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Events token system

according to in-game speak with dude Discord
i'll write here a simple version of it:

it would consist in give anyone participating to the event a small quantity of "event token" in reward
and assign prices for different big amount of it
(that are all to decide)

so, for example a ctf, lets say the red team win and the green lose, the reds will get the common 7k plus lets say 10 event tokens, and greens will get only the 10 event tokens

once for ex. you reach 250 token theres certain prize, when you reach 400 another one, etc.
very simple, something like the already implemented imagine nickels, but with not so rare rewards
a good idea for prizes i guess would be something inherent with the types of events running

at the end of the story would be only an incentive for ppl to join events and a nice move for those who lost the match that right now got "0"


now you are wondering which is the more complex version of it,
this would means more work for the staff, so, if they feel its a possible thing to do, it would be great, otherwise even the simple version over here would works as well

the complex version would means to get different tokens for each type of event, lets say 4 types to start with, and for each token a different prize list inherent with the event, example:

you do 10 times the box event, you get 10 "box event token" each time but the last that you win and get 50 of it, you totalized 90+50=140 tokens and at 150 tokens you can go collect your colored box gloves reward (just an example)
and so on with each event.

Good idea!! right now for example i normally dont join events... CTF for example giving you 7k, if it gives, for a lot of time, i would rather go hunt to get more money than that! Of course there's the fun part of the events... but it would bring more attention if it had something like that!

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