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Any updates?

anything new on a date or estimated date of opening?

would be great to know. danke

there are only a few things remaining to be done and the staff team is organising itself to get this done asap.

i don't know a specific date but you can hope to see it soon

GM Pande

i talked to make and he said shards goin live tonight

Pande Wrote:there are only a few things remaining to be done and the staff team is organising itself to get this done asap.

i don't know a specific date but you can hope to see it soon

I've heard this before :/ Is this for real this time, or are you just "hopeing" it will be like this?

Magus is just soar from the ass raping his gay little server got last night. So don't pay any attention to his animosity.

We will post updates for INX when they are available. As we have stated when the project started, we are taking our time to make sure everything works and is fully tested. And as Pande said, most of the work is complete. PvP is done, world deco is done and static, world is fully spawned, etc. We need to tweak the skill gain and loot tables and add some more custom IN1 items.

We will have another beta test soon and will make the annoucnement in the News forum when we are ready.

and to make somthing more clear, when that beta is released the shard will be as close to done, hopefully it wont take long after that beta have ended until the shard will be up for real. (my point of veiw, once again)

[Image: ginzodium.jpg]
holding hands <3

AptaR Wrote:i talked to make and he said shards goin live tonight

If jokes could make people die...
Because of there sadness
That would mean Aptar died AGAIN

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