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Should IN reopen

As the title..

Lets see how much of a community behind this shard and hope the shard owner
will bow to public pressure and reopen or pass the torch so another can reopen..

Should we reopen Imagine Nation

Adeleigh Wrote:As the title..

Lets see how much of a community behind this shard and hope the shard owner
will bow to public pressure and reopen or pass the torch so another can reopen..

Should we reopen Imagine Nation

Taran said he was done. He also said he'd never give up IN to someone he doesn't trust. I imagine anyone he trusts probably has no interest in running a shard.

Might as well make a poll about world peace. I bet most people vote yes but it's never going to happen.

Ya, indeed. Would be perfect to have IN always running and waiting for you to log in whenever you get desire to play UO. I sometimes feel like I'd gladly get sucked into this game again, but theres no IN waiting for me to join since it requires staff members to run it... On one hand it might sound reasonable to share the files with people who has the will and skills to administer the server, but on the other hand Taran's desire to keep IN to himself and to people who worked along with him is very understandable... This server was a hell lot of work...
Life is damn complicated ;p


Doc, steam est' ? Esli chego, moi account: foolish_
A tak esli po delu mogu i v skype viyti ;p

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If he doesn't want to share files with IN community it means he has little hope in running shard again some day. Admin of Rel Por (t2a server) after the closure shared files with the community and it was also very cutomized server with a lot of new scripts.

I'd be willing to host the server again. I have a server i already use for web hosting that is more than capable of running the server.

hell i would love to learn. i know a little bit about it but can always learn more quicly

Would love it if IN reopened. It would probably drag me back to playing again, but as others have stated it sounded like Taran was done with it.

Miracles may happen but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Would be nice to have IN back though.

I've been working on something related to this idea, lately. I would not want to bring back IN:X though. Parts of the gameplay were fundamentally broken (by design) and that won't work a second time.

I'll post more info soon. A couple of us have been working on it for awhile now. To be clear, it's not... exactly... UO. But it's not-not UO either, if that makes sense.

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