
- Players will be able to unshrink their pets even if the internal mobile got removed. Only issue is that horses will have a darker hue if it was bright from the beginning.
- Changed .online command priv to admin, changed string from onlinex to online
- Temporary fix for stacking protection. Some people were having insanely high AR because of this bug.
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imported_Hiroshima - 06-13-2008
Wow, and the major mining issue also

, A LOT of improvements to the server :d!
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imported_Dr.K' - 06-16-2008
one question...
that is about Runebook...
i had already have recall scroll gate travel scroll blank scroll and 10 rune in my bag...
but i can't make it too...:\
can you tell me runebook need which item?
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imported_Taran - 06-16-2008
Taran Wrote:The ingredients items are the same as default, but you need more of each
That's all I'm going to tell you. It's really easy to find out, just stack up on those items and see how much they decrease when you create a runebook.