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gm tailoring reward tub

They cant be shared across characters? Because I just gmed tailoring with an alt char but Lamby cant dclick the tub and dye clothes with it... is this true?

Im not sure how it works no one could use mine the first couple days but now anyone can

im pretty sure no one can pick it up too

Page a GM they can fix it

Shad Wrote:Page a GM they can fix it

20 days later still paging.....

Only you and your guildies are able to use your tub.

My information might be too outdated though, as it was this way on INX. But, if it wasn't changed recently, then it might still be this way.

Btw, advice - To get your pages answered try to explain what exactly you need. Thats exactly why it sais "Describe your problem" and "GM Come" is not really describing...... If Lamby (or anyone) would page and say something like: "Character named XXX has GMed tailoring recently , could you please get him in Bandits guild so we can use his reward tub as well. Current guildmaster is character Lamby, but since both of these characters are on same account, theres no possible way for me to recruit him in guild myself. Thanks in advance" <------ Pages like this has a lot more chance of being answered, by obvious reasons.

Gang Wrote:Only you and your guildies are able to use your tub.

My information might be too outdated though, as it was this way on INX. But, if it wasn't changed recently, then it might still be this way.

Btw, advice - To get your pages answered try to explain what exactly you need. Thats exactly why it sais "Describe your problem" and "GM Come" is not really describing...... If Lamby (or anyone) would page and say something like: "Character named XXX has GMed tailoring recently , could you please get him in Bandits guild so we can use his reward tub as well. Current guildmaster is character Lamby, but since both of these characters are on same account, theres no possible way for me to recruit him in guild myself. Thanks in advance" <------ Pages like this has a lot more chance of being answered, by obvious reasons.

My guildies can use my tailor reward tub, so that still works that way. Anyone else can't though.

As for describing your problem in detail, I second that. GMs have dealt with the few pages I sent recently quickly and while I was AFK as I explained thoroughly what I needed/problem was.

Put ur alt in ur guild and problem solved ;D

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